. "Ernest Squalls"@en . "Gray"@en . . . "Grocery deliverer"@en . . . "Male"@en . "Squalls"@en . "Joe Squalls"@en . "Ernest Squalls"@en . "Co-owner of Squalls and Son"@en . "Ernest Squalls is a delivery person. His son is called Joe Squalls, who he runs his grocery delivery company, \"Squalls & Son\", with. The pair were seen in their company van on their way to deliver supplies to Heddleham Hall for Simon Lovelace's conference being held there (actually a front for his attempted coup), but were intercepted. Bartimaeus knocked the pair unconscious and hid their bodies in in a nearby hedge, then took the form of Ernest. Nathaniel then changed into Joe's clothes and the pair used the guise of Squalls & Son to infiltrate the hall. While Ernest has never been confirmed to be a commoner, it's likely."@en . "Ernest Squalls is a delivery person. His son is called Joe Squalls, who he runs his grocery delivery company, \"Squalls & Son\", with. The pair were seen in their company van on their way to deliver supplies to Heddleham Hall for Simon Lovelace's conference being held there (actually a front for his attempted coup), but were intercepted. Bartimaeus knocked the pair unconscious and hid their bodies in in a nearby hedge, then took the form of Ernest. Nathaniel then changed into Joe's clothes and the pair used the guise of Squalls & Son to infiltrate the hall. While Ernest has never been confirmed to be a commoner, it's likely."@en .