"Lorelei"@en . . . "Color of fur"@en . . "Y 091 front.png"@en . . "52"^^ . . . "Marin Karin\nMedia"@en . "Lorelei was a descriptive name given to certain members of the People of the Green Mist. Athena was a Lorelei."@en . . "Lorelei"@it . . . "Ps\u00EDquico"@es . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress, known for having a hypnotic effect on men that allows her to bend them to her will. She shares her name and powers with a German literary figure that has become a modern myth."@en . . "no"@en . "Bad"@en . . "Lorelei and Agatha try to battle Yellow, but Yellow gets away. Later, Lorelei commands Pok\u00E9mon to wreak devastation on Kanto. On Cerise Island, Lorelei battles against Sabrina and Green. She freezes their hands together. She ultimately loses to them."@en . "56"^^ . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress who can use her voice to ensnare the minds of men. In ancient times, she attempted to conquer the Nine Realms using her abilities, but was defeated and earned the hatred of Lady Sif in the process. Lorelei spent hundreds of years imprisoned in the Asgardian Dungeons before escaping during the Second Dark Elf Conflict. She then traveled to Earth seeking to enslave humanity, bringing her into conflict once more with Sif and Phil Coulson's team."@en . . "2489"^^ . "This is goodbye. It would make me glad if you called me to hear my song again."@en . "Charm"@en . "hielo"@es . . . "28"^^ . "March 2008"@en . "Europa"@it . "Human"@en . "Voice"@en . . . . "-"@en . "Erica Schroeder"@en . . "18"^^ . "23 years ago during the events of Pok\u00E9mon Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen Lorelei was a member of the Elite Four who specialised in Ice Type Pok\u00E9mon however three years later she retired to her home on the Sevii Islands. 20 years after that Lorelei is still on the Sevii Islands and when Team Aqua tries to invade the islands she pairs up with the player against Butch and Cassidy in their second appearance, their first Sevii Islands appearance. After the battle Lorelei can be found in her home. She has a large number of dolls in her house, her favourite doll is of her favourite pok\u00E9mon Lapras. She can be sPok\u00E9n to at any time after the battle but she can not be fought against"@en . . "-"@en . . "118"^^ . "Bad"@en . . "-"@en . . "TV Appearances"@en . "Ice"@en . "Lorelei, also known as Haunted Lorelei in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, is a stage that first appeared in Dead or Alive 3. It seems that the buildings and the grounds on this area belong to the Douglas family, as Helena Douglas takes residence here."@en . . . "Wigglytuff"@es . . "Lorelei - bohaterka standardowa Heroes of Might and Magic III (w\u0142adczyni z Lochu) i Heroes of Might and Magic IV (z\u0142odziejka z Azylu). Posiada umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci pocz\u0105tkowe Dowodzenie i Odkrywanie (poziomy podstawowe). Jego specjalno\u015Bci\u0105 s\u0105 harpie i harpie wied\u017Amy: otrzymuj\u0105 jeden punkt ataku i obrony za ka\u017Cdy zdobyty przez nia poziom do\u015Bwiadczenia (poczynaj\u0105c od drugiego). Jej oficjalna biografia brzmi tak: Gdy by\u0142a ma\u0142a, zab\u0142\u0105dzi\u0142a w sieci tuneli. Przygarni\u0119ta i wychowana przez harpie, ostatecznie dobrowolnie postanowi\u0142a s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0107 w\u0142adcom podziemi. W misji \"Walka z padlino\u017Cercami\" kampanii \"Smocza krew\" (dodatek do H3: Ostrze Armagedonu) jest jedynym bohaterem pocz\u0105tkowym wrogiego gracza zielonego. Posiada 13200 punkt\u00F3w do\u015Bwiadczenia (12. poziom) i rozpoczyna gr\u0119 z p\u00F3\u0142nocno-wschodniego, nadziemnego kra\u0144ca mapy niedaleko miasta Fetid Cavern. Prze\u017Cy\u0142a Rozliczenie i pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 w H4. Jej oficjalna biografia brzmia\u0142a tak: Wkr\u00F3tce po Rozliczeniu Lorelei dokona\u0142a ogromnej liczby przest\u0119pstw, dzi\u0119ki kt\u00F3rym zyska\u0142a przydomek \u201ENocne ostrze\u201D. Ograbi\u0142a wi\u0119cej osad ni\u017C mo\u017Cna to sobie wyobrazi\u0107, a \u0142upy schowa\u0142a w tajnych skrytkach. Jej dzia\u0142alno\u015B\u0107 by\u0142a prawdziw\u0105 plag\u0105. Kiedy jest zagro\u017Cona, potrafi na kilka miesi\u0119cy zaszy\u0107 si\u0119 w jakiej\u015B sekretnej kryj\u00F3wce. Kategoria:Bohaterowie kampanii \"Smocza krew\" Kategoria:W\u0142adcy (Heroes of Might and Magic III) Kategoria:Z\u0142odzieje (Heroes of Might and Magic IV)"@pl . "Manipulating men"@en . . "23 years ago during the events of Pok\u00E9mon Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed and LeafGreen Lorelei was a member of the Elite Four who specialised in Ice Type Pok\u00E9mon however three years later she retired to her home on the Sevii Islands. 20 years after that Lorelei is still on the Sevii Islands and when Team Aqua tries to invade the islands she pairs up with the player against Butch and Cassidy in their second appearance, their first Sevii Islands appearance."@en . . . . "RB 124 front.png"@en . . . . . . . . "gem"@en . "FRLG 040 front.png"@en . "Lorelei is a character who appears in World of Winx. She was hired by Ace to replace Bloom, who was fired for embarrassing him. Lorelei was later fired after spewing \"nonsense\" to Ace, who at the time, was under the influence of a spell."@en . "Lorelei was a descriptive name given to certain members of the People of the Green Mist. Athena was a Lorelei."@en . . . "168"^^ . . . . . . "Lorelei (\u30ED\u30FC\u30EC\u30E9\u30A4 Roorerai?) plays a heavy, yet mostly unseen role in Tales of the Abyss. It is the aggregate sentience of the Seventh Fonon, the fonon of Sound."@en . "y"@en . "Affiliations"@en . . "1"^^ . "yes"@en . . "Articuno"@es . . . . "Lapras"@es . . . . "Slowbro"@en . "19"^^ . "Over one thousand years"@en . . . . "Lorelei ist eine asgardische Zauberin, die ihre Stimme benutzen kann, um den Geist der Menschen zu versetzen. In alten Zeiten versuchte sie, die Neun Reiche mit ihren F\u00E4higkeiten zu erobern, wurde aber besiegt und verdiente den Hass auf Lady Sif dabei. Lorelei verbrachte Hunderte von Jahren in den Asgardian Dungeons eingesperrt, bevor sie w\u00E4hrend des Zweiten Dunklen Elf-Konflikts entkamen. Sie reiste dann auf die Erde, um die Menschheit zu versklaven und sie mit Sif und Phil Coulsons Team wieder in Konflikt zu bringen. Lorelei BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher"@de . . "Piloswine"@en . . "Lorelei(Asgardian); Lorelei 008.jpg"@en . . "Agents-of-S.H.I.E.L.D-S1Ep15--Lorelei"@de . . "Mapsy\nMarin Karin\nDia\nInsanity Eye"@en . . . . . . "; Lorelei 001.png"@en . . "-"@es . "OO-ZAhUZepemewqc"@en . . . . . . . . . "58"^^ . . "None"@en . "Lorelei, also known as Haunted Lorelei in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, is a stage that first appeared in Dead or Alive 3. It seems that the buildings and the grounds on this area belong to the Douglas family, as Helena Douglas takes residence here."@en . . "28"^^ . "52"^^ . . "Lorelei; Lorelei Disambiguation.jpg"@en . . "???"@en . . "Physical, one hit, one enemy"@en . "503"^^ . . . "Jayne Grand"@es . "Gray"@en . "Lorelei is an upgraded shipyard on Sayers Rock in the Hunter Ocean."@en . "Diarahan\nMakajamaon *"@en . . . "A bethel (seaman church) of Lorelei is invariably constructed from flotsam, having been erected after a shipwreck or other waterborne disaster. In many cases, there is no padre attendant (these priests are frequently out to sea) in a bethel of Lorelei, so a detailed rubric explains procedures for running a mass without a cleric present. If a padre is present, there is a parsonage to the back of the church where this holy person lives. Holy Symbol: Carved on a piece of wooden flotsam is the symbol of an anchor in front of a stylized net."@en . "300"^^ . . "37"^^ . . . "Water"@en . "hielo"@es . "Lorelei (\u30ED\u30FC\u30EC\u30E9\u30A4 Roorerai?) plays a heavy, yet mostly unseen role in Tales of the Abyss. It is the aggregate sentience of the Seventh Fonon, the fonon of Sound."@en . "33"^^ . . . "31"^^ . . "Aleksander Kraushar"@pl . . . "Lorelei is a Lovian singer from Hurbanova, Oceana. She is sometimes compared to Grimes or Alice Glass in terms of musical style. Her music is produced by Rain King. She is signed to Warped Records. Lorelei (real name: Ann Cummings) legally changed her name to Lorelei Loreleisen in 2011 after becoming estranged from her family. She is credited with rejuvenating the Lovian singer-songwriter scene, and has released a debut album to moderately positive reviews in 2012. Lorelei is also involved with witch house project TOD\u0394Y'S \u0394NGST, together with Kevin Oldfield of Nothing The Black Celebration"@en . "The Lorelei, from German Folklore"@en . "Flying"@en . "However, Miss Chatham's boat apparently caused Zane Bennett trouble in the past from boat scratches and dints. It got to a point where Zane Bennett took drastic action as revenge on Louise Chatham in \"Shipwrecked\" when he got the harbor master involved. The harbor master inspected her boat and found it un-seaworthy, as it had rot in its structural frame work. In the night Louise Chatham snuck on board the Lorelei and sailed away. The next day, Zane Bennett noticed that this jet ski had been damaged again, and set out to find Miss Chatham. Zane talked with Miss Chatham and accidentally made her have a heart attack. Unsure what to do, Zane waited till Lewis and Emma arrived and took Miss Chatham to the hospital. Zane stayed on-board the Lorelei to look for her treasure. However, Zane accidentally knocked a lamp, which contained oil. The oil began to drip onto the boats hot engine and caused a big explosion. Emma and Lewis saw the explosion and Emma dived into the ocean, to save him. The Lorelei started to sink and Emma managed to save Zane from drowning. However, Zane began to black out, but just before he did, he caught a sight of Emma's tail, which led him to his great \"Mermaid Chase\" and him aided Dr. Linda Denman in capturing the girls later."@en . "Jynx"@es . . "Lorelei"@de . "Lorelei is an upgraded shipyard on Sayers Rock in the Hunter Ocean."@en . "199999"^^ . . "Betrayer"@en . "Lorelei is a Lovian singer from Hurbanova, Oceana. She is sometimes compared to Grimes or Alice Glass in terms of musical style. Her music is produced by Rain King. She is signed to Warped Records. Lorelei (real name: Ann Cummings) legally changed her name to Lorelei Loreleisen in 2011 after becoming estranged from her family. She is credited with rejuvenating the Lovian singer-songwriter scene, and has released a debut album to moderately positive reviews in 2012. Lorelei is also involved with witch house project TOD\u0394Y'S \u0394NGST, together with Kevin Oldfield of Nothing The Black Celebration Lorelei has a distinctive falsetto voice. Her music is characterized by shimmering, dynamic electronica and organic beats (created by playing drum machines live)."@en . . "Resistance Band"@en . "-"@en . "Germania"@it . "An independent starship, the Lorelei was used as cargo ship for the fledgling New Luna Merchant Marine under the command of Martin Hayden. The Lorelei was counted lost on New Luna in 3008 when its systems were sabotaged by the plague of Phyrrian nanobots which had infested the planet."@en . . . "Wiersz"@pl . "Elena Satine"@de . "Lorelei"@it . . "Lani Ubanu; Lani Ubanu from Marvel Comics Presents Vol 2 7 0001.jpg"@en . "no"@es . "Drain *"@en . . . "Alive"@en . "Ursa"@en . "Dark Hand"@en . "Female"@en . "Slowbro RA.png"@es . . "Rings"@en . "Shipboard AI"@en . "Mabufudyne\\Innate\nLullaby\\Innate\nMarin Karin\\59\nMakarakarn\\60"@en . "Dead or Alive 5 Last Round"@en . . . . . . "57"^^ . "?"@es . . . . . "Lorelei from Marvel Comics"@en . . . . "videojuego"@es . . "13"^^ . . . . "Cloyster RA.png"@es . "Hielo"@es . "Ailment\\+3\nHeal\\+3\nForce\\+2\nElec\\-2\nFire\\-3"@en . . . . . . "Lo us\u00F3 para detener al Team/Equipo Rocket."@es . . . "*Spricht Windka, Windga IV, Wind V, Schweiga, Gemachga, Diaga III und Paralyga."@de . . . "13122"^^ . . . "File:DOA5UA Lorelei 1.jpg"@en . "*Lethe Arrows\n*Zephyr Arrow\n*Cyclonic Torrent"@de . . . . "Late teens"@en . . . . "lebendig"@de . . . . . . . "Dead or Alive 3"@en . "Watchful"@en . . . . . . . . . "Female AI programming"@en . . . . "Talent Scout"@en . . . . "Fue el primer Pok\u00E9mon que mostr\u00F3. Lo us\u00F3 para detener al Charizard de Ash que estaba descontrolado y no quer\u00EDa volver a la Pok\u00E9 Ball. M\u00E1s tarde aparece en ese mismo episodio luchando contra un Machamp en un combate en la conferencia que estaba ofreciendo."@es . . "72"^^ . . "(Marvel Nexus); No Image Female.jpg"@en . "Olga Cano"@es . "Single foe/1/Physical/None"@en . "Rachel Robinson, code name Lorelei, is a projective telepath operating in the St. Louis area. While she's pretty much a villain, she helps Miyet out of the hospital and gets her to the St. Louis Five."@en . "In German lore, Lorelei is a malicious nixie who used her song to lure sailors of the Rhine River into crashing into rocks and drowning."@en . . "94"^^ . "LoreleiFRLGsprite.png"@en . "EP101 Cloyster de Lorelei.png"@es . . . . "Bows"@en . "-"@en . . "LoreleiYsprite.png"@en . . . . . "ps\u00EDquico"@es . . . "Lorelei in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate"@en . . "EP101 Jynx de Lorelei.png"@es . "Miembro del Alto Mando"@es . . "50"^^ . . . . "180"^^ . . . . "40"^^ . . "16"^^ . . "Gender"@en . . "153"^^ . . . "22"^^ . . . "Amora the Enchantress"@en . "63"^^ . "56"^^ . "162"^^ . "Hielo"@es . "52"^^ . . "15"^^ . "Lorelei.jpg"@it . "53"^^ . "54"^^ . . . . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress who can use her voice to ensnare the minds of men. In ancient times, she attempted to conquer the Nine Realms using her abilities, but was defeated and earned the hatred of Lady Sif in the process. Lorelei spent hundreds of years imprisoned in the Asgardian Dungeons before escaping during the Second Dark Elf Conflict. She then traveled to Earth seeking to enslave humanity, bringing her into conflict once more with Sif and Phil Coulson's team."@en . . "50"^^ . "5"^^ . "51"^^ . . "Vigilant"@en . . . . . "9"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "Amora Lorelei; Amora from Avengers Classic Vol 1 7 001.jpg"@en . "Pixies"@de . "An independent starship, the Lorelei was used as cargo ship for the fledgling New Luna Merchant Marine under the command of Martin Hayden. The Lorelei was counted lost on New Luna in 3008 when its systems were sabotaged by the plague of Phyrrian nanobots which had infested the planet."@en . . "FRLG 124 front.png"@en . . "Ground"@en . . . . . "Asgard"@en . . . . . . . "upgraded"@en . "Ice"@en . . . "Dodge *\nGrimoire *\nDrain Hit *"@en . "FRLG 131 front.png"@en . . "-"@en . "Drain"@en . . "I"@en . . "yes"@en . "Hair color: Blonde Headgear: Headphones and hat Eye color: Purple Earphones: Black with purple rims Dress: Purple \"gothic lolita\" style Nationality/Race: Possibly Korean"@en . . . "Psychic"@en . . . . "5000"^^ . "In German lore, Lorelei is a malicious nixie who used her song to lure sailors of the Rhine River into crashing into rocks and drowning."@en . . . "Omastar"@en . . . "Normal"@en . . . "RB 080 front.png"@en . . "Lorelei.jpg"@de . . . "Fairy"@en . "26"^^ . . "366"^^ . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Nie wiem, dlaczego tak smutno mi, Smutek tak serce mi porze? Czarowna pie\u015B\u0144 zamierzch\u0142ych dni W mej duszy zmilkn\u0105\u0107 nie mo\u017Ce. I szumi wiatr, zapada mrok I cicho Renu mkn\u0105 fale, I wida\u0107 g\u00F3r urwistych szczyt Odbity w rzeki krysztale. Kr\u00F3lowa r\u00F3\u017C z gwia\u017Adzistych niw Siedzi na g\u00F3rze uroczej, Z\u0142oty jej str\u00F3j z oddali l\u015Bni, L\u015Bni z\u0142oty zw\u00F3j jej warkoczy. Grzebieniem z gwiazd czesze sw\u00F3j w\u0142os I t\u0119skn\u0105 piosnk\u0119 zawodzi. I dziwn\u0105 moc ma pie\u015Bni d\u017Awi\u0119k, Jak d\u017Awi\u0119k, co z niebios pochodzi. Rybaka pier\u015B tej pie\u015Bni ton Dziwn\u0105 t\u0119sknot\u0105 przejmuje, Nie baczy ju\u017C na szczerby ska\u0142, Tylko si\u0119 w g\u00F3r\u0119 wpatruje. Ach! l\u0119kam si\u0119, by rzeki to\u0144 Rybaka nie pochwyci\u0142a. Nieraz to ju\u017C w\u015Br\u00F3d Renu fal Pie\u015B\u0144 Lorelei uczyni\u0142a. Image:PD-icon.svg Public domain"@pl . . . "Lorelei - bohaterka standardowa Heroes of Might and Magic III (w\u0142adczyni z Lochu) i Heroes of Might and Magic IV (z\u0142odziejka z Azylu). Posiada umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci pocz\u0105tkowe Dowodzenie i Odkrywanie (poziomy podstawowe). Jego specjalno\u015Bci\u0105 s\u0105 harpie i harpie wied\u017Amy: otrzymuj\u0105 jeden punkt ataku i obrony za ka\u017Cdy zdobyty przez nia poziom do\u015Bwiadczenia (poczynaj\u0105c od drugiego). Jej oficjalna biografia brzmi tak: Gdy by\u0142a ma\u0142a, zab\u0142\u0105dzi\u0142a w sieci tuneli. Przygarni\u0119ta i wychowana przez harpie, ostatecznie dobrowolnie postanowi\u0142a s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0107 w\u0142adcom podziemi."@pl . . "Cloyster"@es . "Lorelei"@en . . . "Strong"@en . "Lorelei"@de . "yes"@en . "Osamu Hosoi"@en . . "76"^^ . . "Female"@en . . "Rock"@en . "Stage"@en . . "gold"@en . . . . . "64"^^ . "planta"@es . "66"^^ . "Deceptive, controlling"@en . . "20"^^ . . "y"@en . . . . . . . "291"^^ . "Common"@en . . "10"^^ . "Lullaby\nMarin Karin\nMediarama"@en . "H"@en . . "-"@en . . . "Cloyster de LoreleiCloyster"@es . "-"@en . . . . "Haunted Lorlei"@en . "Rachel Robinson, code name Lorelei, is a projective telepath operating in the St. Louis area. While she's pretty much a villain, she helps Miyet out of the hospital and gets her to the St. Louis Five."@en . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian supervillain from Marvel Comics. She is the sister of Amora the Enchantress. She appears in the episodes \"T.A.H.I.T.I.\" and \"Yes Men\" of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . . . . . "Dewgong RA.png"@es . "57"^^ . . . "FRLG 103 front.png"@en . . . . . . . "Marin Karin\nDiarahan *"@en . "FRLG 144 front.png"@en . "-"@en . . . . . "Jynx RA.png"@es . "Handeln von Pixie-Tr\u00E4ne an ??? @F-6"@de . . "Agua"@es . "Lorelei"@en . . . "Ice"@en . . "Femenino"@es . "Mantis; Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4 5 001.jpg"@en . . "Rest"@en . . "7"^^ . . . "Lorelei is a female cat who once tried to steal Garfield from Penelope."@en . "However, Miss Chatham's boat apparently caused Zane Bennett trouble in the past from boat scratches and dints. It got to a point where Zane Bennett took drastic action as revenge on Louise Chatham in \"Shipwrecked\" when he got the harbor master involved. The harbor master inspected her boat and found it un-seaworthy, as it had rot in its structural frame work. In the night Louise Chatham snuck on board the Lorelei and sailed away."@en . "; Lorelei 002.jpg"@en . "47"^^ . . . . "Grant Ward , Leo Fitz"@en . "Lorelei"@en . "Piloswine"@es . "18"^^ . "-"@en . "-"@en . . "?"@es . . . "FRLG 087 front.png"@en . . "Fairy Dust"@en . . "I am the Fairy, Lorelei. Do you have a wish? I shall grant you my eternal healing."@en . "235"^^ . "Lorelei is a character who appears in World of Winx. She was hired by Ace to replace Bloom, who was fired for embarrassing him. Lorelei was later fired after spewing \"nonsense\" to Ace, who at the time, was under the influence of a spell."@en . "Null: Sleep, Resist: Charm"@en . . . . "Lapras RA.png"@es . . "1"^^ . "Daggers"@en . "\u5DDD\u6751\u4E07\u68A8\u963F Maria Kawamura"@es . "53"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "Hunter"@en . "7"^^ . . . . "9"^^ . . . "Lorelei"@en . . . "Null"@en . . "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . "Y 087 front.png"@en . "Y 124 front.png"@en . . . "64"^^ . "66"^^ . . . . . . . . "-"@en . . "268"^^ . "Phys x1, 1 enemy"@en . . . . "4"^^ . . . "Lorelei; bio-lorelei.jpg"@en . "Y 080 front.png"@en . . . . . . . "Starmie"@es . "FRLG 121 front.png"@en . . . . "singolo"@it . . . "25"^^ . "Lorelei is an Asgardian supervillain from Marvel Comics. She is the sister of Amora the Enchantress. She appears in the episodes \"T.A.H.I.T.I.\" and \"Yes Men\" of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . . . "Lorelei is a female cat who once tried to steal Garfield from Penelope."@en . . "Prima"@es . "Strong"@en . . . "Lorelei Travis; Lorelei Travis from District X Vol 1 1 0001.jpg"@en . . . . . . . "agua"@es . . . . "116"^^ . . . "Exeggutor"@es . "The Lorelei are a race of sea dwelling creatures. They have humanoid faces and bodies and flipper-like appendages. One of their traditions is to have a Love Festival once a year. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. From MangaWiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . "63"^^ . "56"^^ . . . "Gaby Willer"@es . "Lorelei"@es . "RB 087 front.png"@en . "Hair color: Blonde Headgear: Headphones and hat Eye color: Purple Earphones: Black with purple rims Dress: Purple \"gothic lolita\" style Nationality/Race: Possibly Korean"@en . "52"^^ . "53"^^ . . "Omastar"@es . . "54"^^ . "Lorelei"@pl . . . "50"^^ . "51"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "y"@en . "Germany"@en . . . . . "Lorelei"@es . "Cloyster"@en . "\u2640"@en . "-"@en . "PO04 Rayo aurora.png"@es . "Water"@en . . "Resist"@en . . "2496"^^ . . "Spider"@en . . . . . "19"^^ . . . . "Lorelei.png"@es . . . "8"^^ . . . "Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate"@en . "Lorelei"@en . . "yes"@en . . . . "Resist"@en . . . . . "no"@it . . . "\"T.A.H.I.T.I.\""@en . . . "7"^^ . . . "None"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Nie wiem, dlaczego tak smutno mi, Smutek tak serce mi porze? Czarowna pie\u015B\u0144 zamierzch\u0142ych dni W mej duszy zmilkn\u0105\u0107 nie mo\u017Ce. I szumi wiatr, zapada mrok I cicho Renu mkn\u0105 fale, I wida\u0107 g\u00F3r urwistych szczyt Odbity w rzeki krysztale. Kr\u00F3lowa r\u00F3\u017C z gwia\u017Adzistych niw Siedzi na g\u00F3rze uroczej, Z\u0142oty jej str\u00F3j z oddali l\u015Bni, L\u015Bni z\u0142oty zw\u00F3j jej warkoczy. Grzebieniem z gwiazd czesze sw\u00F3j w\u0142os I t\u0119skn\u0105 piosnk\u0119 zawodzi. I dziwn\u0105 moc ma pie\u015Bni d\u017Awi\u0119k, Jak d\u017Awi\u0119k, co z niebios pochodzi. Rybaka pier\u015B tej pie\u015Bni ton Dziwn\u0105 t\u0119sknot\u0105 przejmuje, Nie baczy ju\u017C na szczerby ska\u0142, Tylko si\u0119 w g\u00F3r\u0119 wpatruje. Ach! l\u0119kam si\u0119, by rzeki to\u0144 Rybaka nie pochwyci\u0142a. Nieraz to ju\u017C w\u015Br\u00F3d Renu fal Pie\u015B\u0144 Lorelei uczyni\u0142a."@pl . . . "III"@en . . . "-"@en . . . "Lorelei"@pl . "(Assemble!); Lorelei.png"@en . "Y 131 front.png"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . . "left"@en . "1"^^ . "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . . . . "Good"@en . . "210"^^ . . . "-"@en . "Lorelei was a \"smart\" Artificial intelligence (AI for short) assigned to the CMA Season of Plenty in 2489."@en . "shipyard"@en . . "Dewgong"@en . "RB 131 front.png"@en . . . "Elena Satine"@en . "283"^^ . . . . . . "67"^^ . . "71"^^ . . "Jynx"@en . . . "Sorcery, Asgardian Physiology, combatant"@en . . . . . "72"^^ . . "agua"@es . . . "Insightful"@en . . . "6"^^ . . . "Lorelei is the first Elite Four member in the Kanto region. She specializes in using Ice-type Pok\u00E9mon. Her strongest Pok\u00E9mon is her Lapras. She lives on Four Island, and is known to have a large assortment of dolls."@en . . "5"^^ . . . . . "100"^^ . . . . "Dead or Alive Dimensions"@en . . "Wigglytuff"@en . . . . . . "-"@en . . . "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . . . . . "341"^^ . "Tierra"@es . "xvTJEhAZfwEZuwDr"@en . . . . "Elena Satine"@en . "EP101 Dewgong de Lorelei.png"@es . "Species"@en . "Sif, Thor, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, S.H.I.E.L.D."@en . "Lorelei"@nl . . . . . "Heinrich Heine"@pl . . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress who traveled to Earth seeking to enslave humanity."@en . "Sayers Rock"@en . "55"^^ . "-"@en . . . "Ilustraci\u00F3n de Lorelei"@es . . "roca"@es . . . "volador"@es . "Jynx de LoreleiJynx"@es . "Grass"@en . . "EP101 Slowbro de Lorelei.png"@es . . . . . . . "Lorelei's sprite"@en . . . . . "A bethel (seaman church) of Lorelei is invariably constructed from flotsam, having been erected after a shipwreck or other waterborne disaster. In many cases, there is no padre attendant (these priests are frequently out to sea) in a bethel of Lorelei, so a detailed rubric explains procedures for running a mass without a cleric present. If a padre is present, there is a parsonage to the back of the church where this holy person lives. Inside the church are a sacristy and vestment room, as well as a reliquary of minor holy artifacts. A shrine to the venerated sea saints (usually local sailor heroes) is not uncommon. The altar is always made of driftwood, though adorned variably by coral and sand, or mud and reeds, all of which has been gathered by a priest of Lorelei. An aspergillum is always handy to sprinkle holy water gathered from the stoup inside the front entrance (there is never a door), and first from a natural water source (sea, bayou, lake, swamp, etc.). The interior is what otherwise might be called \"nautical\", but in a deliberate, rather than tacky, fashion. Bethel motifs closer to a sea are more sea-like, whereas those closer to inland waterways and swamps are more river-like. Sand mandala and mud paintings are common adorning artwork. The dogma of Lorelei promotes respect for bodies of water and their awesome power, known as \"The Law of the Sea\". The laity consists of sailors and captains, as well as others who are personally associated with the waters, including aquatic elves, dockworkers, fisher folk and shipwrights. True \"landlubbers\" are seldom welcome at an official mass, although they might be allowed to swab the floors. A priest of Lorelei is officially called a \"conn\", but the conn is colloquially referred to as a \"padre\". There are a dozen or so of these churches along the saltmarsh shores to the south of the swamp. The largest is in the town of Loam, along the shore of the bay near the Meander River outlet. Loam is not far from inland Chenier, a quaint Seamarsh village with the second largest bethel, constructed from mangrove jetsam. Holy Symbol: Carved on a piece of wooden flotsam is the symbol of an anchor in front of a stylized net. Favored Weapon: Fishing gaff (new weapon). Some worshippers coat their weapon in poison [Box jellyfish; DC 22; Initial 3d8 Con; Secondary 3d8 Con; 6,300 gp]. Authority Figure: Padre Luana Fairbairn (conn), halfling, Clr3; AL LN. Honored Prayer of Lorelei: \"Ahoy, Lorelei. We ask thee for an even keel, favorable heading, and a full manifest on our journey. Please see our fellows safely to harbor and keep our vessel seaworthy. May the swells of Lorelei engulf our souls should we succumb at sail.\""@en . "Exeggutor"@en . . "Flawless"@en . "9997"^^ . "Lorelei"@de . . "LoreleiRBsprite.png"@en . . . . . . . . . "29"^^ . "200"^^ . . "50"^^ . . "Great"@en . "Slowbro"@es . "Dewgong"@es . . "6109.2"^^ . . . . "Mediarama\\Innate\nMabufula\\Innate\nPanic Voice\\53\nMakarakarn\\54"@en . "FRLG 139 front.png"@en . . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . . . "Slowbro de LoreleiSlowbro"@es . . . . . . . . "-"@en . . . . . . "Lorelei ist eine asgardische Zauberin, die ihre Stimme benutzen kann, um den Geist der Menschen zu versetzen. In alten Zeiten versuchte sie, die Neun Reiche mit ihren F\u00E4higkeiten zu erobern, wurde aber besiegt und verdiente den Hass auf Lady Sif dabei. Lorelei verbrachte Hunderte von Jahren in den Asgardian Dungeons eingesperrt, bevor sie w\u00E4hrend des Zweiten Dunklen Elf-Konflikts entkamen. Sie reiste dann auf die Erde, um die Menschheit zu versklaven und sie mit Sif und Phil Coulsons Team wieder in Konflikt zu bringen. Lorelei BildWiki.png Alias Status Gruppe Familie Nationalit\u00E4t Auftritte Dargestellt von Sprecher"@de . "\u2640"@es . . . . "1"^^ . . "Starmie"@en . "RS 221 front.png"@en . . . "\u30AB\u30F3\u30CA"@es . "3"^^ . . . . "A woman wearing a toga, a sickle in her belt, and a wreath of wheat crowning her head."@en . . . "The Lorelei are a race of sea dwelling creatures. They have humanoid faces and bodies and flipper-like appendages. One of their traditions is to have a Love Festival once a year. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. From MangaWiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . . "Earth"@en . . "ice"@en . . . "Aparece en uno de los combates en el que particip\u00F3 Prima, derrotando a un Marowak de un solo golpe al igual que sus otros tres Pok\u00E9mon. Conoce rayo aurora • ."@es . "Ase"@de . "Lorelei and Agatha try to battle Yellow, but Yellow gets away. Later, Lorelei commands Pok\u00E9mon to wreak devastation on Kanto. On Cerise Island, Lorelei battles against Sabrina and Green. She freezes their hands together. She ultimately loses to them."@en . . . . "Dewgong"@es . . "\u30AB\u30F3\u30CA Kanna"@en . . . "Apareci\u00F3 en el combate que tuvo y que fue retransmitido por televisi\u00F3n venciendo a un Kadabra, despu\u00E9s lo us\u00F3 para luchar contra el Pikachu de Ash al cual consigui\u00F3 dominar f\u00E1cilmente aunque no lleg\u00F3 a derrotarlo debido a que Lorelei detuvo la batalla."@es . . "Loki"@en . . . . "Lorelei is the first Elite Four member in the Kanto region. She specializes in using Ice-type Pok\u00E9mon. Her strongest Pok\u00E9mon is her Lapras. She lives on Four Island, and is known to have a large assortment of dolls."@en . . "I am Lorelei, the Fairy. If it is amenable to you, will you listen to my song...?"@en . . "Lapras"@en . . "RB 091 front.png"@en . . "300"^^ . . "Articuno"@en . . . . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "Dewgong combate contra el Jolteon de Rojo. Conoce rayo aurora • ."@es . "Lorelei was a \"smart\" Artificial intelligence (AI for short) assigned to the CMA Season of Plenty in 2489."@en . "Strong"@en . "normal"@es . . "So I will become one with another. My child shall sing with my beautiful voice!"@en . . "FRLG 091 front.png"@en . . . "Retired Elite Four Member"@en . . . . "FRLG 080 front.png"@en . "-"@en . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress, known for having a hypnotic effect on men that allows her to bend them to her will. She shares her name and powers with a German literary figure that has become a modern myth."@en . "Romances"@en . "Cat"@en . . . . "Lorelei is an Asgardian sorceress who traveled to Earth seeking to enslave humanity."@en . "Pok\u00E9mon Rojo y Azul, Amarillo, Rojo Fuego y Verde Hoja y Stadium"@es . . . . "168"^^ . "-"@en . .