. "Subsidiaria de Microsoft Games Studios"@es . . . "Sin_enjuego2.jpg"@es . . "Datei:USAflagge.png Kirkland, Washington"@de . "Frank O\u2019Connor"@de . "343 Industries"@es . "343i was established in Kirkland, Washington in late 2007 by Microsoft as Bungie Inc.'s employees bought ownership of Bungie back from Microsoft. Because Microsoft retained ownership of the rights to the Halo Universe, 343i was created by Microsoft to oversee the development of future Halo titles, books, comic books, and other media. In 2008, former Bungie employee Frank O'Connor (Frankie) was named to head up 343i, leaving Bungie and taking the title of \"Franchise Director\" for 343i, overseeing all projects. A few other former Bungie employees joined 343i as well."@en . . "343 Industries is a company made by Wheatley and Bungie rebels because not only did they kill off the Monitor by getting shot by Mr. T's Death Star, but they also paid the former Bungie workers the most petulant thing ever, Cheeseburgers from McDonalds. This enraged them, so the Monitor, the Bungie rebels, robots and other Forerunner constructs united and created 343 Industries."@en . . "343 Industries ist ein von Microsoft 2007 in Kirkland (Washington) gegr\u00FCndetes Entwicklungsstudio f\u00FCr Computerspiele. Es wurde vor allem f\u00FCr die Weiterentwicklung der Halo-Spielereihe gegr\u00FCndet, nachdem Microsoft mit seinem zuvor verantwortlichen Tochterstudio und Seriensch\u00F6pfer Bungie ein Abkommen \u00FCber die Entlassung des Studios in die Unabh\u00E4ngigkeit getroffen hatte. Der Name von 343 Industries ist an den Namen des Illuminaten 343 Guilty Spark angelehnt, der eine Rolle in Halo: Kampf um die Zukunft, Halo 2 und Halo 3 spielt."@de . . . "343"^^ . . "Nel 2007, Bungie, Software House sviluppatrice di Halo, si separ\u00F2 da Microsoft per diventare indipendente. Ma la propriet\u00E0 di Halo rimase comunque a Microsoft, che affid\u00F2 in commissione a Bungie, l'ultimo titolo della saga, di fatto, rimanendo dunque legata ad essa per questioni finanziarie. Il 29 Aprile 2010 Bungie annunci\u00F2 che Halo Reach sarebbe stato il suo ultimo gioco riguardante l'universo di Halo, e che il futuro di Halo sarebbe dipeso da 343 Industries. Molti dei membri della Bungie vennero trasferiti a 343 Industries; il loro primo progetto fu Halo Waypoint. 343 Industries lavor\u00F2 sulla produzione di Halo Legends."@it . . "343i was established in Kirkland, Washington in late 2007 by Microsoft as Bungie Inc.'s employees bought ownership of Bungie back from Microsoft. Because Microsoft retained ownership of the rights to the Halo Universe, 343i was created by Microsoft to oversee the development of future Halo titles, books, comic books, and other media. In 2008, former Bungie employee Frank O'Connor (Frankie) was named to head up 343i, leaving Bungie and taking the title of \"Franchise Director\" for 343i, overseeing all projects. A few other former Bungie employees joined 343i as well."@en . "343 Industries es una compa\u00F1\u00EDa creada por Microsoft Games Studios con el fin de sustituir a Estudios Bungie para llevar a cabo los futuros proyectos relacionados con Halo, tambi\u00E9n suelen ser llamados el \"Halo Team\". Cuando en 2007 Bungie se hizo independiente, Microsoft cre\u00F3 343 Industries con algunos trabajadores de Bungie y de diversos estudios reconocidos (incluyendo a Frank O'Connor). Despu\u00E9s del D\u00EDa de Bungie vs El Mundo ocurrido el 7 de Julio de 2011, Bungie se retir\u00F3 completamente, dejando ya totalmente a cargo de Halo a 343 Industries."@es . "343 Industries"@it . . "343 Industries is a company made by Wheatley and Bungie rebels because not only did they kill off the Monitor by getting shot by Mr. T's Death Star, but they also paid the former Bungie workers the most petulant thing ever, Cheeseburgers from McDonalds. This enraged them, so the Monitor, the Bungie rebels, robots and other Forerunner constructs united and created 343 Industries."@en . . "250"^^ . "343 Industries auch 343i oder nur 343 ist eine Computerspielfirma, welche speziell f\u00FCr die Halo-Franchise gegr\u00FCndet wurde. Der Name ist an den Illuminaten 343 Guilty Spark angelehnt."@de . . . "343 Industries auch 343i oder nur 343 ist eine Computerspielfirma, welche speziell f\u00FCr die Halo-Franchise gegr\u00FCndet wurde. Der Name ist an den Illuminaten 343 Guilty Spark angelehnt."@de . "Softwareentwicklung"@de . . "343 Industries ist ein von Microsoft 2007 in Kirkland (Washington) gegr\u00FCndetes Entwicklungsstudio f\u00FCr Computerspiele. Es wurde vor allem f\u00FCr die Weiterentwicklung der Halo-Spielereihe gegr\u00FCndet, nachdem Microsoft mit seinem zuvor verantwortlichen Tochterstudio und Seriensch\u00F6pfer Bungie ein Abkommen \u00FCber die Entlassung des Studios in die Unabh\u00E4ngigkeit getroffen hatte. Der Name von 343 Industries ist an den Namen des Illuminaten 343 Guilty Spark angelehnt, der eine Rolle in Halo: Kampf um die Zukunft, Halo 2 und Halo 3 spielt."@de . . "2007"^^ . . "150"^^ . "343 Industries es una compa\u00F1\u00EDa creada por Microsoft Games Studios con el fin de sustituir a Estudios Bungie para llevar a cabo los futuros proyectos relacionados con Halo, tambi\u00E9n suelen ser llamados el \"Halo Team\". Cuando en 2007 Bungie se hizo independiente, Microsoft cre\u00F3 343 Industries con algunos trabajadores de Bungie y de diversos estudios reconocidos (incluyendo a Frank O'Connor). Despu\u00E9s del D\u00EDa de Bungie vs El Mundo ocurrido el 7 de Julio de 2011, Bungie se retir\u00F3 completamente, dejando ya totalmente a cargo de Halo a 343 Industries."@es . . "Tochterunternehmen von Microsoft"@de . "343 Industries"@en . . . . "Nel 2007, Bungie, Software House sviluppatrice di Halo, si separ\u00F2 da Microsoft per diventare indipendente. Ma la propriet\u00E0 di Halo rimase comunque a Microsoft, che affid\u00F2 in commissione a Bungie, l'ultimo titolo della saga, di fatto, rimanendo dunque legata ad essa per questioni finanziarie. Il 29 Aprile 2010 Bungie annunci\u00F2 che Halo Reach sarebbe stato il suo ultimo gioco riguardante l'universo di Halo, e che il futuro di Halo sarebbe dipeso da 343 Industries. Molti dei membri della Bungie vennero trasferiti a 343 Industries; il loro primo progetto fu Halo Waypoint."@it . . "343 Industries"@de . . . "2007"^^ . "343"^^ . "343"^^ . .