. . . "By February 1946, the USA had been pushed back everywhere. In the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand had been taken by Japan, along with Hawaii and the Aleutians. America was pinned behind the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. However, an invasion of the US was considered impossible by both the Germans and the Japanese. Somehow, a knockout blow had to be made to defeat the Americans and end the war. In March of 1944, the Germans tested a new weapon, developed by Professor Kurt Diebner. This weapon was the first atom bomb ever to be tested. However, Hitler wanted a more powerful bomb, and thus work on making Diebner Atom bombs was stopped after only two were made. In January 1946 a new fast fission Atom bomb was tested in Russia. The yield was 40KT. Here at last was a weapon to end the war with."@en . "Nuking of New York (Heute Europa)"@en . "By February 1946, the USA had been pushed back everywhere. In the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand had been taken by Japan, along with Hawaii and the Aleutians. America was pinned behind the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. However, an invasion of the US was considered impossible by both the Germans and the Japanese. Somehow, a knockout blow had to be made to defeat the Americans and end the war. In March of 1944, the Germans tested a new weapon, developed by Professor Kurt Diebner. This weapon was the first atom bomb ever to be tested. However, Hitler wanted a more powerful bomb, and thus work on making Diebner Atom bombs was stopped after only two were made."@en . .