. . . "Super Skarmory is an LP'er on YouTube. He does Let's Plays of handheld games, for the GameBoyAdvance, NintendoDS, and Nintendo3DS. Though his first walkthrough was of a Mario game, he is well-known for his Pok\u00E9mon playthroughs; however, he has put the series aside in favor of others recently due to playing several in a row. He mainly keeps his videos clean, with the exception of those for Castlevania. A member of The Game Station."@en . . . "Super Skarmory"@en . . "Super Skarmory is an LP'er on YouTube. He does Let's Plays of handheld games, for the GameBoyAdvance, NintendoDS, and Nintendo3DS. Though his first walkthrough was of a Mario game, he is well-known for his Pok\u00E9mon playthroughs; however, he has put the series aside in favor of others recently due to playing several in a row. He mainly keeps his videos clean, with the exception of those for Castlevania. A member of The Game Station."@en . . . . . . .