"[Source] Vemrin \u00E9tait un Acolyte de l'Acad\u00E9mie Sith de Korriban durant la Guerre Froide contre la R\u00E9publique Galactique. Il naquit sur Balmorra, une plan\u00E8te envahi par le Second Empire Sith durant la Grande Guerre Galactique. Les autorit\u00E9s Imp\u00E9riales d\u00E9couvrent rapidement son puissant lien avec la Force et le jeune homme est envoy\u00E9 sur Korriban avec son ami Dolgis."@fr . "c. 3643 BBY, Korriban"@en . . "3400"^^ . "10"^^ . . . "Vemrin"@fr . . "Vemrin"@fr . "Vemrin"@en . . . . . "Vemrin"@en . . . "3643"^^ . "Male"@en . "Sith"@fr . "Melee"@en . "Vemrin was a Human male acolyte at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Cold War, seeking to become the apprentice of Darth Baras. Originally from Balmorra, he and his friend Dolgis were brought to Korriban to become Sith acolytes, in accordance with the law that all Force-sensitives in Imperial territory be trained at the Academy. Vemrin became a self-proclaimed enemy of the new acolyte tutored by Overseer Tremel. Vemrin sent his friend Dolgis to ambush and attack the new acolyte, but the latter would survive this encounter. During their final trial, Vemrin was ordered to go to Baras' quarters and await further instructions, while his rival ventured into the Tomb of Naga Sadow to retrieve an ancient lightsaber. Vemrin disobeyed Baras and sought to kill the acolyte in the tomb, but his arrogance proved to be his undoing as his rival managed to kill him."@en . . . "Vemrin was a Human male acolyte at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Cold War, seeking to become the apprentice of Darth Baras. Originally from Balmorra, he and his friend Dolgis were brought to Korriban to become Sith acolytes, in accordance with the law that all Force-sensitives in Imperial territory be trained at the Academy. Vemrin became a self-proclaimed enemy of the new acolyte tutored by Overseer Tremel. Vemrin sent his friend Dolgis to ambush and attack the new acolyte, but the latter would survive this encounter. During their final trial, Vemrin was ordered to go to Baras' quarters and await further instructions, while his rival ventured into the Tomb of Naga Sadow to retrieve an ancient lightsaber. Vemrin disobeyed Baras and sought to kill the acolyte in the tomb, but his "@en . "Vemrin"@fr . . . . . "Sith"@en . . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "*Second Empire Sith\n*Acad\u00E9mie Sith de Korriban"@fr . "Balmorra"@en . "Red"@en . . . "Blue"@en . . . . . "Vemrin was a Human male Sith Acolyte who trained within the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Cold War."@en . . . . "Deceased"@en . "c. 12 ATC, Korriban"@en . "*Sith Empire\n**Korriban Sith Academy"@en . "Vemrin"@fr . . . "Blue"@en . . "Light"@en . . . "Elite"@en . . "Pale"@en . "Vemrin was a Human male Sith Acolyte who trained within the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Cold War."@en . . . "*\u00C9p\u00E9e Sith\n*La Force"@fr . . "[Source] Vemrin \u00E9tait un Acolyte de l'Acad\u00E9mie Sith de Korriban durant la Guerre Froide contre la R\u00E9publique Galactique. Il naquit sur Balmorra, une plan\u00E8te envahi par le Second Empire Sith durant la Grande Guerre Galactique. Les autorit\u00E9s Imp\u00E9riales d\u00E9couvrent rapidement son puissant lien avec la Force et le jeune homme est envoy\u00E9 sur Korriban avec son ami Dolgis. Le balmorr\u00E9en est rapidement remarqu\u00E9 par Dark Baras et est en passe de devenir son Apprenti. Cependant, le Surveillant Tremel refuse qu'un individu originaire d'une plan\u00E8te conquise deviennent l'apprenti d'un puissant Sith. Il fait alors venir un puissant acolyte pour contrer Vemrin. Le balmorr\u00E9en sous-estime son adversaire qui tue son ami Dolgis. Finalement, Baras remarque aussi la puissance du jeune Sith et le prend sous son aile. Pour sa derni\u00E8re \u00E9preuve, Vemrin devait attendre les instructions du Seigneur Sith mais il lui d\u00E9sob\u00E9it lorsqu'il apprit que son rival fut envoy\u00E9 dans le tombeau de Naga Sadow pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer un sabre laser. Il le suivit dans le tombeau et tenta de le tuer. Malheureusement, Vemrin ne fut pas de taille et son rival le tua."@fr . . . .