"Tom Fitzgerald"@en . "G2-9T"@en . . "G2-9T"@en . . . . . . . . "Roger"@en . "Star Wars: Star Tours"@en . . . . . "Eccentric, bumbling, incompetent"@en . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*New Republic era"@en . . "G2-9T"@en . . . "G2-9T was a G2 repair droid. It was once owned by a Troig diplomat on Tatooine before working for the Star Tours travel agency. Before the Battle of Yavin, G2-9T was employed by Star Tours as a droid security agent, scanning luggage for banned paraphernalia. However, G2-9T sometimes fell asleep on the job to \"recharge batteries,\" resulting in some contraband being allowed onto the flight. He also once let a satellite receiver onboard a flight, despite it being a contraband object, because it was \"so cute.\" He also ended up destroying a passenger's camera within their luggage, having mistaken it for an alien weapon especially after it activated inside the luggage. He also expressed a desire to travel the universe, but he was outfitted with a restraining bolt, preventing him from doing so fo"@en . . . "''Star Tours"@en . "Tom Fitzgerald"@en . "Repair droid"@en . "G2-9T is a droid appearing in Star Tours and its prequel Star Tours: The Adventures Continue in the Sector 2 section of the queue. In The Adventures Continue, G2-9T works as a security agent for Star Tours. By the time of the setting of the original Star Tours, G2-9T has been reprogrammed into a repair droid. He is voiced by Tom Fitzgerald."@en . . . . "G2-9T was a G2 repair droid. It was once owned by a Troig diplomat on Tatooine before working for the Star Tours travel agency. Before the Battle of Yavin, G2-9T was employed by Star Tours as a droid security agent, scanning luggage for banned paraphernalia. However, G2-9T sometimes fell asleep on the job to \"recharge batteries,\" resulting in some contraband being allowed onto the flight. He also once let a satellite receiver onboard a flight, despite it being a contraband object, because it was \"so cute.\" He also ended up destroying a passenger's camera within their luggage, having mistaken it for an alien weapon especially after it activated inside the luggage. He also expressed a desire to travel the universe, but he was outfitted with a restraining bolt, preventing him from doing so for reasons implied to be related to his job. He apparently knew about the Rebel base on Yavin 4, briefly mentioning it at one point before stopping himself. He was later reprogrammed to act as a repair droid again. Because of his possessing remnant programming of his original owner, he also sometimes mistook a Star Tours patron for a Troig. After Star Tours was closed, the droid found work with Talon Karrde in 19 ABY. Though the droid claimed to be a fifth degree labor droid, it was actually a second-degree repair droid. G2-9T was plugged in to the radio station FM Droid, which played Top 40 droid music. The droid was very fond of the song \"I Wanna Weld Your Hand\", from the band Danny and the Droids."@en . "Neutral"@en . "Droid security agent"@en . . . . "sw03stg29t.asp"@en . . . . "G2-9T is a droid appearing in Star Tours and its prequel Star Tours: The Adventures Continue in the Sector 2 section of the queue. In The Adventures Continue, G2-9T works as a security agent for Star Tours. By the time of the setting of the original Star Tours, G2-9T has been reprogrammed into a repair droid. He is voiced by Tom Fitzgerald."@en . . . . . . . "*Star Tours\n*Talon Karrde"@en . . .