. . . . "Ellis, labeled the Quiet Bookworm is a character on an upcoming project. He was placed on the TBA."@en . "Red"@en . . . . "Ellis accompanies the party up the Mountain to restore the stream to Rin. Although he appears to be fearless and a warrior, in the forest he flees at the sight of his greatest fear, spiders. Later he waits for Val at the edge of the forest, and when she appears they return together to Rin."@en . . . . "Ellis is one of the lesser used characters in the My Scene universe, and is also the least produced of the My Scene boys, and was discontinued in 2009 after he moved from New York, and it's been speculated that Ellis has moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being an actor. He is one of the four members of the band \"Urban Desire\" and was in a relationship with Delancey. According to the official website, his sign is Pisces and he loves going to movies. He is named after Ellis Island in New York."@en . . . "Carburant"@fr . . "Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven"@en . . . "People of Rin"@en . . "Players may engage in humorous dialogue with Ellis by using coins on him."@en . . . . . "Ellis"@sv . . . . . . "Deceased"@en . . . "\"Aw, man, we're done for. We're gonna get eaten!\" \u2014Ellis(src) Ellis was a worker at the Indominus rex Paddock. Movies="@en . . "El"@en . "To survive the zombie outbreak"@en . . "Rang 1 Vorderschaftrepetierflinte"@de . . . "Blau"@de . . "Ethnicity"@en . . "300"^^ . . "Ellis (also known as El) is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He is the youngest of the group. A junior mechanic by trade in the city of Savannah, he presents himself as a goofy, beer-loving country guy with an artless and sometimes naive world view. According to Chet, from Valve, he is \"extremely excited\" about everything, like managing to visit a concert and being able to kill a lot of zombies, occasionally doing both at the same time, like in the Dark Carnival finale. Personality-wise, Ellis is open, friendly, inclusive and highly (even unrealistically) optimistic, similar to Louis from the first game. In common with most young men, he is a risk taker and believes himself to be indestructible. He is also easily distracted, often breaking into rants about things that have nothing to do with the current situation: far-fetched stories about his friend Keith and indulging in a flight of fantasy about marrying Zoey and taking her off on a cross-country road trip--all at the most inconvenient of times. Ellis' facial features are based on Jesy McKinney and he is voiced by Eric Ladin."@en . "Guildmaster"@en . . "Full Name"@en . . . "\"Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!\""@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Jesy McKinney"@de . . . . . "Mechanic"@en . "Astro Sign"@en . "New tailoring ability"@en . "Si, paradoxalement, on repr\u00E9sentait la vitesse par un lieu dans l'univers, ce lieu serait indubitablement le syst\u00E8me Ellis. H\u00F4te de la Coupe Murray, la course la plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bre dans la galaxie, il sait jouer de sa r\u00E9putation aupr\u00E8s des touristes qui s'aventurent \u00E0 moins d'une ann\u00E9e lumi\u00E8re de ses mondes ext\u00E9rieures. Pourtant il est aussi un syst\u00E8me tr\u00E8s int\u00E9ressant en soi : avec des myriades de formes de vie indig\u00E8nes qui n'ont pas leur semblable dans l\u2019espace, son \u00E9conomie affranchie de l'industrie a\u00E9rospatiale ou la vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de plan\u00E8tes qu\u2019il abrite, Ellis m\u00E9rite d\u2019\u00EAtre visit\u00E9 au moins une fois dans une vie. D\u2019un point de vue cosmologique, il est centr\u00E9 autour d'une \u00E9toile jaune de type F3V et dot\u00E9 d\u2019une zone verte particuli\u00E8rement vaste, ce qui y a permis une concentration \u00E9lev\u00E9e de la d\u00E9mographie humaine. En outre, il se situe dans une r\u00E9gion tr\u00E8s d\u00E9velopp\u00E9e de l\u2019espace de l'UEE et dispose de points de sauts stables vers les syst\u00E8mes Nexus et Kilian. Politiquement, il appartient \u00E0 des corporations priv\u00E9es dont la gouvernance s'exerce de fa\u00E7on plut\u00F4t triviale. Malgr\u00E9 son association avec les courses spatiales, Ellis n\u2019a jamais \u00E9t\u00E9 un foyer industriel ; \u00E0 la place, il exporte des min\u00E9raux non raffin\u00E9s et des produits de la p\u00EAche aux syst\u00E8mes peupl\u00E9s de la m\u00EAme constellation."@fr . . "Ellis is one of the lesser used characters in the My Scene universe, and is also the least produced of the My Scene boys, and was discontinued in 2009 after he moved from New York, and it's been speculated that Ellis has moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being an actor. He is one of the four members of the band \"Urban Desire\" and was in a relationship with Delancey. According to the official website, his sign is Pisces and he loves going to movies. He is named after Ellis Island in New York."@en . "7"^^ . . . "TBA"@en . . . . "US Army"@en . "Brown"@en . "250"^^ . . . "Pisces"@en . . "In the GMOD videos, his trait of being a \"child at heart\" is exaggerated, making him look like a complete moron whose only capability in life is to screw things up. This makes him annoying to the other characters because of this. In most videos, he is obsessed with horses and things of Christmas. But in some moments, he can be serious and often pull acts and stunts that other characters cannot do (with the help of an Adrenaline shot) and when he is in a bind that he might get killed, He injects himself, making his head grow big and shouting \"IMMAH FIRIN' MAH LAZAAAR!!!\", and actually shooting laser at his enemies."@en . "\"Into the Woods\""@en . . . . . . . . "Ellis on NPC, joka parkitsee lehm\u00E4nnahkaa ja monia muita nahkoja Al-Kharidissa."@fi . . . . . "Human"@en . . . "Skilled gunman, and survivor, immune to the virus"@en . . . . . "Ellis \u00E4r en manlig Tau'ri i en alternativ tidslinje var han d\u00F6d tillsammans med m\u00E5nga andra i f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att f\u00F6rsvara Jorden fr\u00E5n Goa'uld. N\u00E4r tidslinjen \u00E4ndrades s\u00E5 var han fortfarande vid och arbetade vid Stargate Command. (SG1: \"Stargate SG-1: Relativity\")kategori:Amerikanerkategori:N\u00E4mnd endast SG-1 karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . . . . "Ellis"@fr . . . . . . "2015-06-22"^^ . "\"Listening to Fear\""@en . "Name: Ellis Darclune Balthazar Race: Class: Warlock Professions: Mining and Engineering Age: 30 Birthplace: Andorhal Current Residence: Orah Adare, Nagrand Specialization: Demonology Affiliation: Emerald Mosaic Appearance: Ellis' pale skins carries the hint of a sunburn. Her hair hair is a natural, light red, and although she looks thinner than what is healthy, her eyes are bright. She is of average height."@en . . "\"Aw, man, we're done for. We're gonna get eaten!\" \u2014Ellis(src) Ellis was a worker at the Indominus rex Paddock. Movies="@en . "It takes approximately 9 seconds running to get from him to the bank interface."@en . . . . . . . . . "\"Soda Tax\""@en . "The Zebak, Unrin trees, Ice Creepers"@en . . "Ellis on NPC, joka parkitsee lehm\u00E4nnahkaa ja monia muita nahkoja Al-Kharidissa."@fi . "Appearance"@en . . "Ellis is a fighter who uses Tira's fighting style and she appears in Tower Of Lost Souls descend mode."@en . . "Ellis ist der j\u00FCngste der 4 spielbaren \u00DCberlebenden in L4D2. Ellis stammt aus Savannah und war vor dem Ausbruch der Krankheit Automechaniker. Er ist ein eher naiver Charakter, was ihm oft den Spott von Nick einbringt. Diese Naivit\u00E4t bringt ihn auch dazu in den unm\u00F6glichensten Momenten - etwa w\u00E4hrend die \u00DCberlebenden sich in einem Mall voller Zombies befinden - die Erlebnisse mit seinem Freund Keith mit den anderen \u00DCberlebenden zu teilen. Es zeigt sich an vielen Stellen, dass Ellis ein kindlicher Charakter ist, der sehr viel Spa\u00DF an der ganzen Situation hat, solange es gut f\u00FCr die \u00DCberlebenden l\u00E4uft (z.B. der Kommentar \"Man, I wanted this rifle since I was nine.\" wenn er ein Sturmgewehr aufsammelt)."@de . . . . . . "Ellis or El is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2 as the youngest of the group. He is a junior mechanic by trade in Savannah City, he describes himself as a goofy, beer-loving guy with artless and sometimes naive universal view. Personally, he is open, friendly, inclusive and highly optimistic. In common, he's also a risk taker and believes trusts himself to be invincible. However, he has a love interest named Zoey after meeting up with her. Ellis' facial features are based on Jesy McKinney and he is voiced by Eric Ladin."@en . . . . "Left 4 Dead 2"@en . "Ellis"@en . . . . . . "Ellis"@en . . . "Eric Ladin"@de . . . "EllisBanner.png"@en . . . "Ellis is an intern for Ben Wyatt at the Barkley Group."@en . "Mogres, Lizards, Pet Fish, Potions and Potatoes!"@en . . . . "On 14th Street in Washington, D.C."@en . "Name: Ellis Darclune Balthazar Race: Class: Warlock Professions: Mining and Engineering Age: 30 Birthplace: Andorhal Current Residence: Orah Adare, Nagrand Specialization: Demonology Affiliation: Emerald Mosaic Appearance: Ellis' pale skins carries the hint of a sunburn. Her hair hair is a natural, light red, and although she looks thinner than what is healthy, her eyes are bright. She is of average height."@en . . "No"@en . . . . . . . "Ellis"@en . "New London"@en . "Ellis joined Cybernations on March 24, 2009. He spent several months as an unaligned nation, braving the world of Planet Bob by himself before deciding to join the New Pacific Order. He believed that the New Pacific Order, as a top alliance, would have a lot to teach him about the Cyberverse. He also enjoyed the recruiting message that led him to the Order. While in the Order he participated in the war against Jarheads, FAN, and the Armageddon War."@en . . "3"^^ . "Ellis is a fighter who uses Tira's fighting style and she appears in Tower Of Lost Souls descend mode."@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Rowan of the Bukshah"@en . . "Type of Hero"@en . . "Military Custody"@en . . . . "\u25CF"@fr . . . "None"@en . "Ellis, labeled the Quiet Bookworm is a character on an upcoming project. He was placed on the TBA."@en . "Hero"@en . . . . . . . . . "Euro-American"@en . "TBA"@en . . "Flag of Invicta.svg"@en . "Jesy McKinney"@en . . "EllisWeaponsRender.jpg"@en . . . "Mec\u00E1nico"@es . . "He was in his first Character Battle in 2010 against Commander Shepard, in which he got destroyed. This may be because he looks suspiciously similar to what we think SDR looks like."@en . . . . . "Erich Rhoemer: \"How much information was smuggled back to your agency?\" Ellis: \"I'm not telling you anything. You'll have to kill me.\" Erich Rhoemer: \"Very well. Now I will show you how we deal with informants.[to Mara]Kill him.\" Mara Aramov: \"With pleasure.\" Ellis was an agent recruited by Benton to the agency, he belonged to Gabriel Logan's convoy in Kabul in Afghanistan as a demolitions expert. After that he worked for the agency until his Capture in Costa Rica. While Ellis was not very good at gunfighting, he had unshakable loyalty, as he chose to be killed rather than revealing information about 'The Agency' to Rhoemer, who interrogated him."@en . "Naine Jaune-Blanche"@fr . . . "Ellis looking up at the Indominus rex."@en . "2179"^^ . "Rowan of Rin"@en . "Ellis"@es . . . . . . "Players may engage in humorous dialogue with Ellis by using coins on him."@en . . "Occupation"@en . "Ellis is a guildmaster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. He can be found at the Initiate Guild of Water in Mist. He teaches basic water magic and learning for 1000 gold each, though the price can be reduced with the merchant skill. He also sells the first seven water magic spells. He will have twelve spellbooks for sale. They are selected at random, and duplicates will happen, so he might not have all spells at the same time. To use his services, the party must first purchase membership to the guild from Harper Collins or Dominique Juarez."@en . . . . . "Ellis"@de . "Ellis joined Cybernations on March 24, 2009. He spent several months as an unaligned nation, braving the world of Planet Bob by himself before deciding to join the New Pacific Order. He believed that the New Pacific Order, as a top alliance, would have a lot to teach him about the Cyberverse. He also enjoyed the recruiting message that led him to the Order. While in the Order he participated in the war against Jarheads, FAN, and the Armageddon War."@en . "Hobbies"@en . "Ellis \u00E4r en manlig Tau'ri i en alternativ tidslinje var han d\u00F6d tillsammans med m\u00E5nga andra i f\u00F6rs\u00F6k att f\u00F6rsvara Jorden fr\u00E5n Goa'uld. N\u00E4r tidslinjen \u00E4ndrades s\u00E5 var han fortfarande vid och arbetade vid Stargate Command. (SG1: \"Stargate SG-1: Relativity\")kategori:Amerikanerkategori:N\u00E4mnd endast SG-1 karakt\u00E4r"@sv . "Nick Chinlund\n\nB5"@en . . . . "Ellis.JPG"@en . "Manufacturer of fine leathers."@en . . "Ellis is a DLC character playable in Resident Evil 6's \"The Mercenaries\" mode."@en . . "(Sidearm) - Dual P220 Pistols"@en . . . . . "Alias"@en . "Yori Co \nFessel Quinn \n\nClay Harren \n\nRashmi Nayar"@fr . . . . . "Regnum Invictorum"@en . "Ellis Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sangu\u00EDneo G\u00E9nero Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupaci\u00F3n Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Ellis es uno de los sobrevivientes del apocalipsis zombi que tiene lugar en el universo de la saga Left 4 Dead. Est\u00E1 presente en Resident Evil 6, debido a un acuerdo de crossover entre Valve y Capcom."@es . . "Goals"@en . . "Mother, Father, Brother."@en . . . "Intern at the Barkley Group"@en . "Ellis"@es . "Ellis is a guildmaster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. He can be found at the Initiate Guild of Water in Mist. He teaches basic water magic and learning for 1000 gold each, though the price can be reduced with the merchant skill. He also sells the first seven water magic spells. He will have twelve spellbooks for sale. They are selected at random, and duplicates will happen, so he might not have all spells at the same time. To use his services, the party must first purchase membership to the guild from Harper Collins or Dominique Juarez."@en . "2001-06-23"^^ . . . . "2005-10-24"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . . "thumb|EllisEllis war ein Tierpfleger in Jurassic World, der im Indominus Rex-Gehege arbeitete."@de . . . "(Tier 2) - Hunting Rifle variants"@en . . "314280"^^ . "(Tier 1) - Submachine Gun variants"@en . "None"@en . "None"@en . . . . . . . "Ellis"@en . "Delancey ."@en . . "Green"@en . . . "Ellis"@fr . "101"^^ . . "Hobbies"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . . "No"@en . . . "Masculino"@es . "Brown hair, light skin tone, and green eyes."@en . "Pete Ploszek"@en . . "Ellis accompanies the party up the Mountain to restore the stream to Rin. Although he appears to be fearless and a warrior, in the forest he flees at the sight of his greatest fear, spiders. Later he waits for Val at the edge of the forest, and when she appears they return together to Rin."@en . . "Name"@en . . . . . "It takes approximately 9 seconds running to get from him to the bank interface."@en . . . "Yes"@en . "Brown"@en . . . . . . . . "Etoile unique"@fr . "23"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Going to the movies, taking acting classes."@en . . . "Miller"@en . . . "Survivor"@en . . "300"^^ . . "Rang 2 Jagd-und Scharfsch\u00FCtzengewehre"@de . "Si, paradoxalement, on repr\u00E9sentait la vitesse par un lieu dans l'univers, ce lieu serait indubitablement le syst\u00E8me Ellis. H\u00F4te de la Coupe Murray, la course la plus c\u00E9l\u00E8bre dans la galaxie, il sait jouer de sa r\u00E9putation aupr\u00E8s des touristes qui s'aventurent \u00E0 moins d'une ann\u00E9e lumi\u00E8re de ses mondes ext\u00E9rieures. Pourtant il est aussi un syst\u00E8me tr\u00E8s int\u00E9ressant en soi : avec des myriades de formes de vie indig\u00E8nes qui n'ont pas leur semblable dans l\u2019espace, son \u00E9conomie affranchie de l'industrie a\u00E9rospatiale ou la vari\u00E9t\u00E9 de plan\u00E8tes qu\u2019il abrite, Ellis m\u00E9rite d\u2019\u00EAtre visit\u00E9 au moins une fois dans une vie."@fr . . . . . . . "Principal Ellis"@en . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "In the GMOD videos, his trait of being a \"child at heart\" is exaggerated, making him look like a complete moron whose only capability in life is to screw things up. This makes him annoying to the other characters because of this. In most videos, he is obsessed with horses and things of Christmas. But in some moments, he can be serious and often pull acts and stunts that other characters cannot do (with the help of an Adrenaline shot) and when he is in a bind that he might get killed, He injects himself, making his head grow big and shouting \"IMMAH FIRIN' MAH LAZAAAR!!!\", and actually shooting laser at his enemies. Just like Louis and his pills, Hunter and medkits, He is obssessed with Adrenaline shots, in which he goes \"wubububbubububbubbu\"ing and wreaks havoc. In most videos in GMOD, his game lines such as his humorous comments and his stories about Keith are widely used in the videos. In most videos of Gmod, he is portrayed as having a love relationship with fellow Survivor Zoey and Brother relationship with another fellow survivor, Nick. Everyone finds Ellis and his stories about Keith very annoying."@en . "Ellis or El is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2 as the youngest of the group. He is a junior mechanic by trade in Savannah City, he describes himself as a goofy, beer-loving guy with artless and sometimes naive universal view. Personally, he is open, friendly, inclusive and highly optimistic. In common, he's also a risk taker and believes trusts himself to be invincible. However, he has a love interest named Zoey after meeting up with her. Ellis' facial features are based on Jesy McKinney and he is voiced by Eric Ladin. Ellis' irrepressible optimism leads to some mixed relationships with the other team members, who cannot figure out if Ellis is genuinely oblivious to the danger they face or if he has a highly resilient, tough-minded personality who chooses to mask or defend it behind a light-hearted surface persona. Whatever is supposed to be the truth, Ellis presents to his fellow team members the view that the Zombie Apocalypse is a thrill-laden adventure while his open and friendly nature allows him to form affectionate bonds with his teammates effortlessly. Ellis is quick to claim everyone as his friends, as he will sometimes say, \"This is what friends are for,\" when using a med-kit, or will tell a fallen teammate, \"I ain't leavin' you!\" and he mourns the most when any member of the group dies. In overall terms, Ellis can be viewed as the group's little brother. Although his seeming obliviousness to the severity of the situation implies that he is rather naive or even unintelligent, this view is incorrect: he is not stupid, as he proves many times over in combat and most notably when he comes up with the plan of using Jimmy Gibbs Junior's car to escape the mall."@en . . . "UEE"@fr . . . . . . "Man"@sv . . . . . . . . . . "Ellis ist der j\u00FCngste der 4 spielbaren \u00DCberlebenden in L4D2. Ellis stammt aus Savannah und war vor dem Ausbruch der Krankheit Automechaniker. Er ist ein eher naiver Charakter, was ihm oft den Spott von Nick einbringt. Diese Naivit\u00E4t bringt ihn auch dazu in den unm\u00F6glichensten Momenten - etwa w\u00E4hrend die \u00DCberlebenden sich in einem Mall voller Zombies befinden - die Erlebnisse mit seinem Freund Keith mit den anderen \u00DCberlebenden zu teilen. Es zeigt sich an vielen Stellen, dass Ellis ein kindlicher Charakter ist, der sehr viel Spa\u00DF an der ganzen Situation hat, solange es gut f\u00FCr die \u00DCberlebenden l\u00E4uft (z.B. der Kommentar \"Man, I wanted this rifle since I was nine.\" wenn er ein Sturmgewehr aufsammelt)."@de . "Ellis in 1994"@en . . . "Straccia"@en . . "thumb|EllisEllis war ein Tierpfleger in Jurassic World, der im Indominus Rex-Gehege arbeitete."@de . . . "Blonde"@en . "Braun"@de . . . "Powers/Skills"@en . . . "Ellis"@de . . . . "Relationships"@en . . . "Moyenne"@fr . . "He was in his first Character Battle in 2010 against Commander Shepard, in which he got destroyed. This may be because he looks suspiciously similar to what we think SDR looks like."@en . "Brown"@en . "Erich Rhoemer: \"How much information was smuggled back to your agency?\" Ellis: \"I'm not telling you anything. You'll have to kill me.\" Erich Rhoemer: \"Very well. Now I will show you how we deal with informants.[to Mara]Kill him.\" Mara Aramov: \"With pleasure.\""@en . . "None"@en . "Ellis (also known as El) is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. He is the youngest of the group. A junior mechanic by trade in the city of Savannah, he presents himself as a goofy, beer-loving country guy with an artless and sometimes naive world view. According to Chet, from Valve, he is \"extremely excited\" about everything, like managing to visit a concert and being able to kill a lot of zombies, occasionally doing both at the same time, like in the Dark Carnival finale. Ellis' facial features are based on Jesy McKinney and he is voiced by Eric Ladin."@en . . . . . "Ellis"@sv . . . "Origin"@en . "TBA"@en . "/Galerie|Galerie"@de . . "Eric Ladin"@en . . . "Ellis"@fi . . "Ellis Edad Fecha de nacimiento Fecha de muerte Grupo sangu\u00EDneo G\u00E9nero Altura Peso Raza / etnia Ocupaci\u00F3n Estado Voz Retrato Actor / actriz de captura Ellis es uno de los sobrevivientes del apocalipsis zombi que tiene lugar en el universo de la saga Left 4 Dead. Est\u00E1 presente en Resident Evil 6, debido a un acuerdo de crossover entre Valve y Capcom."@es . . "Ellis is a DLC character playable in Resident Evil 6's \"The Mercenaries\" mode."@en . "Caucasian"@en . "Ellis is an intern for Ben Wyatt at the Barkley Group."@en . . . "Biens m\u00E9caniques, produits de luxe"@fr . . .