"Station Prime"@en . "A space station and major transit hub in orbit of Earth. In 2189, Psi Corps Director Kevin Vacit, accompanied by Natasha Alexander, and Psi Cops Sasaki and Trout travelled from Station Prime to Lucifer station aboard the Varona, ostensibly to investigate a murder which Vacit claim may have been perpetrated by a rogue telepath. The true purpose of his trip was to take one of the Varona's atmospheric shuttles and search for an unknown alien, that he believed was connected to the origin of telepaths. The Icarus departed from Station Prime in December 2256."@en . . . . . "Station Prime"@en . . . . . "A space station and major transit hub in orbit of Earth. In 2189, Psi Corps Director Kevin Vacit, accompanied by Natasha Alexander, and Psi Cops Sasaki and Trout travelled from Station Prime to Lucifer station aboard the Varona, ostensibly to investigate a murder which Vacit claim may have been perpetrated by a rogue telepath. The true purpose of his trip was to take one of the Varona's atmospheric shuttles and search for an unknown alien, that he believed was connected to the origin of telepaths. The Icarus departed from Station Prime in December 2256."@en . . "Waystation"@en . . .