. . "Multiphasic bioscan"@en . "A multiphasic bioscan was a method of using ship's sensors to locate an individual when conventional scans had proven ineffective. In 2374, Kathryn Janeway, captain of the USS Voyager, ordered Ensign Harry Kim to perform a multiphasic bioscan in an attempt to locate Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, who was missing go the surface of the Mari homeworld. (VOY: \"Random Thoughts\")"@en . "A multiphasic bioscan was a method of using ship's sensors to locate an individual when conventional scans had proven ineffective. In 2374, Kathryn Janeway, captain of the USS Voyager, ordered Ensign Harry Kim to perform a multiphasic bioscan in an attempt to locate Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, who was missing go the surface of the Mari homeworld. (VOY: \"Random Thoughts\")"@en . .