"Carguero Clase Y al mando del Capit\u00E1n Keene en el a\u00F1o 2151, descendiente de una familia de 3 generaciones que oper\u00F3 esta nave. En ese a\u00F1o la nave sufri\u00F3 numerosos ataques de naves piratas tripuladas por Nausicaanos, y en uno de estos \u00FAltimos el capit\u00E1n sufri\u00F3 heridas que obligaron al Primer Oficial Matthew Ryan a tomar su lugar. En ese golpe, la tripulaci\u00F3n de 23 personas pudo tomar como reh\u00E9n a un Nausicaano que aparentemente les dio las frecuencias de escudos de sus acosadores, por lo que Ryan decidi\u00F3 tomar justicia por mano propia. La oportuna intervenci\u00F3n del Enterprise (NX-01) evit\u00F3 lo que hubiera sido una represalia sangrienta por parte de tres naves de estos corsarios."@es . . . "Active"@en . . "ECS-2801"@en . . . . . "thumb|Die ECS Fortunate [[Datei:Piratenschiff Plasmakanone.jpg|thumb|Die Fortunate feuert ihre Plasmakanonen ab]] Die ECS 2801 Fortunate ist ein Frachtschiff der Y-Klasse, welches unter dem Kommando von Captain Keene steht."@de . "ECS Fortunate"@es . "Carguero Clase Y al mando del Capit\u00E1n Keene en el a\u00F1o 2151, descendiente de una familia de 3 generaciones que oper\u00F3 esta nave. En ese a\u00F1o la nave sufri\u00F3 numerosos ataques de naves piratas tripuladas por Nausicaanos, y en uno de estos \u00FAltimos el capit\u00E1n sufri\u00F3 heridas que obligaron al Primer Oficial Matthew Ryan a tomar su lugar. En ese golpe, la tripulaci\u00F3n de 23 personas pudo tomar como reh\u00E9n a un Nausicaano que aparentemente les dio las frecuencias de escudos de sus acosadores, por lo que Ryan decidi\u00F3 tomar justicia por mano propia. La oportuna intervenci\u00F3n del Enterprise (NX-01) evit\u00F3 lo que hubiera sido una represalia sangrienta por parte de tres naves de estos corsarios."@es . . . . "The ECS Fortunate (ECS-2801) was a United Earth Y-class freighter that was in service with the Earth Cargo Service in the early to mid-22nd century. The vessel had a crew complement of twenty-three. In 2151, the Fortunate was commanded by Captain Jackson Keene. Matthew Ryan served as her first officer prior to 2151. (ENT: \"Fortunate Son\")"@en . "ECS Fortunate"@de . "ECS Fortunate"@en . "The ECS Fortunate (ECS-2801) was a United Earth Y-class freighter that was in service with the Earth Cargo Service in the early to mid-22nd century. The vessel had a crew complement of twenty-three. In 2151, the Fortunate was commanded by Captain Jackson Keene. Matthew Ryan served as her first officer prior to 2151. (ENT: \"Fortunate Son\")"@en . . . . "For three generations, the Keene family served on board the Fortunate. By 2151 Captain Keene was the commanding officer of the Fortunate. After being rescued from the ECS North Star, Matthew Ryan became the first officer of the Fortunate until he was demoted for engaging in reckless actions against the Nausicaans while Keene was incapacitated. (ENT episode: \"Fortunate Son\")"@en . . . "For three generations, the Keene family served on board the Fortunate. By 2151 Captain Keene was the commanding officer of the Fortunate. After being rescued from the ECS North Star, Matthew Ryan became the first officer of the Fortunate until he was demoted for engaging in reckless actions against the Nausicaans while Keene was incapacitated. (ENT episode: \"Fortunate Son\")"@en . . "The ECS Fortunate was a y-class freighter from the 22nd century under the authority of the Earth Cargo Service. It was under the command of Captain Keene and with Matthew Ryan as the first officer(before 2151). The Fortunate had been operated by the Keene family for three generations. In a discussion with Captain Jonathan Archer, of the Enterprise (NX-01), Captain Keene said that with the advent of faster engines he would have to upgrade to a warp three engine at least so that he could stay in business."@en . "The ECS Fortunate was a y-class freighter from the 22nd century under the authority of the Earth Cargo Service. It was under the command of Captain Keene and with Matthew Ryan as the first officer(before 2151). The Fortunate had been operated by the Keene family for three generations. In a discussion with Captain Jonathan Archer, of the Enterprise (NX-01), Captain Keene said that with the advent of faster engines he would have to upgrade to a warp three engine at least so that he could stay in business. During several months throughout 2151 the Fortunate was attacked by Nausicaan pirates, who wanted to steal the ships cargo. During one attack in which the Fortunate was damaged and Keene was injured a Nausicaan was captured. After Keene's injury Ryan led a mission of revenge against the Nausicaans which led to his demotion."@en . . "thumb|Die ECS Fortunate [[Datei:Piratenschiff Plasmakanone.jpg|thumb|Die Fortunate feuert ihre Plasmakanonen ab]] Die ECS 2801 Fortunate ist ein Frachtschiff der Y-Klasse, welches unter dem Kommando von Captain Keene steht. 2151 wird die Fortunate von nausikaanischen Piraten angegriffen, wobei Captain Keene schwer verwundet wird. Matthew Ryan \u00FCbernimmt in der Zeit das Kommando \u00FCber die Fortunate und l\u00E4sst das Raumschiff mit der Hilfe der Enterprise reparieren und aufr\u00FCsten. Ryan schickt das Schiff in einen Kampf gegen weitere Piraten um sich f\u00FCr die Angriffe zu r\u00E4chen. Die Fortunate kommt dabei arg in Bedr\u00E4ngnis und wird gekapert. Nachdem die Situation gekl\u00E4rt worden ist, \u00FCbernimmt Captain Keene wieder das Kommando. Die Crew der Fortunate umfasst 2151 dreiundzwanzig Personen. (ENT: )"@de . . . "ECS Fortunate"@en . "ECS Fortunate"@en . . "2151"^^ . . .