. "Volans was the first Magister of the Light Order and the first Supreme Patriarch of all the Colleges of Magic. When Teclis called together all renegade magic users in the Empire, Volans was by far the most educated, skilled, and powerful to answer that call. It is said he hailed originally from the lawless area known as the Border Princes, and when he presented himself to Teclis he was already in his fifties. To Teclis\u2019s surprise there was not a shadow of taint in Volans despite his admitted decades of practice and experimentation with magic. In fact, his exposure to magic seemed to have kept him young and vibrant, as he looked only about thirty years old.[1b]"@en . . . . . . "Volans"@en . "Volans was the first Magister of the Light Order and the first Supreme Patriarch of all the Colleges of Magic. When Teclis called together all renegade magic users in the Empire, Volans was by far the most educated, skilled, and powerful to answer that call. It is said he hailed originally from the lawless area known as the Border Princes, and when he presented himself to Teclis he was already in his fifties. To Teclis\u2019s surprise there was not a shadow of taint in Volans despite his admitted decades of practice and experimentation with magic. In fact, his exposure to magic seemed to have kept him young and vibrant, as he looked only about thirty years old.[1b] Teclis soon learned the secret of his new prot\u00E9g\u00E9\u2019s success: Volans was one of the few, if not the only, Humans able to perceive all the Winds of Magic in their purest form, Qhaysh. His witchsight was so developed that all illusion and limitation had been stripped from his eyes, and he could see magic as clearly as Teclis himself. Remarkable as this was, Volans knew from his very earliest experimentation that although he could perceive all the Winds, he could not use them safely.[1b] His first few attempts at doing so ended in horror and almost spelled the end of his magical career before it began. Impressively, Volans dedicated his life\u2019s research to refining his ability to just see and touch the Winds of Magic, rather than manipulate them into spells\u2014which is how he avoided corruption for so long. Due to his immense skill and ability, Teclis chose Volans to study the White Wind, Hysh, and when Magnus asked Teclis to form the Colleges of Magic, the Loremaster knew immediately whom he would leave in control of the White Order and all the Orders of Magic as their first Supreme Patriarch.[1b]"@en .