. . . . . "In de 2260s werd het door twee Klingon divisies onder leiding van Kang en Kor aangevallen tijdens de Aanval op Caleb IV. Aan boord van de D5 klasse kruiser IKS Klothos wist Kor de verdediging van de Federatie te omzeilen met een schijnbeweging. Later keerde hij op volle kracht terug, waardoor de Federatie getroffen werd tijdens het uitvoeren van reparatiewerkzaamheden. Een eeuw later vond er een aanval plaats op de Dominion basis op Trelka V. Kor dacht hierdoor dat hij weer terug was bij Caleb IV. (DS9: \"Once More Unto the Breach\")"@nl . "Caleb IV"@nl . . "Caleb IV was the inhabited fourth planet in its system and home to a Federation outpost in the 23rd century. In the mid-2260s, the planet was the site of the Battle of Caleb IV. Caleb was attacked by two Klingon divisions led by Kang and Kor. Aboard the D5 class cruiser IKS Klothos, Kor outmaneuvered the defending Federation forces by attacking with an initial feint, and then returning with his full force, catching the Federation in the midst of their repair work. In 2375, during a similar attack on a Dominion base at Trelka V, Kor believed that he was back at Caleb IV. (DS9: \"Once More Unto the Breach\") \"KAY-leb\" was the pronunciation for this planet's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1] According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (pages 45, 56,66, & \"United Federation of Planets I\"), the Caleb system was located in the Kaleb sector of the Beta Quadrant. This system, also known as Chi Eridani (22nd century onwards) and Kaleb (late 24th century), was a binary star system. Primary was a Class G star with a magnitude of +1, which was a hundred times the brightness of Sol. Secondary was a Class G star. In the mid-22nd century, this system was in or near Romulan space. After 2160, this system was in or near Federation space. Kaleb IV was listed as a member planet of the Federation in 2378."@en . . . . . "Caleb IV"@en . "Caleb star system, Alpha or Beta Quadrant"@en . . "Caleb IV was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in orbit of the Caleb star system. Caleb IV was the location of a Federation outpost near the Klingon border. (DS9 episode: \"Once More Unto the Breach\")"@en . . "Auf Caleb IV gibt es eine Sternenbasis der F\u00F6deration, die von den Klingonen Kor und Kang angegriffen wird. Im Jahr 2375 wendet General Martok bei seinem Angriff auf Trelka V eine Taktik an, die Kor an seine und Kangs Taktik beim Angriff auf die Sternenbasis auf Caleb IV erinnert. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten l\u00E4sst vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planeten\u00ADsystems mit der Bezeich\u00ADnung \u201E-System\u201C ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugeh\u00F6rigen Planeten\u00ADsystems l\u00E4sst sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigen\u00ADnamen nach dem dazu\u00ADgeh\u00F6rigen Zentral\u00ADgestirn zu benennen."@de . . . . . "fed"@en . . . . . . . "Caleb IV was a planet located somewhere in the space of the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, the fourth planet in orbit of the Caleb star system. Caleb IV was the location of a Federation outpost near the Klingon border. (DS9 episode: \"Once More Unto the Breach\") In 2270, Kor commanded the IKS Klothos during the Klingon Empire's victory over the Federation at the planet. (DS9 episode: \"Once More Unto the Breach\", ST website: Startrek.com, ST references: Klingon Bird of Prey Owners' Workshop Manual, The Klingon Art of War: Ancient Principles of Ruthless Honor) This battle, the Battle of Caleb IV, had Federation starships lead by Admiral Issac Garret attempt to drive off Klingons attacking communication arrays. However, it ended up being an ambush as Klingons made the first usage of a cloaking device on their starships. One starship captain, aided by the Temporal Agent Daniels, boarded the Klothos, sabotaged the ship and rescued the captured Federation ships before serving as a decoy to allow the other ships to escape. The ship was lost with all hands. (STO mission: \"Battle of Caleb IV\")"@en . "Caleb IV was the inhabited fourth planet in its system and home to a Federation outpost in the 23rd century. In the mid-2260s, the planet was the site of the Battle of Caleb IV. Caleb was attacked by two Klingon divisions led by Kang and Kor. Aboard the D5 class cruiser IKS Klothos, Kor outmaneuvered the defending Federation forces by attacking with an initial feint, and then returning with his full force, catching the Federation in the midst of their repair work."@en . . "Caleb IV"@de . . "Auf Caleb IV gibt es eine Sternenbasis der F\u00F6deration, die von den Klingonen Kor und Kang angegriffen wird. Im Jahr 2375 wendet General Martok bei seinem Angriff auf Trelka V eine Taktik an, die Kor an seine und Kangs Taktik beim Angriff auf die Sternenbasis auf Caleb IV erinnert. (DS9: )"@de . . . . "Caleb IV"@nl . . . . . "Caleb IV"@en . "In de 2260s werd het door twee Klingon divisies onder leiding van Kang en Kor aangevallen tijdens de Aanval op Caleb IV. Aan boord van de D5 klasse kruiser IKS Klothos wist Kor de verdediging van de Federatie te omzeilen met een schijnbeweging. Later keerde hij op volle kracht terug, waardoor de Federatie getroffen werd tijdens het uitvoeren van reparatiewerkzaamheden. Een eeuw later vond er een aanval plaats op de Dominion basis op Trelka V. Kor dacht hierdoor dat hij weer terug was bij Caleb IV. (DS9: \"Once More Unto the Breach\")"@nl . . . . .