. ":Category:Nations"@en . . "This article is about a nation"@en . "The Castelian Kingdom or the Spanglish Kingdom, (Castelian:d'Reignum Espangles or d'Reignum Casteleanus ). is a huge, safe nation, remarkable for its keen interest in its people. Its compassionate population are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt. The Castelian kingdom is working on being the worlds leading international bank and becoming a world power through banking."@en . . . "87.0"^^ . "25"^^ . . "z 2.024 trillion"@en . "Kingdom of Castelia"@en . "Castelian,"@en . . . . "2009-02-26"^^ . "Castelia"@en . . "\"Tuer Hum\u00E1n Derectos\""@en . . "13"^^ . ", , ,"@en . . "The Castelian Kingdom or the Spanglish Kingdom, (Castelian:d'Reignum Espangles or d'Reignum Casteleanus ). is a huge, safe nation, remarkable for its keen interest in its people. Its compassionate population are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt. The Castelian kingdom is working on being the worlds leading international bank and becoming a world power through banking. The Castelian Kingdom is a growing, somewhat developed, and old nation at 900 year old with citizens primarily of Mixed ethnicity whose religion is Roman Catholic. Its technology is advancing rapidly. Its citizens enjoy a wealth of technology within their nation. Its citizens pay high taxes. The citizens of the Kingdom of Castelian work diligently to produce Aluminum and Oil as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. When it comes to nuclear weapons Castelia will not research or develop nuclear weapons. The military of Castelia has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Castelia allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. The nation believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives whatever is necessary to help others out in times of crisis, even if it means hurting its own economy. The Castelian Kingdom will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens."@en . "Gu\u00E9rra de Reposici\u00F3ns"@en . "Gustavu\u00E9 Dergchi"@en . ""@en . "2011"^^ . . "89129000"^^ . . "The Spanglish Flag"@en . . "Reig Jos\u00E9 Luis Calder\u00F3n"@en . "Spanglish_Flag.jpg"@en . "Mapa_de_Reignum_Casteleanus.png"@en . "Castelia"@en . "C_arms_Spanglish.PNG"@en . "Castelean/Casteleon"@en . . . "Lafet Degeurchi"@en . . "Chancellour"@en . . . "313543"^^ . . . . "Caveza d'Parliamentum"@en . . . . "Reignum d\u2019Casteleanus"@en . "Castelian Kingdom"@en . "Carlitos Desea"@en . "Antony Tri\u00FAnfel"@en . . "Principe de l'Corteza"@en . "Consulatour"@en . "SPz 62,424"@en . "1900965.0"^^ .