. . "?"@en . . . "Mamoru Sentai Grand Senshi (lit. Protect Squadron Grand Warrior, otherwise known as Defender Squadron Grand Warriors) is a Super Sentai series created by Tommeeh Shaker as the Sentai counterpart to Power Rangers: Warrior Force. Its motif is ancient military forces from different cultures present in the Medieval Age, known in-series as Warrior Cultures."@en . "Mamoru Sentai Grand Senshi"@en . "?"@en . "?"@en . . "?"@en . . . "?"@en . "Mamoru Sentai Grand Senshi (lit. Protect Squadron Grand Warrior, otherwise known as Defender Squadron Grand Warriors) is a Super Sentai series created by Tommeeh Shaker as the Sentai counterpart to Power Rangers: Warrior Force. Its motif is ancient military forces from different cultures present in the Medieval Age, known in-series as Warrior Cultures."@en . . . . . . . . . .