. . "Schwester Jatt geh\u00F6rt zu den Schwestern der Vollkommenheit und arbeitet im Hospital von New New York auf der Neuen Erde. Sie ist eine der Schwestern, die das unethische Treiben der Schwesternschaft aktiv unterst\u00FCtzt und tausende von gez\u00FCchteten Menschen mit allen bekannten Krankheiten infiziert, um Heilmittel zu finden. Als die infizierten Menschen fliehen, ist Jatt das erste Opfer der Infizierten. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Mediziner und Pflegepersonal Kategorie:Au\u00DFerirdische Kategorie:Humanoide Katzen Kategorie:Tot"@de . . "New Earth"@de . . "176"^^ . . "The Jatts a people (IAST: J\u0101\u1E6D, Hindi: \u091C\u093E\u091F, Punjabi: \u0A1C\u0A71\u0A1F \u062C\u0627\u0679, Urdu: \u062C\u0627\u0679\u200E) of Northern India and Pakistan, are a ethnic group descendants of Indo-Scythian tribes. There are 31 million Jatts in South Asia. The Jat people ethnic group which live in Northern India and Pakistan regions, have many different types of religions, professions and languages. They have a distinct cultural history that can be historically traced back to ancient times. Some have moved to Western countries for business and commercial reasons. There some have become prominent sections of the immigrant peoples in the West."@en . . . . . . . . "Catkind"@en . "Jatt"@en . "The Jatts a people (IAST: J\u0101\u1E6D, Hindi: \u091C\u093E\u091F, Punjabi: \u0A1C\u0A71\u0A1F \u062C\u0627\u0679, Urdu: \u062C\u0627\u0679\u200E) of Northern India and Pakistan, are a ethnic group descendants of Indo-Scythian tribes. There are 31 million Jatts in South Asia. The original home of the Jats was in Central Asia near the country we now call Kazakstan . During the early part of the Christian era, most of the Jats were uprooted by the Mongol people from their homeland in Central Asia , after ruling there for over one thousand years. In turn Jats split into 2 groups one invaded India to the South and other invaded the Roman Empire in the West. Thus, they established themselves as the Alans in France, Spain, Portugal and so on, in the fifth century A.D. The Jat people ethnic group which live in Northern India and Pakistan regions, have many different types of religions, professions and languages. They have a distinct cultural history that can be historically traced back to ancient times. Some have moved to Western countries for business and commercial reasons. There some have become prominent sections of the immigrant peoples in the West. The Jats were designated in a British report as a Martial Race. 'Martial Race' was a designation created by officials of British India to describe \"races\" (peoples) that were thought to possess qualities such as courage, loyalty, self sufficiency, physical strength, resilience, orderliness, hard working, fighting tenacity and military tactics. The British recruited heavily from these so-called 'Martial Races' for service in the colonial army."@en . "Schwester Jatt geh\u00F6rt zu den Schwestern der Vollkommenheit und arbeitet im Hospital von New New York auf der Neuen Erde. Sie ist eine der Schwestern, die das unethische Treiben der Schwesternschaft aktiv unterst\u00FCtzt und tausende von gez\u00FCchteten Menschen mit allen bekannten Krankheiten infiziert, um Heilmittel zu finden. Als die infizierten Menschen fliehen, ist Jatt das erste Opfer der Infizierten. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Mediziner und Pflegepersonal Kategorie:Au\u00DFerirdische Kategorie:Humanoide Katzen Kategorie:Tot"@de . . . "200"^^ . "weiblich"@de . . "New Earth"@de . . "New Earth"@en . . . "Jatt"@de . . . . "Adjoa Andoh"@en . . . "tot"@de .