"M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Sunlit Tides"@en . . . ", ,"@en . "Adulto Archivo:20px-TS3-Adult.png"@es . . "5"^^ . "The Sims 3 Store"@en . . "Con sentido del humor Archivo:20px-Trait_goodhumor.png\nExcitableArchivo:20px-Trait_exitable.png\nEntregado a su familiaArchivo:20px-Trait familyorienkkted.png\nCulo de Sof\u00E1Archivo:20px-Trait_couchpotato.png\nVirtuosoArchivo:20px-Trait_virtuoso.png"@es . "Aqua"@en . "Leo Wahine"@en . "Gruby"@pl . . "C\u00E1ncer Archivo:22px-CancerLN.png"@es . . . "Grilled Salmon"@en . . "Excitable"@en . "true"@es . . . "Poczucie humoru"@pl . "250"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . "Media"@es . "Sera WahineArchivo:20px-Married.png"@es . "Leo Wahine"@pl . "Jugable"@es . . "Rak"@pl . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . . . "Leo Wahine"@pl . "Adult"@en . . . "Comida: Salm\u00F3n a la parrillaArchivo:20px-Favorites_food_grilledsalmon.png\nM\u00FAsica: Indie Archivo:20px-Favorites_music_indie.png\nColor: Aqua Archivo:20px-Favorites_color_aqua.png"@es . . . . "3"^^ . . . "Cancer"@en . "Jest m\u0119\u017Cem Sery oraz ojcem Luny, Teniki i Twikki Wahine. Jest tak\u017Ce bratem Alany Kahale."@pl . . "true"@es . "Str\u00F3\u017C prawa"@pl . "Couch Potato"@en . "Br\u0105zowe"@pl . "Indie"@en . "Morski"@pl . . "MasculinoArchivo:20px-Male.png"@es . "Opalenizna"@pl . "Virtuoso"@en . . . . "Family-Oriented"@en . "Playable"@en . . "Gordo Archivo:20px-Fat.png"@es . "Fat"@en . "Jest m\u0119\u017Cem Sery oraz ojcem Luny, Teniki i Twikki Wahine. Jest tak\u017Ce bratem Alany Kahale."@pl . . "Good Sense of Humor"@en . . . . . . "Leo Wahine"@pl . . "Tan"@en . . "The Sims 3 Store"@pl . "Rodzinny"@pl . . . . "Marrones"@es . "\u017Bonaty"@pl . "Dynamic DNA Profiler"@en . "He married Sera just after high school. He has three children with her: Tenika, Luna and Twikki. He has a fairly good relationship with his younger children, yet he is disliked by his eldest, Tenika. Tenika got engaged to his enemy, Griffin Alto, and he strongly disapproved the engagement, causing Tenika to turn against him. His sister is five-star celebrity and great criminal Alana Kahale. Contrary to their utterly opposite careers, he has a rather good relationship with her."@en . "Patrol Officer"@en . "Leo Wahine"@es . . "Oficer patrolu"@pl . "Male"@en . "Casta\u00F1o"@es . "Analityk \u015Bledczy DNA"@pl . "Leniwy"@pl . . "Brown"@en . "\u0141oso\u015B z rusztu"@pl . "Sim"@pl . "Podekscytowany"@pl . . "S\u00ED"@es . . "Married"@en . . "Niezale\u017Cna"@pl . . "Leo Wahine"@en . "He married Sera just after high school. He has three children with her: Tenika, Luna and Twikki. He has a fairly good relationship with his younger children, yet he is disliked by his eldest, Tenika. Tenika got engaged to his enemy, Griffin Alto, and he strongly disapproved the engagement, causing Tenika to turn against him. His sister is five-star celebrity and great criminal Alana Kahale. Contrary to their utterly opposite careers, he has a rather good relationship with her."@en . "Aktywny"@pl . "Law Enforcement"@en . . "Especialista Forense: perfiles anatomicos de ADNArchivo:30px-LTW_Forensic_Specialist_-_Dynamic_DNA_Profiler.png"@es . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "Wirtuoz"@pl . "Doros\u0142y"@pl . "Brown"@en . "S\u0142oneczne Wybrze\u017Ce"@pl . "2"^^ .