. "Max Planck (April 23, 1858 - October 4, 1947) was a human physicist considered to be the founder of quantum theory. During his research, Planck conjectured the smallest measurable distance (a Planck length), and from that derived the smallest possibly measurable unit of time using the speed of light in a vacuum; this measurement was called the Planck time. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual) In 2258, in an alternate reality, James T. Kirk named Planck among the famous physicists of the past. (TOS novelization: Star Trek)"@en . . . "Max Planck war ein Physiker, der die Diskretion in die Physik eingef\u00FChrt hat. Vor Max Planck wurden physikalische Information kontinuierlich abgesondert. Max Planck hingegen stellte die Regel auf, dass Information nur in festgelegten Paketen, so genannten Quanten, abgesondert werden darf. Dabei ist bestimmte Information immer in bestimmten Quanten abzugeben, und diese Quanten k\u00F6nnen nur von Physikern mit hinreichender Reputation abgegeben werden. Die Formel hierf\u00FCr lautet , wobei die eminente Wichtigkeit der Information angibt, und die n\u00F6tige Reputation des Physikers. Die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe wurde von Planck eingef\u00FChrt und wird allgemein als Plancksches Wirkungsquantum bezeichnet, weil es die Wirkung, die ein Physiker haben darf, angibt. Planck hat h bewusst extrem klein gehalten, so dass selbst Physiker mit hoher Reputation kaum etwas zu sagen haben. Dies sichert die Diskretion in der Physik."@de . "Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck, better known as Max Planck[2] (April 23, 1858 \u2013 October 4, 1947) was a German physicist. He is considered to be the founder of quantum theory, and one of the most important physicists of the twentieth century. Planck came from a traditional, intellectual family. His paternal great-grandfather and grandfather were both theology professors in G\u00F6ttingen, his father was a law professor in Kiel and Munich, and his paternal uncle was a judge."@en . . . "1947-10-04"^^ . . "5776440"^^ . . . "Citoyen allemand"@fr . "Leeds, Yorkshire"@en . . "Karl Ernst Ludwing Marx Planck, per gli amici Max, si \u00E8 macchiato del crimine di aver creato la branca della fisica pi\u00F9 selvaggia e perversa esistente: la Meccanica Quantistica, per gli amici \"datti all'ippica\" o \"non fa per te\"."@it . "Max Karl Ernst Ludwig"@fr . . . . "Terre"@fr . "Nobel Award for Invention"@en . "Masculin"@fr . "North Dallas Reservoir"@en . . . . . "2011-10-04"^^ . "National Butchery Organisation"@en . "Max Planck"@it . . "Max Planck"@fr . . . . "Max Planck war ein Physiker, der die Diskretion in die Physik eingef\u00FChrt hat. Vor Max Planck wurden physikalische Information kontinuierlich abgesondert. Max Planck hingegen stellte die Regel auf, dass Information nur in festgelegten Paketen, so genannten Quanten, abgesondert werden darf. Dabei ist bestimmte Information immer in bestimmten Quanten abzugeben, und diese Quanten k\u00F6nnen nur von Physikern mit hinreichender Reputation abgegeben werden. Die Formel hierf\u00FCr lautet , wobei die eminente Wichtigkeit der Information angibt, und die n\u00F6tige Reputation des Physikers. Die Gr\u00F6\u00DFe wurde von Planck eingef\u00FChrt und wird allgemein als Plancksches Wirkungsquantum bezeichnet, weil es die Wirkung, die ein Physiker haben darf, angibt. Planck hat h bewusst extrem klein gehalten, so dass selbst Physike"@de . . . "1858-04-23"^^ . . . "Institutions"@en . . . . "Inventions"@en . "Awards"@en . . "Planck"@fr . "University of Leeds"@en . . . "Terre"@fr . . "Max Planck"@en . . . . "Hull, Humberside"@en . . "Max Planck"@en . "Max Planck"@de . . . . . . . . . "Fields"@en . "The Quantum Alphabet"@en . . "Karl Ernst Ludwing Marx Planck, per gli amici Max, si \u00E8 macchiato del crimine di aver creato la branca della fisica pi\u00F9 selvaggia e perversa esistente: la Meccanica Quantistica, per gli amici \"datti all'ippica\" o \"non fa per te\"."@it . "Disappeared"@en . "Maxwell Wooden Planck (23 April 1858 \u2013 4 October 2011) was a controversial working-class English butcher who, by accident, didn't invent quantum theory as an excuse to explain how inexplicable modern day physics are. His tome: The Quantum Butcher earned him the special Nobel Platinum Trifle award in 1918 despite being written using The Quantum Alphabet (much to the disgust of his friend Albert Einstein)."@en . "Born"@en . . "Qualified Butcher\u2019s Certificate"@en . "Butchery, Physics, Quantum Theory"@en . "Spouse"@en . . . "1858-04-23"^^ . "Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck, better known as Max Planck[2] (April 23, 1858 \u2013 October 4, 1947) was a German physicist. He is considered to be the founder of quantum theory, and one of the most important physicists of the twentieth century. Planck came from a traditional, intellectual family. His paternal great-grandfather and grandfather were both theology professors in G\u00F6ttingen, his father was a law professor in Kiel and Munich, and his paternal uncle was a judge."@en . "Maxwell Wooden Planck (23 April 1858 \u2013 4 October 2011) was a controversial working-class English butcher who, by accident, didn't invent quantum theory as an excuse to explain how inexplicable modern day physics are. His tome: The Quantum Butcher earned him the special Nobel Platinum Trifle award in 1918 despite being written using The Quantum Alphabet (much to the disgust of his friend Albert Einstein)."@en . "Nationalty"@en . "Birth name"@en . "Max Planck constipated with cogitation."@en . "Known for"@en . "Maxwell Wooden Planck"@en . "Max Planck (April 23, 1858 - October 4, 1947) was a human physicist considered to be the founder of quantum theory. During his research, Planck conjectured the smallest measurable distance (a Planck length), and from that derived the smallest possibly measurable unit of time using the speed of light in a vacuum; this measurement was called the Planck time. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual) In 2258, in an alternate reality, James T. Kirk named Planck among the famous physicists of the past. (TOS novelization: Star Trek)"@en . "2014-02-28"^^ .