"Vs. Machop"@en . . . . . "Vs. Machop"@en . . . . "Elise gives off a big yawn, a suitcase in her hand. She is standing outside the Pok\u00E9mon Center, waiting. Elise: Why do I have to go to the cabin of my father\u2019s friend? I know, I know. Have to keep up appearances. But he should go himself. President: Elise! There you are! Elise turns, the President and several other men arrive. President: It\u2019s so good to see you. Elise: Yes. (Elise bows) My father extends his apologies for not appearing himself, but he is very busy, as you know. Elise: Who is that? President: Well he should be, ah! There he is! End Scene Elise: (Deadpan) Yes, glorious. Sandslash: Slash."@en . . . . "Dioga beta"@en . . . . . "2017-02-01"^^ . . "Elise gives off a big yawn, a suitcase in her hand. She is standing outside the Pok\u00E9mon Center, waiting. Elise: Why do I have to go to the cabin of my father\u2019s friend? I know, I know. Have to keep up appearances. But he should go himself. President: Elise! There you are! Elise turns, the President and several other men arrive. President: It\u2019s so good to see you. Elise: Yes. (Elise bows) My father extends his apologies for not appearing himself, but he is very busy, as you know. President: But of course! I am well aware that your father is a very busy man, running the largest shipping company in Kanto. But your beauty is a welcome sight on any occasion, especially since I will get to show you my art collection! Pictures of all the Pok\u00E9mon I\u2019ve ever owned! Now, we\u2019re waiting for just one other person. Elise: Who is that? President: Well he should be, ah! There he is! Elise turns, seeing Ian and Sandslash walking over. She blushes, as she turns away as Ian makes it over. President: Ah, Ian lad! I\u2019m so glad to see you! For a moment, I didn\u2019t think that you\u2019d be coming! Ian: Let\u2019s go already. The sooner we get there, the sooner I can leave. End Scene The group arrives at a Pok\u00E9mon Center cabin up in the mountains, the President pleased with himself. President: Here we are! A few years back, this place didn\u2019t even exist. Everyone who traveled had to sleep outdoors on their travels to Vermillion City. But with this open to the public, everyone can relax and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, from the indoors. And see my beautiful collection at the same time! Elise: (Deadpan) Yes, glorious. She looks over at Ian, who was interested in a picture of a Rhydon. Ian: Was this yours? President: No. This particular Rhydon was owned by a friend of mine. It was his prized possession, as mine was Rapidash. I remember our fateful battle in the Pok\u00E9mon League, where\u2026 Ian: (Interested) You competed in the Pok\u00E9mon League? President: Why yes. I made it all the way to the top 32 when I had to fight my friend. It was down to the wire, one Pok\u00E9mon each. My Rapidash\u2019s Fire Blast barely denting Rhydon\u2019s armor. Ian goes off, looking at the other pictures. Elise follows, but doesn\u2019t approach him. Sandslash: Slash. Elise: Eh?! Elise looks down, Sandslash rubbing up against her gently. She reaches down, going to pet it. Ian: (Back turned to them) Careful. Elise is surprised and lets out a gasp, as she pulls her hand back. Elise: What? Ian: Sandslash\u2019s spines will hurt if you pet him the wrong way. You need to stroke down from the head, never upward from the back. Elise: Oh. Elise pets Sandslash\u2019s head, it cooing at her. Elise laughs, as Ian keeps going down the hall. President: Then, a great thunderstorm hit the battlefield! Rapidash\u2019s flames shrunk, its power weakened. Elise: (Turning with interest.) Rain affects Fire types? President: Oh yes. Several Fire types have flames on their bodies. Many of them have flames that can\u2019t go out. Others aren\u2019t as lucky. And the rain can affect or even greatly harm a Fire type if not careful. A boom of thunder occurs, as the group looks out the window, seeing a storm outside, the wind howling. President: Yes, that does happen here. Flash storm. Ian: I was hoping to get out of here today. President: This mountain is extremely dangerous to traverse in this kind of weather. It\u2019s best to wait for the storm to pass. Now then, my Rapidash, with its last burst of energy, charged with its\u2026 Ian and Sandslash head down to the common area, Elise following. Damian, a boy with blue hair, pink shirt and cowboy vest, sits laughing with several friends. Damian: Then, I took out that Geodude with one Karate Chop! Wah! (He does a Karate Chop motion, impressing the others.) And that\u2019s how I defeated the Hiker. Friend: Impressive as always, Damian. Damian: Ain\u2019t that the truth. Hm? Damian turns, seeing Sandslash. He smirks at it. Damian: Ah, that looks like a pretty tough Pok\u00E9mon. (Looks at Ian.) You its trainer? Ian: If I am? Damian: Then how about a trade? How about it for my Machop? Ian: Not interested. Damian: Oh, come on! Maybe you would\u2019ve taken that Charmander. Too bad I ditched it. Ian: (Anger rising) Ditched it? Damian: Yeah. That stupid Fire type was useless in battle. But no matter how much I tried to get rid of it, it followed me everywhere! I finally told it to wait for me on a rock, and it believed me! Ian grabs Damian\u2019s throat, raising him off the ground, choking him. Damian: (Choking) What are you? Elise: (In terror) Ian! Stop! Ian: Where did you leave it? Damian: (Strained) On a rock in the mountains. Ian throws Damian aside, his friends catching him. Ian runs out the door, Sandslash following. Damian stands up, rubbing his lip. Damian: Yeah, you better run! End Scene Ian is running through the rain, blinded by the wind. He pulls his goggles over his eyes, as he spots Charmander on a rock, wielding a leaf to cover the fire on its tail, it being dangerously low. Ian makes it over to Charmander. Ian: (In friendly tone) Hey there. I\u2019m going to get you out of here. Ian takes his jacket off, revealing his white sleeveless undershirt. He wraps the jacket around Charmander. He picks Charmander up, and takes off running, Sandslash after him. Ian\u2019s feet slip, as he slides down a mud path. Sandslash runs in front of him, catching him and gently lowering him. Ian: Thanks. The two keep going, making it back to the Pok\u00E9mon Center. Nurse Joy, Elise and President were waiting for them. Nurse Joy: How\u2019s it doing? Ian: (Panting) Bad. Its flame is almost all the way out. Nurse Joy: I\u2019ll take it. But we have to hurry! Nurse Joy takes Charmander without the jacket, rushing to the ER. Ian takes his jacket, hanging it to dry. President: Son, I must say that was incredibly brave of you. Ian: Nothing too special. President: But I know few people that would do that. Come here, come here. This, is one of my prized possessions. Ian follows the President to the table, as he pulls a journal out of a backpack, which was crammed full. President: I am good friends with Professor Oak, who is the creator of the Pok\u00E9dex, the most complete encyclopedia of Pok\u00E9mon. This is my version, however, with info of Pok\u00E9mon I\u2019ve encountered over the years. I want you to have it, in the hopes that it helps you on your journey. Ian: (Marveling at it, flipping through the pages.) Thank you. I, I don\u2019t know what to say. President: You are now a member of the Pok\u00E9mon Fan Club. You don\u2019t have to say anything. Now, get some rest. It will be a while before Charmander is in any good condition. End Scene The next morning, the storm has passed, Elise having fallen asleep on the couch. Ian was flipping through the journal, looking at info of Pok\u00E9mon. Elise jerks awake. Elise: Huh, what? Sandslash: Slash. (Sandslash rubs up against her.) What happened to Charmander? Is it okay? Ian: Yeah. Fine enough to disappear after surgery. Elise: What?! We should be out looking for it! Ian: I\u2019m trying to find something. Elise: Looking for what?! You care more about a book instead of making sure Ian: I\u2019m trying to find if the President has any info on it. Maybe we can find out why it ran. Elise: Oh. Ian: Here we go. \u201CCharmander\u2019s are extremely loyal to its trainer. No fight is too tough for it, no battle too tough to put out its flame.\u201D Ian puts the book in his pack, going to grab his jacket. Elise: Where are you going? Ian: The rock I found it at. It\u2019ll be back. Sandslash. Sandslash: Slash! Sandslash runs over, joining Ian as he leaves. Elise: Wait up! I\u2019m going too! Charmander is walking through the mountain forest, making its way back to the rock. Ian: Hey! Charmander! Charmander: Char? Charmander turns, seeing Ian, Sandslash and Elise coming up, Elise falling behind. Ian: Hey there. I know you\u2019re loyal to your trainer, but no trainer should tell a Pok\u00E9mon to stay in a storm. Come with us. Charmander looks confused, as Damian appears. Damian: Hey there, Charmander. Glad to see you\u2019re doing well. Ian: You! Damian: Hey! Get away from my Pok\u00E9mon! You\u2019re lucky I don\u2019t charge you with assault. Ian: You abandoned your Pok\u00E9mon. You don\u2019t even care for it. Damian: Of course I don\u2019t! (Charmander looks at Damian, hurt.) But I\u2019m sure I can find a trainer who\u2019d be interested to trade for it. Even if it is a weakling. Sandslash moves forward, growling viciously at Damian. Sandslash: (With rage) Slash. Damian: You want to battle? Fine, Machop! Karate Chop! Damian chooses Machop, who charges in with Karate Chop. Sandslash strikes it with his claw, Machop going flying, defeated. Damian: What the? Ian appears in front of Damian, punching Damian, giving him a black eye. Damian falls, out cold. Elise screams at the assault. Ian goes over to Charmander. Ian: That guy doesn\u2019t care for you. But I do. (He offers his hand.) Come with me. Together, we\u2019ll prove him wrong. Charmander: (Excited) Char! Char! Ian pulls out a Pok\u00E9ball, tapping Charmander on the head. Charmander is sucked in, as the Pok\u00E9ball clicks closed. Ian smirks, as he signals to Sandslash, the two walking away. Elise: Wait! Ian turns, as Elise gasps, surprised that she said anything. Ian: What? Elise: P-p-p-p-please take me with you! (She bows, looking at the ground.) I want to learn! I want to learn how to be such a powerful trainer as yourself! You truly care about Pok\u00E9mon, you are strong beyond anything I\u2019ve ever seen! Please teach me! Ian is silent, as he turns and walks away. Sandslash stays in one spot, as Elise looks up, upset. Ian: Keep up, or you\u2019ll fall behind. Elise is elated, as Sandslash motions her to follow them. Elise takes off running after him."@en . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . . . .