"Constellation"@en . . "20"^^ . "420"^^ . . . . . . "26"^^ . . . . "53"^^ . . "Lepus the Fiend was a brilliant scientist who wished to destroy all civilized societies in the universe, allowing the universe to be wild again. He nearly succeeded in causing Earth and Venus to collide, but was stopped by Buzz Crandall."@en . "-"@en . . . "File:Life (Skill).gifRenewal"@en . "Le li\u00E8vre (du latin lepus) est un petit mammif\u00E8re herbivore sauvage qui ressemble au lapin. Il existe une trentaine d'esp\u00E8ces de li\u00E8vres de par le monde qui diff\u00E8rent entre elles par leur taille, leur coloris ou leur mode de vie. Les li\u00E8vres sont des animaux relativement solitaires vivants parfois en couple."@fr . . . . "16"^^ . . . "20"^^ . . . "First Appearance"@en . "Lepus est l'Esprit du Li\u00E8vre, appartenant \u00E0 A\u00EFrolo."@fr . "Rabio and Lepus are twin mechanical rabbits hailing from the world of Bunnyland. When their world is threatened by Yohmaoh and the royal family is kidnapped, the king of Bunnyland summons Rabio and Lepus to the rescue."@en . . . "15"^^ . "Original Publisher"@en . "Lepus"@en . "File:Prayer.pngMiracle"@en . "Serpens"@en . "60.0"^^ . "Ara"@en . . "Monster Rancher 2: In winter, warm air is held in its fur and keeps it warm."@en . . . . . "30"^^ . "54.2"^^ . "Lepus"@en . . . "Lepus the Fiend"@en . . . . . "Sarah Thomson"@en . . . . . . . "\u30EC\u30D7\u30B9"@en . . "Lepus"@fr . . "Lepus"@fr . "The Lepus Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Lepus was visible in the lower left corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . . "Fletcher Hanks as \"Henry Fletcher\""@en . . . . . . "420"^^ . . "Voice 5"@en . . . . "Real Name"@en . . . "22"^^ . "Planet Comics #7"@en . "21"^^ . "20"^^ . . "Masculin"@fr . . "File:Renewal (FE13).pngRenewal"@en . "21"^^ . . . "24"^^ . . "5"^^ . "The Lepus Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Lepus was visible in the lower left corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . "6"^^ . "Fiction House"@en . . "File:StaffIconFE13.pngStaff - B"@en . . . . "Lepus est l'Esprit du Li\u00E8vre, appartenant \u00E0 A\u00EFrolo."@fr . "4"^^ . . "Argent"@fr . . "Lepus"@en . . . "Lepus"@en . . . "Lepus"@en . . "23"^^ . "Disponible les 15 de chaque mois, ainsi que les vendredi 13"@fr . . . . . . . "Lepus (\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30A2 F\u012Ba, Vier in the Japanese version) is one of the twelve Deadlords, and appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem Awakening. In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, little is mentioned about the Deadlords, but they are all fought in the Final Chapter near Belhalla and eventually defeated, including Lepus herself. Lepus is not fought in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776."@en . . . . . . "Lepus"@es . . . "fe4"@en . "Lepus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . . "Final Chapter: The Last Holy War"@en . . "Lepus is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean."@en . . . "Lepus is a Pixie-Motif Phantom Beast Warrior that holds the spirit of the Rabbit. She is the only female in the Phantom Beasts. Camille approached her, Sonimax, and Osiris hoping that they can give her some of their Rinzin power, but they denied her offer thinking that she is joking."@en . . "File:FE4reserve.gifFortify"@en . . "Monster Rancher 2: In winter, warm air is held in its fur and keeps it warm."@en . . "3000"^^ . . "Chapter 22: An Ill Presage"@en . . "File:AxeIconFE13.pngAxe - A"@en . "Created by"@en . . "File:Recover FE13.pngRecover*"@en . "Noirs & bleus"@fr . . . . "Le li\u00E8vre (du latin lepus) est un petit mammif\u00E8re herbivore sauvage qui ressemble au lapin. Il existe une trentaine d'esp\u00E8ces de li\u00E8vres de par le monde qui diff\u00E8rent entre elles par leur taille, leur coloris ou leur mode de vie. Les li\u00E8vres sont des animaux relativement solitaires vivants parfois en couple."@fr . . "Li\u00E8vre & humain"@fr . . . "Rabio and Lepus are twin mechanical rabbits hailing from the world of Bunnyland. When their world is threatened by Yohmaoh and the royal family is kidnapped, the king of Bunnyland summons Rabio and Lepus to the rescue. In Rabio Lepus and Sonic Wings, the pair appear to be sentient flying machines, while in later games, Rabio appears as the aircraft Aka Usagi. Both rabbits are white with colored ears, eyes, tails, and shoes. They both have buck teeth and wear yellow gloves. After receiving certain power-ups, they wear yellow ribbons on their right ears. Rabio's ears, eyes, tail, and shoes are red, while Lepus's are green."@en . . . . "Lepus (\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30A2 F\u012Ba, Vier in the Japanese version) is one of the twelve Deadlords, and appears in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem Awakening. In Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, little is mentioned about the Deadlords, but they are all fought in the Final Chapter near Belhalla and eventually defeated, including Lepus herself. Lepus is not fought in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776."@en . . . . . . . "79"^^ . "Blancs & Noirs"@fr . "0"^^ . "fe13"@en . . . "Porte du Li\u00E8vre"@fr . . . . . "21.3"^^ . . . "201"^^ . . "File:Brave Axe FE13.pngBrave Axe"@en . . "Jungle Fury"@en . . . . "80"^^ . . . . . . "21"^^ . . . "25"^^ . . . . "13"^^ . . "Lepus is a Pixie-Motif Phantom Beast Warrior that holds the spirit of the Rabbit. She is the only female in the Phantom Beasts. Camille approached her, Sonimax, and Osiris hoping that they can give her some of their Rinzin power, but they denied her offer thinking that she is joking. When Scorch and Snapper decide Camille is the last link to Jarrod's humanity that must be destroyed to prevent him from interfering with Dai Shi, they dispatch her, Sonimax, and Osiris to eliminate Camille. They overwhelmed her until Jarrod/Dai Shi arrived. Lepus briefly fought Jarrod/Dai Shi before fleeing after her cohorts were easily killed by him. She ambushed Casey to prove her loyalty in hopes of earning mercy. Casey fought against Lepus and uses the Strike Rider to attack her. Scorch and Snapper joined the battle as did the other Rangers and the Spirit Rangers. Lepus battled the Rangers while Scorch and Snapper fought the Spirit Rangers. Lepus took a hit from the Claw Cannon, Wolf Beam, and Rhino Blade. Lepus grew and was destroyed by Animal Stampede's Final Strike. She and the other Phantom Beasts were revive for the final battle against the rangers and their masters in Now the Final Fury. She was destroyed by Master Guinn."@en . . . . . . . "Lepus the Fiend was a brilliant scientist who wished to destroy all civilized societies in the universe, allowing the universe to be wild again. He nearly succeeded in causing Earth and Venus to collide, but was stopped by Buzz Crandall."@en . "22"^^ . .