. . "200"^^ . "1998-03-14"^^ . . . . . . "Steiner, Mitchell, and Hill feel they are ready to present, but at the event, Blanchard secretly sabotages the machine with acid, causing an explosion. The funding for Steiner's project is rescinded. Mitchell later discovers that the device has been tampered with. Steiner goes to Blanchard's house, where Lembach and Latham are having dinner. He presents the men with the evidence that his machine was deliberately tampered with, and Lembach allows him to have another chance. Steiner decides to try to project himself to Lembach's house, and, with help from his secretary, Sheila (Tracey Crisp), he begins the procedure. Right then, Mitchell and Hill return to the laboratory. The two try to convince Sheila to stop the projection, but as she is inexperienced with the device, she instead ends up projecting Steiner to somewhere else. He ends up at a construction site, where a band of thieves are attempting to break into a furrier's. It is learned that an error in the projection has given Steiner the ability to kill people by touching them, and has mutilated one half of his body. Steiner kills the criminals, and then enters a store, where he steals a pair of rubber gloves and a coat. He then breaks into the institute, where he finds Latham and kills him. He also destroys the building's power supply, alerting Hill and Mitchell that something is wrong. By this time, Inspector Davis (Derek Farr) has discovered the bodies of the criminals and is determined to stop Steiner. Sheila is kidnapped by Steiner, who interrogates her in her apartment. She reveals that it was Blanchard and Latham who plotted against him, angering Steiner. Before leaving, Steiner sets Sheila's apartment on fire with her inside and goes to ambush Blanchard in his home. Sheila survives the fire. When Blanchard returns home, he is killed by Steiner. Meanwhile, Davis has examined Latham's body and realizes that the electric marks left on Latham were the same as the criminals at the construction site. Steiner shows up at Hill's house, where he finds her and Mitchell. Steiner demands that they tell him where he can find more electricity, which he now needs to survive. Hill and Mitchell try to convince him to return to the laboratory so they can try reversing the projection, but Steiner rebuffs them and leaves toward a power plant. Davis, Hill, and Mitchell find him at the power plant. Davis tries to kill Steiner but bullets do not harm him. Dr. Hill again tries to persuade Steiner to return to the laboratory. Steiner is eventually convinced, and goes with them. When they arrive at the lab, Steiner tricks everyone and begins destroying things. With the laboratory on fire and the projection device wildly out of control, Steiner is hit by the projection device's laser, causing him to disappear as the fire rages on.[1]"@en . . "MST3K 901 - The Projected Man"@en . "Steiner, Mitchell, and Hill feel they are ready to present, but at the event, Blanchard secretly sabotages the machine with acid, causing an explosion. The funding for Steiner's project is rescinded. Mitchell later discovers that the device has been tampered with. Steiner goes to Blanchard's house, where Lembach and Latham are having dinner. He presents the men with the evidence that his machine was deliberately tampered with, and Lembach allows him to have another chance. Steiner decides to try to project himself to Lembach's house, and, with help from his secretary, Sheila (Tracey Crisp), he begins the procedure."@en . "901"^^ . . "90.0"^^ . . . . . "902"^^ . "1967"^^ . "822"^^ . . .