. "Their return was heralded by an apocalyptic release of volcanic gas into the skies over the Peninsula, which filled the air with brimstone and burning cinders, weakening creatures who spent too much time in it, thus making them easy prey for the hungry Maljin. It spread extremely quickly, even reaching as far north as Dornek's Stone Quarry."@en . . . "Maljin"@en . "Their return was heralded by an apocalyptic release of volcanic gas into the skies over the Peninsula, which filled the air with brimstone and burning cinders, weakening creatures who spent too much time in it, thus making them easy prey for the hungry Maljin. It spread extremely quickly, even reaching as far north as Dornek's Stone Quarry. After they realized their terrible mistake, the adventurers who had helped gather the townstones quickly took action, and after a great deal of heavy fighting with the Maljin, placed an artifact given to them by Utraean High Priest Kavaren, known as the Tenstone, on an altar deep within the catacombs that lay beneath the Circle. This artifact released its sealed magic and instantly killed all the Maljiin before they could cause further harm to the peninsula."@en . . .