"Me?"@en . . . . "The Forgotten Warrior"@en . "You should have seen Thornclaw last night. We had a hard time keeping him calm while Blossomfall was giving birth."@en . . . "188"^^ . . . "Thornclaw discussing his bossnitude. Thornclaw is a golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is a boss. An old cat, he still has swag. Does he need a mate? No. No he does not. He is to boss for all of the she-cats in any Clan anyway. It has been rumored that he stalks Daisy, which is completely untrue. Daisy is a stupid whore. And Thornclaw is way to boss for her."@en . . "Thornclaw suspecting that a WindClan cat killed Ashfur"@en . . . "Leafpool"@en . . . . . . "Mother:Brother:Sisters:Mate:Daughters:"@en . "Forest of Secrets, page 63"@en . "Mousefur, you have told me that you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Thornpaw. Mousefur, you have shown yourself a brave and intelligent warrior. See that you pass on your courage and wisdom to your new apprentice."@en . . . "Thornclaw to Hollyleaf"@en . . . . . "Leafpool about Thornclaw"@en . . "Thornclaw"@en . "Firestar's thoughts about Thornclaw"@en . "Sunrise"@en . "True. He might be a senior warrior, but this is his first litter of kits, and it made him as nervous as an apprentice on his first hunt."@en . "What did you find out? When do we attack?"@en . . "LionClan"@en . . "I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Thornpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"@en . "Thornclaw"@en . . "Firestar"@en . "Thornclaw, the newest warrior of ThunderClan, looking tense and eager at the prospect of his first battle."@en . "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Thornpaw, from this moment you will be known as Thornclaw. StarClan honors your loyalty and your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."@en . . "It's your paw! Hurry up, or you'll have to change your name to Nopaw."@en . . . . . . . . "195"^^ . . . "Thornclaw is a golden-brown tabby tom with blue eyes."@en . "Cloudpaw about Thornpaw's respect."@en . . "The medicine cats after Blossomfall has her kits"@en . "FrostfurBrackenfurBrightheart, CinderpeltBlossomfallEaglekit, Plumkit, ShellkitStemkit"@en . . "Thornpaw"@en . "Into the Wild, Forest of Secrets, Rising Storm, A Dangerous Path, The Darkest Hour, Firestar's Quest, Midnight, Moonrise, Dawn, Starlight, Twilight, Sunset, The Sight, Dark River, Outcast, Eclipse, Long Shadows, Sunrise, Hollyleaf's Story, The Fourth Apprentice, Fading Echoes, Mistystar's Omen, Night Whispers, Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior, The Last Hope, Dovewing's Silence, Bramblestar's Storm, The Apprentice's Quest, Thunder and Shadow, Shattered Sky, Tigerheart's Shadow"@en . . "Son:"@en . "Cinderpelt"@en . . "The Darkest Hour, pages 105-106"@en . "Bluestar"@en . "Sootfur, Shrewpaw, Poppyfrost, Briarlight"@en . "You left not long after Ashfur was killed."@en . "Ashfur was killed by a WindClan cat! It's the only possible answer."@en . "Midnight"@en . . "Thornclaw's nostrils flared minutely as he let out a patient sigh, and Brambleclaw admired his self-control. If Squirrelpaw had spoken to him like that, he would have been tempted to rake his claws over her ear.."@en . . . "Here, press on this."@en . . . . . "Cinderpelt to Thornpaw about his paw wound"@en . "Thornclaw discussing his bossnitude. Thornclaw is a golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is a boss. An old cat, he still has swag. Does he need a mate? No. No he does not. He is to boss for all of the she-cats in any Clan anyway. It has been rumored that he stalks Daisy, which is completely untrue. Daisy is a stupid whore. And Thornclaw is way to boss for her."@en . "Kit:Apprentice:Warrior:Senior Warrior:"@en . "UnknownThornpawThornclawThornclaw"@en . . . "27"^^ . "Thornpaw"@en . . . "31"^^ . . "I do."@en . "Cinderpelt"@en . . . "Thornpaw's Apprentice Ceremony"@en . "10"^^ . "ThunderClan"@en . "8"^^ . "The Darkest Hour"@en . "\"True. He might be a senior warrior, but this is his first litter of kits, and it made him as nervous as an apprentice on his first hunt.\""@en . . "286"^^ . . "Brambleclaw's thoughts on Thornclaw"@en . "Mousefur"@en . . . "Thornclaw is a golden-brown tabby tom with blue eyes."@en . "Alderheart"@en . "None"@en . . "Rising Storm"@en . "Thornclaw's Warrior Ceremony"@en . . . "Shattered Sky, page 47"@en . "chapter 4"@en . . "I didn't see Thornpaw show much respect for that squirrel he dragged back to camp yesterday. He said it was so dopey, a kit could have caught it."@en . "Unknown"@en . "Thornclaw! Thornclaw!"@en . . .