. . "Author of Chaos"@en . "The Forest of Menos. It was a dangerous place. A place dwarfed with trees tainted with the foul spiritual energy of the Hollow that had become its permanent residents. It was here that conflict of Hollow was at its ultimate stage. There was no order here, nor was there any structure. In all honesty, all that was here was simply\u2026chaos? Was it really the word to describe such a monstrosity? Or would anarchy be a better term? Regardless, the humanoid figure that stood in the middle of these gargantuan bestial creatures had not cared at all for a differentiation in opinion. Next Chapter"@en . "The Forest of Menos. It was a dangerous place. A place dwarfed with trees tainted with the foul spiritual energy of the Hollow that had become its permanent residents. It was here that conflict of Hollow was at its ultimate stage. There was no order here, nor was there any structure. In all honesty, all that was here was simply\u2026chaos? Was it really the word to describe such a monstrosity? Or would anarchy be a better term? Regardless, the humanoid figure that stood in the middle of these gargantuan bestial creatures had not cared at all for a differentiation in opinion. The man \u2013 or rather \u2013 child, took out a small book that he had kept in his tattered pocket. Opening the book and unveiling its contents, a devilish smile had conjured upon his face. A malicious voice had opened its way into the very miniscule minds of the hollow around it, \u201CDid you things know that there is something called civilization in the worlds beyond this one? Did you also know that civilizations were attempted to be created here by those same individuals?\u201D The child closed his book and turned around. From what could be seen; there was a head of messy brown hair, closed eyes and luminescent skin. Tattered clothes were what adorned this \u201Cfragile\u201D body. They only consisted of a light blue shirt, and a darker pair of pants. An unusual dagger sat at the boy\u2019s waist, and he held his dark emerald covered paperback in his right hand. \u201CUtakata, are you here? I require a bit of assistance.\u201D The boy called out to what appeared to be his subordinate. His voice kept a regal demeanour that horrified the Hollow around him. A head of black hair, blood-stained black eyes and a statuesque figure opened from a spiralling black vortex. As he leaped to the ground, his hands lightly touched the ground, and the position of his knees showed that he was bowing. \u201CYes sir?\u201D \u201CAs you know, Hueco Mundo is now ripe territory for the taking. The Espada are significantly weakened, and there is no ruling force here except for those few remnants of the Vandenreich that will eventually flock under my wing. Thus, I expect you to go and renaissance for the next week about significant spiritual activity within the realm. Report back all notable findings, and don\u2019t get into trouble, I have other tasks to hand out as well.\u201D Without a single word, the man dubbed \u201CUtakata\u201D had already used a very familiar form of high-speed movement to evacuate from the area. The brief flicker he had left had confirmed it. The man previously was a shinigami. But what was a shinigami doing in their enemy\u2019s territory, under a child no less? \u201CHehe. Now, I shall take care of some\u2026other business.\u201D Looking behind him, the child noticed an unusual spiritual power had been emitted. It was dark, eerie, but condensed. He had laughed very exuberantly, unusual considering his previous actions and welcomed the other entity. \u201CWell, well. What have we got here? Haven\u2019t seen one of your kinds in\u2026oh about five centuries? Not ever since the tyrannical rule of Baraggan Louisenbarn in any case.\u201D \u201CSo, I\u2019m a surprise to you? An anomaly in your plans perhaps? Mr Santiago Jujol\u2026\u201D The figure had stated, its hollow eyes peering at the boy \u2013 now known as Santiago \u2013 and awaited his response. \u201CYou overestimate yourself, Ezequiel\u2026Silvester.\u201D Santiago retorted without very much emotion in his voice. This didn\u2019t bother the figure, who had completely revealed himself after Santiago\u2019s response. He appeared to be a white-haired, almost humane figure really. Aside from the amount of inscriptions, blood and hollow eyes that he possessed, anybody could mistake him as a young man. He even wore \"clothing\" so-to-speak, which he stole from his mortal enemies - the shinigami - a long time ago. \u201CSo you do remember me? Does this mean that you haven\u2019t forgotten your pack?\u201D Ezequiel wondered, whilst he looked at some of the Hollow that were stationed and watching their conversation. \u201CPack? Could you take your wolf analogy somewhere else? I am not interested in such nonsense.\u201D Santiago responded, rather bluntly. Confused, Ezequiel posed another question, \u201CBut weren\u2019t you the one who just said us hollows engage in chaos?\u201D \u201CThen you must be a fool.\u201D Santiago decisively stated. \u201CWolves are very orderly creatures. They have structure, a hierarchy you could call it. We do not believe in such things. As a race we thrive upon conflict induced by our gluttony. Don\u2019t you remember this lecture from a century ago?\u201D Amused by Santiago\u2019s response, and sarcastically responded, \u201COh, but even us long-lived beings have faltered memories. Would you not agree?\u201D Santiago played along with his former comrade\u2019s topic, \u201COr it could mean you lack the fundamental intelligence to recollect such memories?\u201D \u201CI\u2019d rather not think that be the case.\u201D The Vasto Lorde responded, grinning at this opportunity. Next Chapter"@en . . .