. . "Although the United States of America is nominally a constitutional republic, and as such does not have legally recognized monarchy or royal family, it is interesting to note the many situations that have caused monarchical powers to be adopted, usurped, or simply taken for granted by many people. There have also been ruling dynasties and palace intrigues worthy of any two bit European monarchy. We are currently under rule by His Majesty King Xavier of the United Commonwealth of the American States."@en . . . "Although the United States of America is nominally a constitutional republic, and as such does not have legally recognized monarchy or royal family, it is interesting to note the many situations that have caused monarchical powers to be adopted, usurped, or simply taken for granted by many people. There have also been ruling dynasties and palace intrigues worthy of any two bit European monarchy. We are currently under rule by His Majesty King Xavier of the United Commonwealth of the American States."@en . "Monarchy in America"@en . .