. "Bribe is the romantic pairing of Bebe Stevens and the minor character, Bridon Guermo. See also:"@en . . "Syarat Faction: Prosper Target Follower tidak dapat menyerang atau memblok. Pengontrolnya peroleh 2 gold."@in . . "Bribe is a payment of something of value, either immediate or delayed, in return for corrupt perfomance of duties."@en . . . . "Certain monsters can be bribed. Bribery comes in different forms: \n* Demon princes will ask you for a bribe when they first notice you, if you have gold in open inventory; refusing to bribe them will turn them hostile and they will not ask for a bribe again unless pacified, whereas bribing them will prompt them to disappear for good. (If you have no gold in open inventory the demon prince will be hostile and will not ask for a bribe.) If you are polymorphed into a demon, the demon prince will become peaceful without requiring a bribe. If the prince is carrying the Amulet of Yendor, he will ask for more gold than you have, thus ensuring that he won't disappear from the game with the Amulet. Otherwise, the amount requested is always smaller than the amount in your wallet; you may offer less than the requested amount, but in this case the bribe may fail. \n* Soldiers can be bribed by #chatting with them, but soldiers are rarely threatening once you are in melee range, so this is rarely an effective tactic. Bribed soldiers become peaceful. \n* Alternatively, one can attempt to bribe them by throwing a suitable quantity of gold at them: X + ((gold left in inventory) + (1-5 times your experience level)) / charisma) where X is 150 for soldiers, 250 for sergeants, 500 for lieutenants, and 750 for captains. They only have a two in three chance of accepting the offer. \n* Angry shopkeepers will also accept bribes via the #chat command, or by throwing the necessary amount of gold at them. If you can afford the asking price, the shopkeeper will become peaceful again. Bribery always requires that the gold to be used is in open inventory; gold in containers cannot be acessed during the transaction."@en . "Bribery is a useful way of getting out of (or into!) some situations. When characters attempt to bribe officials, the amount of money offered and the risk involved must be taken into account. The chart below can be used to find the 'minimum' amount that must be offered for acts of increasing danger. The minimum value of a bribe may be modified by the NPC's circumstances and attitude - a servant may be more willing to betray his mistress if he has a personal grudge against her, for example. Also, the personality and alignment of the NPC to be bribed must be taken into account; those who are naturally malicious or of Chaotic alignment might be easier to persuade, because they have a natural love of causing trouble. The minimum acceptable bribe is also modified by the social level and general position of the person being bribed. Trying to bribe a town Mayor is a bit more difficult than a peasant or lowly scribe, for example. Generally, some account ought to be taken of the NPCs' social status and wealth where bribes are concerned. A duke, for example, will probably be mortally offended at being offered 17 GC to leave a castle gate unlocked! Far better to approach one of his servants. On the other hand, the same duke might, for a price, be bribed to commit his forces to the support of an attempted coup d'etat. Common sense should be exercised when deciding who to bribe and for what. Having established the minimum acceptable bribe, the character must make an offer. This can be more than the minimum bribe, but never less. The chance of it being accepted equals 100% minus the WP of the person being bribed. WP is used because it represents mental fortitude, but you are free to modify the figure in any suitable way. Alignments are an important consideration. Chaotic characters would be likely to accept a bribe (+20% chance). Evil characters would be quite likely to (+10%). Good characters would be unlikely to (-10%). Lawful characters would be very unlikely to (-20%). If the bribe is refused, the briber may choose to increase the offer by an increment of 50% or more. For each 50% added to the original minimum, either on the original or subsequent attempts, the chance of success goes up by 10%. A really bad (high) dice roll can be taken not only as a failure, but also as an indication that things have gone disastrously wrong; the character may be totally incorruptible, may inform on the players, may take their money but betray them, or may even attack them out of hand."@en . . . . . . . "Enemy Minions killed near you grant a stack of Bribe. Use 20 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Bosses. Maximum of 100 stacks. If a camp is defeated entirely with Bribe, the camp respawns 50% faster."@en . . . "A bribe is a legal way of getting someone's attention, such as offering something for a certain amount of $ or some other way. This way of attempting to get someone's money is called bribing. SO YEAH!"@en . . . . "| Omegian Language | Wild Omega Dialect | Bribe | Omegians | 2nd Omegian Imperium | Omegian Army A bribe is the standard currency of the ."@en . . . "1"^^ . "Bribe is a skill that is part of the Spy class' skill set. By giving the enemy gil, you can avoid confrontation while still receiving item drops (EXP will not be received), or even take Control of a specific opponent in battle, and it is the only way of obtaining several unique items. The amount of gil needed for a succesful bribe seems to be dependant upon the level of the enemy and the level difference between bribing character and bribed enemy, among other things."@en . . . "Only military land units are valid targets, including Generals. Invalid targets include Civilians, Patriots and other Spies, as well as all types of Ships and Aircraft. In general, Buildings cannot be bribed. However, if an enemy building is caught in your territory, such as via borders expansion or military buildings in the radius of your recently assimilated city, they can be bribed. This also applies to enemy buildings under construction in your territory; you can then choose to complete them or cancel them for a refund of the unused resources."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"[[w:c:southpark:Elementary School Musical"@en . "Bribe is learned on the Sphere Grid with Rikku starting out the closest to it. If successful, bribing wins the battle without having to put up a fight and receives often rare items from the bribed monsters, but the amounts of gil needed are considerable."@en . "Bribe is a skill that is part of the Spy class' skill set. By giving the enemy gil, you can avoid confrontation while still receiving item drops (EXP will not be received), or even take Control of a specific opponent in battle, and it is the only way of obtaining several unique items. The amount of gil needed for a succesful bribe seems to be dependant upon the level of the enemy and the level difference between bribing character and bribed enemy, among other things."@en . . . . . . . "Bribe is a payment of something of value, either immediate or delayed, in return for corrupt perfomance of duties."@en . . . . . . . . "| Omegian Language | Wild Omega Dialect | Bribe | Omegians | 2nd Omegian Imperium | Omegian Army A bribe is the standard currency of the ."@en . . "Certain monsters can be bribed. Bribery comes in different forms: \n* Demon princes will ask you for a bribe when they first notice you, if you have gold in open inventory; refusing to bribe them will turn them hostile and they will not ask for a bribe again unless pacified, whereas bribing them will prompt them to disappear for good. (If you have no gold in open inventory the demon prince will be hostile and will not ask for a bribe.) If you are polymorphed into a demon, the demon prince will become peaceful without requiring a bribe. If the prince is carrying the Amulet of Yendor, he will ask for more gold than you have, thus ensuring that he won't disappear from the game with the Amulet. Otherwise, the amount requested is always smaller than the amount in your wallet; you may offer less"@en . . . . "Syarat Faction: Prosper Target Follower tidak dapat menyerang atau memblok. Pengontrolnya peroleh 2 gold."@in . . . . "Bribery is a useful way of getting out of (or into!) some situations. When characters attempt to bribe officials, the amount of money offered and the risk involved must be taken into account. The chart below can be used to find the 'minimum' amount that must be offered for acts of increasing danger. The minimum acceptable bribe is also modified by the social level and general position of the person being bribed. Trying to bribe a town Mayor is a bit more difficult than a peasant or lowly scribe, for example. Having established the minimum acceptable bribe, the character must make an offer."@en . . . "Only military land units are valid targets, including Generals. Invalid targets include Civilians, Patriots and other Spies, as well as all types of Ships and Aircraft. In general, Buildings cannot be bribed. However, if an enemy building is caught in your territory, such as via borders expansion or military buildings in the radius of your recently assimilated city, they can be bribed. This also applies to enemy buildings under construction in your territory; you can then choose to complete them or cancel them for a refund of the unused resources. When a Spy is ordered to bribe an enemy unit, she will approach the target unit and coins will appear around the spy. Most units can be bribed from a distance, but Generals and Artillery Weapons require the Spy to stand right next to the target. If the action is successfully completed, the target unit permanently becomes a unit of the Spy's nation and the Spy loses 1000 Craft. If the action is aborted or the target is killed before the Spy could complete the action, no craft is used. It is possible to convert units, even if this exceeds the bribing player's Population Limit. Converted units do count against that player's population cap."@en . . . . . . "Schoolmates"@en . "Offering a bribe is an inducement to the party offered to accept it. If the party refused, then you are in a helluva more trouble than you were before. Try to remember why you offered the bribe in the first place. Is it to get the NASA contract when you do not even look at the moon? Is it to send your son into Harvard when he is not even a Wikipedian? Or is it to allow the cop to have a drink instead of writing you a ticket? Want to get into Congress without really campaigning? Or you are simply corrupted? Well, then welcome to the club. You are not the only one in fact you will be the odd one out if you do not use bribes."@en . "Offering a bribe is an inducement to the party offered to accept it. If the party refused, then you are in a helluva more trouble than you were before. Try to remember why you offered the bribe in the first place. Is it to get the NASA contract when you do not even look at the moon? Is it to send your son into Harvard when he is not even a Wikipedian? Or is it to allow the cop to have a drink instead of writing you a ticket? Want to get into Congress without really campaigning? Or you are simply corrupted? Well, then welcome to the club. You are not the only one in fact you will be the odd one out if you do not use bribes."@en . "A bribe is a legal way of getting someone's attention, such as offering something for a certain amount of $ or some other way. This way of attempting to get someone's money is called bribing. SO YEAH!"@en . . . . . "Bribe"@en . "Bribe is the romantic pairing of Bebe Stevens and the minor character, Bridon Guermo. See also:"@en . "1"^^ . . "Straight"@en . . "Fanon Pairing"@en . . "Bribe"@in . . . . "Bribe is learned on the Sphere Grid with Rikku starting out the closest to it. If successful, bribing wins the battle without having to put up a fight and receives often rare items from the bribed monsters, but the amounts of gil needed are considerable."@en . . . . . . . "Bribe"@en .