"In the anime, AquaMan develops an obsession with MegaMan after he saves him from Viruses. He follows MegaMan around everywhere, even when BurnerMan.EXE challenges to a Netbattle. During the battle, MegaMan gets injured and AquaMan feels bad for getting in his way. Their souls resonate and MegaMan gets Aqua Soul which he uses to delete BurnerMan."@en . "In the anime, AquaMan develops an obsession with MegaMan after he saves him from Viruses. He follows MegaMan around everywhere, even when BurnerMan.EXE challenges to a Netbattle. During the battle, MegaMan gets injured and AquaMan feels bad for getting in his way. Their souls resonate and MegaMan gets Aqua Soul which he uses to delete BurnerMan."@en . . "Aqua Soul"@en . . .