. "Lev"@sk . "Werewolf bone"@en . "Grey wolf fur"@en . "Lev"@en . "50"^^ . "-21"^^ . "Tinderbox"@en . "Alive"@en . "No"@en . "316"^^ . "0"^^ . "1000"^^ . . . . "Breed"@en . . . "Vial of water"@en . "1090120222364"^^ . "Prologue Map"@en . "100"^^ . "Lev is a non-player character who can be found wandering about the middle of Canifis. Like many NPCs in Canifis, he will turn into a werewolf when attacked, unless the player is wielding a Wolfbane dagger. He is normally aggressive when talking, but wearing a Ring of Charos causes him to be friendlier."@en . "Coal"@en . "Rune Warriors"@en . "No"@en . "2"^^ . "Meaning of Name"@en . "absorbiert"@de . "5"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "1"^^ . . "Lev is a character in Might & Magic X: Legacy."@en . "Common"@en . "Vial"@en . "Grimy harralander"@en . . "-21"^^ . . . "Grimy irit"@en . "Lev je zanikaj\u00FAc\u00E1 bulharsk\u00E1 mena, no hlavne je to ma\u010Dkovit\u00E1 \u0161elma \u017Eij\u00FAca v celej Afrike a polovice \u00C1zie. P\u00F4vodne t\u00E1to \u0161elma bola \u017Eij\u00FAca v celej \u00C1zii, no vzh\u013Eadom na ve\u013Ekou \u010Dinskou civiliz\u00E1ciou postaven\u00FD \u010C\u00EDnsky m\u00FAr a ruskou zimou vl\u00E1dnucou na Sib\u00EDri v ktorej pre\u017Eije iba Rus, \u0161v\u00E1b a zop\u00E1r bakterii, levy v polke Azii vyhynuli. Posledn\u00FDmi vyhynut\u00FDmi \u00E1zijsk\u00FDmi druhmi boli Tupolev a Lev Nikolajevi\u010D Tolstoj. Nesk\u00F4r sa levy presunuli i do Severnej Ameriky v\u010Faka Ameri\u010Danom ktor\u00FD z Afriky brali na otrok\u00E1rske pr\u00E1ce v\u0161etko \u010Do sa h\u00FDbalo aj neh\u00FDbalo."@sk . "Grimy tarromin"@en . "Griffin Rider"@en . . "10"^^ . "0"^^ . "Lev je zanikaj\u00FAc\u00E1 bulharsk\u00E1 mena, no hlavne je to ma\u010Dkovit\u00E1 \u0161elma \u017Eij\u00FAca v celej Afrike a polovice \u00C1zie. P\u00F4vodne t\u00E1to \u0161elma bola \u017Eij\u00FAca v celej \u00C1zii, no vzh\u013Eadom na ve\u013Ekou \u010Dinskou civiliz\u00E1ciou postaven\u00FD \u010C\u00EDnsky m\u00FAr a ruskou zimou vl\u00E1dnucou na Sib\u00EDri v ktorej pre\u017Eije iba Rus, \u0161v\u00E1b a zop\u00E1r bakterii, levy v polke Azii vyhynuli. Posledn\u00FDmi vyhynut\u00FDmi \u00E1zijsk\u00FDmi druhmi boli Tupolev a Lev Nikolajevi\u010D Tolstoj. Nesk\u00F4r sa levy presunuli i do Severnej Ameriky v\u010Faka Ameri\u010Danom ktor\u00FD z Afriky brali na otrok\u00E1rske pr\u00E1ce v\u0161etko \u010Do sa h\u00FDbalo aj neh\u00FDbalo."@sk . . . . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . "65"^^ . "Fur"@en . "5"^^ . . "Lev je ma\u010Dkovit\u00E1 \u0161elma."@sk . "-"@de . . "Steel arrow"@en . "44.4"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "Lev"@de . "Starved ancient effigy"@en . "1000"^^ . "110"^^ . "Raw beef"@en . "First appearance"@en . "Always"@en . "Uncommon"@en . "0"^^ . "-"@de . "Lev"@en . "Rare"@en . "550"^^ . . "schwach"@de . "5"^^ . "Grimy dwarf weed"@en . "6"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Grimy cadantine"@en . . . "Lev is one of the unpromised guardians of Denis's group."@en . "6032"^^ . "24"^^ . "-"@de . "0"^^ . "-"@de . . "Lev is a character in Might & Magic X: Legacy."@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "Mithril sq shield"@en . . "German Shepherd"@en . . . . "Russia"@en . "Lev"@de . "No"@en . . "Lev was a Trill symbiont born thousands of years prior to the 24th century. Circa. 2,600 BC, Lev was joined to a young male host and served as a science officer in the Trill military during the Kurlan genocide. He was a bridge officer aboard a Trill starship that was enforcing the medical quarantine at Kurl. When sensors detected four Kurlan ships breaking orbit, he informed his commanding officer who ordered the weapons officer, Private Memh, to destroy the ships. Reluctantly, Lev then informed the captain that more Kurlan ships could still be launched and that they'd never be able to destroy them all before they escaped. The captain then ordered the release of biogenic weapons and incendiaries on the planet's surface, to prevent any further launches. In the year 2376, Ezri Dax learned of the Kurlan genocide, and Lev's part in it, through Memh's memories which were shared with her by Annuated deep in the Caves of Mak'ala. (DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined)"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . "Rune javelin"@en . "Grimy ranarr"@en . "-"@de . . "15000"^^ . "1"^^ . "fed"@en . . "Steel full helm"@en . "melee"@en . . "Lev is a non-player character (NPC) who can be found wandering about the middle of Canifis. Like many NPCs in Canifis, he will turn into a werewolf when attacked, unless the player is wielding a Wolfbane dagger. This will cause his combat level to increase dramatically, much higher than it is when he is a human. Players whose combat level is around 75 or higher, and who are equipped with good armour, a weapon and some food should stand a good chance of beating him in his werewolf form. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment in his human form. He is normally aggressive when talking, but wearing a Ring of Charos causes him to be friendlier."@en . . "220"^^ . . "316"^^ . "616203850"^^ . "Blamish oil"@en . "Melee"@en . "45"^^ . . . "176"^^ . "Jug of wine"@en . . . "No"@en . . . "No"@en . "no"@en . "-21"^^ . . . . "47"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Rune helm"@en . "NA"@en . "Grimy kwuarm"@en . "Sonio"@de . "Tipyck\u00FD lev"@sk . "Blood Promise"@en . "Last appearance"@en . "28"^^ . "Steel bar"@en . . "Lev is a non-player character (NPC) who can be found wandering about the middle of Canifis. Like many NPCs in Canifis, he will turn into a werewolf when attacked, unless the player is wielding a Wolfbane dagger. This will cause his combat level to increase dramatically, much higher than it is when he is a human. Players whose combat level is around 75 or higher, and who are equipped with good armour, a weapon and some food should stand a good chance of beating him in his werewolf form. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment in his human form."@en . "Human"@en . "0"^^ . . . "Lev is a character from Prologue Map. Apparently he's Caele 's and Joshua 's comrade. Lev Lev Gender Race Faction Health Level Status Location"@en . "Humanoid"@de . "2000"^^ . "NA"@en . "Magic"@en . "4"^^ . "Priest In Peril Quest"@en . "Wine of Zamorak"@en . "0"^^ . "schwach"@de . "-21"^^ . "40"^^ . "-"@de . "-"@de . "Raw chicken"@en . "90"^^ . "Brass key"@en . . . . . "GDW vol 40, page 44"@en . . . "This will cause his combat level to increase dramatically, much higher than it is when he is a human. Players whose combat level is around 75 or higher, and who are equipped with good armour, a weapon and some food should stand a good chance of beating him in his werewolf form. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment in his human form. He is normally aggressive when talking, but wearing a Ring of charos causes him to be friendlier."@en . "0"^^ . "Lev"@en . "Grimy guam"@en . "Lev"@en . . "Grimy lantadyme"@en . "A tough looking villager."@en . "Mithril chainbody"@en . . "0"^^ . "Bucket"@en . "Lev was a Trill symbiont born thousands of years prior to the 24th century. Circa. 2,600 BC, Lev was joined to a young male host and served as a science officer in the Trill military during the Kurlan genocide. He was a bridge officer aboard a Trill starship that was enforcing the medical quarantine at Kurl. When sensors detected four Kurlan ships breaking orbit, he informed his commanding officer who ordered the weapons officer, Private Memh, to destroy the ships. Reluctantly, Lev then informed the captain that more Kurlan ships could still be launched and that they'd never be able to destroy them all before they escaped. The captain then ordered the release of biogenic weapons and incendiaries on the planet's surface, to prevent any further launches."@en . "Clue scroll"@en . "0"^^ . . "no"@en . "ToulyGDW.jpg"@en . "Lev"@en . "10"^^ . "Steel scimitar"@en . "Lev is one of the Russian Army dogs working under the platoon leader Aram. When Aram and Victor died, Lev swam back to Russia with Maxim, Toly, Vasili, Sergei and Georgi. Only he, Maxim, and Toly survived the voyage. See more pictures in Lev (Photo Gallery)."@en . "0"^^ . . . "0"^^ . . "55"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "2004-06-29"^^ . "0"^^ . "60"^^ . "No"@en . "322"^^ . "Russian Army Dogs"@en . "No"@en . "Steel hatchet"@en . . "Lion"@en . "No"@en . "No"@en . "No"@en . "0"^^ . . . "Lev is a character from Prologue Map. Apparently he's Caele 's and Joshua 's comrade. Lev Lev Gender Race Faction Health Level Status Location"@en . . "Grimy avantoe"@en . . "0"^^ . "Himmelswind"@de . "1"^^ . . "-21"^^ . "Coins"@en . "20"^^ . "1"^^ . "Very rare"@en . "100"^^ . "Affiliation"@en . "Yeti"@de . "Lev is one of the Russian Army dogs working under the platoon leader Aram. When Aram and Victor died, Lev swam back to Russia with Maxim, Toly, Vasili, Sergei and Georgi. Only he, Maxim, and Toly survived the voyage. See more pictures in Lev (Photo Gallery)."@en . "No"@en . . . "20"^^ . "Wolf bones"@en . "This will cause his combat level to increase dramatically, much higher than it is when he is a human. Players whose combat level is around 75 or higher, and who are equipped with good armour, a weapon and some food should stand a good chance of beating him in his werewolf form. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment in his human form. He is normally aggressive when talking, but wearing a Ring of charos causes him to be friendlier."@en . "Fire"@en . "Raw bear meat"@en . . "Lev is a non-player character who can be found wandering about the middle of Canifis. Like many NPCs in Canifis, he will turn into a werewolf when attacked, unless the player is wielding a Wolfbane dagger. He is normally aggressive when talking, but wearing a Ring of Charos causes him to be friendlier. Attacking him will cause his combat level to increase dramatically, much higher than it is when he is a human. Players whose combat level is around 75 or higher, and who are equipped with good armour, a weapon and some food should stand a good chance of beating him in his werewolf form. He cannot be killed as part of a werewolf slayer assignment in his human form."@en . "Male"@en . "Mithril scimitar"@en . . "Lev"@sk . . "324"^^ . "46"^^ . . "Lev is one of the unpromised guardians of Denis's group."@en . "323"^^ . "GDW vol 51, page 103"@en . . . . "Iron ore"@en . . . . . . "Grimy marrentill"@en . "White berries"@en . "Pozitivn\u011B porouchan\u00E9 zrcadlo.jpg"@sk . "100"^^ . . "Status"@en .