"DOSDoom"@es . . . . "Doom Legacy"@es . . . . . "Doom Legacy is a source port available for DOS, Win32, Linux, OS/2, and MacOS. It was originally written by Boris Pereira and Fabrice \"faB\" Denis, and is now maintained by Thierry \"Hurdler\" Van Elsuw\u00E9, with a supporting cast of 40 contributors. Legacy was originally written as a fork of an early DOSDoom version introducing mouse-look, jumping, a console, 32 player deathmatch, skins and a native win32 mode. The console in its entirety was taken from Quake 1.01, a leaked version of Quake about one to two years before it was GPLed. Fabrice developed a glide front-end, one of the first hardware-accelerated renderers. Hurdler was originally introduced to develop GL support, however as time went by, Hurdler increasingly maintained the project. Fabrice has now moved on to pastures new, with Boris making an occasional appearance. In 2000, Boom compatibility was introduced by Stephen \"SoM\" McGranahan, who also introduced Heretic support by merging in code from Heretic/Hexen; and FraggleScript from the port SMMU. SoM also developed some novel modifications, including several varieties of 3D floors and deep water before settling on the current implementation. Since 2003, the Legacy code-base is being re-written in C++. This is designed to improve the tolerance of the code base to new features."@en . . "Doom Legacy is a source port available for DOS, Win32, Linux, OS/2, and MacOS. It was originally written by Boris Pereira and Fabrice \"faB\" Denis, and is now maintained by Thierry \"Hurdler\" Van Elsuw\u00E9, with a supporting cast of 40 contributors. In 2000, Boom compatibility was introduced by Stephen \"SoM\" McGranahan, who also introduced Heretic support by merging in code from Heretic/Hexen; and FraggleScript from the port SMMU. SoM also developed some novel modifications, including several varieties of 3D floors and deep water before settling on the current implementation."@en . . "El Doom Legacy es otro source port muy utilizado, de caracter\u00EDsticas similares a EDGE. Permite renderizaci\u00F3n gr\u00E1fica por OpenGL o 3dfx Glide, lo cual hace posibles efectos como luces din\u00E1micas o destellos. Doom Legacy tiene otras capacidades, como vistas en tercera persona estilo Tomb Raider, posibilidad de participar hasta \u00A132! jugadores en partidas por Internet, uso de skins como en Zdoom."@es . . "2"^^ . . "ReMooD"@es . . "DOS, Linux, MacOS, OS/2, Windows"@en . . . "Doom Legacy 1.42"@en . "PSP Legacy"@es . . . "Doom Legacy"@en . "1998-02-12"^^ . "SDL Doom"@es . "El Doom Legacy es otro source port muy utilizado, de caracter\u00EDsticas similares a EDGE. Permite renderizaci\u00F3n gr\u00E1fica por OpenGL o 3dfx Glide, lo cual hace posibles efectos como luces din\u00E1micas o destellos. Doom Legacy tiene otras capacidades, como vistas en tercera persona estilo Tomb Raider, posibilidad de participar hasta \u00A132! jugadores en partidas por Internet, uso de skins como en Zdoom. Una muy llamativa es el modo de juego de dos personas en un mismo ordenador, empleando para ello la cl\u00E1sica pantalla partida; \u00A1s\u00ED, como en aquellos viejos arcades!; muy original y divertido. Por si todo esto fuese poco, el motor de Legacy puede manejar entornos completamente tridimensionales."@es . . . . "Doom Legacy"@es . . .