. "Brogar era un var\u00F3n advozse que posey\u00F3 una cantina en el planeta Lok que serv\u00EDa de refugio para fugitivos. Algunos de estos fugitivos fueron un jugador compulsivo llamado Naxy Screeger y un Jedi llamado Hosk Trey'lis, los cuales fueron capturados por Cade Skywalker,Jariah Syn y Deliah Blue. Brogar neg\u00F3 al tr\u00EDo de cazarrecompensas que \u00E9l sab\u00EDa que Trey'lis era Jedi, aunque fuera consciente de esto. Por los altos riesgos de ayudar a un Jedi, Brogar permiti\u00F3 que Cade llevara tambi\u00E9n al Jedi al pirata Rav."@es . . . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . "137 PBY p\u0159i\u0161li do jeho podniku n\u00E1jemn\u00ED lovci Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn a Deliah Blue hledat patologick\u00E9ho gamblera Naxy Screegera. P\u0159i roztr\u017Ece v kant\u00FDn\u011B odhalili nav\u00EDc skr\u00FDvaj\u00EDc\u00EDho se Jedie Hoska Trey'lise. Brogar se pokusil lovce zastavit, ale musel sv\u00E1 pravidla poru\u0161it pod pohr\u016F\u017Ekou, \u017Ee se Imp\u00E9rium dozv\u00ED, \u017Ee skr\u00FDval Jedie."@cs . . . . . "Corporate"@en . . "Brogar"@es . "Brogar"@es . "Brogar is the leader of the fighters and acting leader of the Bandit Camp since Don Esteban locked himself inside the ruins to try and come up with a plan to retake the island."@en . . "Brogar"@en . . "Brogar"@en . . . "Brogar"@en . "Brogar"@es . "Brogar was a male Advozse who owned a cantina on the planet Lok which doubled as a safehouse for those who needed a place to lay low. Brogar used armed droid bouncers to keep the peace within his establishment. Some of his patrons included a complusive gambler named Naxy Screeger and a fugitive Jedi named Hosk Trey'lis, both of whom were captured in defiance of Brogar's offered sanctuary by a Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue."@en . . "Brogar.jpg"@cs . "Brogar was a male Advozse who owned a cantina on the planet Lok which doubled as a safehouse for those who needed a place to lay low. Brogar used armed droid bouncers to keep the peace within his establishment. Some of his patrons included a complusive gambler named Naxy Screeger and a fugitive Jedi named Hosk Trey'lis, both of whom were captured in defiance of Brogar's offered sanctuary by a Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue. Brogar denied to the trio of bounty hunters that he knew Trey'lis was a Jedi, but it was implied that he was aware of this. Because of the high risks involved with harboring a Jedi, Brogar allowed the breach in protocol and told Cade that this with a gesture of good faith to Cade's employer, the dread pirate Rav. Unfortunately for his well-being, his acquaintance with Cade would come back to haunt him, when the Empire came by and questioned about him."@en . . . . . "Brogar era un var\u00F3n advozse que posey\u00F3 una cantina en el planeta Lok que serv\u00EDa de refugio para fugitivos. Algunos de estos fugitivos fueron un jugador compulsivo llamado Naxy Screeger y un Jedi llamado Hosk Trey'lis, los cuales fueron capturados por Cade Skywalker,Jariah Syn y Deliah Blue. Brogar neg\u00F3 al tr\u00EDo de cazarrecompensas que \u00E9l sab\u00EDa que Trey'lis era Jedi, aunque fuera consciente de esto. Por los altos riesgos de ayudar a un Jedi, Brogar permiti\u00F3 que Cade llevara tambi\u00E9n al Jedi al pirata Rav."@es . . "Brogar"@es . . "modr\u00E1"@cs . . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Brogar"@en . "Brogar"@cs . "Brogar is the leader of the fighters and acting leader of the Bandit Camp since Don Esteban locked himself inside the ruins to try and come up with a plan to retake the island."@en . "Brogar"@es . . "Personaje"@es . . "\u30D6\u30ED\u30AC\u30FC"@es . . . . "Brogar"@es . . . . . "Azules"@es . . "Brogar"@cs . "\u30D6\u30ED\u30AC\u30FC"@en . "137 PBY p\u0159i\u0161li do jeho podniku n\u00E1jemn\u00ED lovci Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn a Deliah Blue hledat patologick\u00E9ho gamblera Naxy Screegera. P\u0159i roztr\u017Ece v kant\u00FDn\u011B odhalili nav\u00EDc skr\u00FDvaj\u00EDc\u00EDho se Jedie Hoska Trey'lise. Brogar se pokusil lovce zastavit, ale musel sv\u00E1 pravidla poru\u0161it pod pohr\u016F\u017Ekou, \u017Ee se Imp\u00E9rium dozv\u00ED, \u017Ee skr\u00FDval Jedie."@cs . . "Brogar"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . . "No"@es . "Brogar"@en . . .