"This steb-by-step HOWTO shows how to do full CD-based install of Xubuntu using coLinux. The \"initrd clue\" though (read below) should apply to any distro (I've used it succesfully for slackware 11.0). This HOWTO should be in general applicable to ANY distro that supports text-console based installation."@en . . "Full CD-based(iso) distro install and config steb-by-step HOWTO (based on Xubuntu-7.10)"@en . "This steb-by-step HOWTO shows how to do full CD-based install of Xubuntu using coLinux. The \"initrd clue\" though (read below) should apply to any distro (I've used it succesfully for slackware 11.0). This HOWTO should be in general applicable to ANY distro that supports text-console based installation. If you set up X server on Windows prior to installation and will figure out how to force installer to redirect output to external X server (for sure network has to be set up already), than maybe you'll have success installing some distro with graphical installer. I'll stick to text-based till then... NOTE: This is very detailed HOWTO. Sometimes probably detailed to annoyance. There are two main reasons for it: 1. I've got some basic knowledge on GNU/linux. I don't think I could call myself geek (yet) though. Well, I still remember time of being beginer and hopelessly wasting weeks on searching through net for specific details on various topics. So if I decide to write HOWTO, it should not be understandable by geeks only, but by beginers. Geeks don't need HOWTOs. 2. I'm too lazy to put myself into situation where I'll have to read and answer dozens of mails asking for various details on topic I mensioned in this article (it doesn't mean that I won't answer any). NOTE: this article is partialy efect of my own exploration of coLinux but probably mostly more of a compilation of knowledge gathered from various places. I've got good memory, but it has small drawback - it usually don't last long. I did put links to origins of those fragments I could recall the origin. Some could probably find some fragments that should be linked to its origin, but are not. I'm sorry for that. I'd like also thank all those who have shared their knowledge on various forums, that I could put altogether in this article."@en . . . . .