. . . . . . . . . . . "[[Archivo:CarabCulln.jpg|thumb|300px|Carab Culln, Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo de los Escorpiones Rojos, durante la Guerra de Badab.]] Carab Culln es el actual Lord Alto Comandante (Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo) del Cap\u00EDtulo Astartes de los Escorpiones Rojos. Famoso en todo el Imperio, es un guerrero de gran coraje y experiencia en batalla que ha luchado contra los enemigos de la Humanidad a lo largo y ancho de la Galaxia. Renombrado como un l\u00EDder inspirador de valent\u00EDa impecable, Carab Culln tuvo el honor de ser elegido como Magister Militum (comandante supremo) de las fuerzas Leales durante el conflicto interno conocido como la Guerra de Badab (904-912.M41). Durante su bautismo de fuego como Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo en este conflicto, prefiri\u00F3 dirigir las principales acciones de la guerra desde el frente, gan\u00E1ndo"@es . . . "Carab Culln was inducted into the Red Scorpions Chapter shortly after his birth on the isolated Feral World of Zaebus Minoris. After he was transformed into an Astartes during his adolescence, Culln's record of service to his Chapter proved to be exemplary. From a raw Neophyte he rose steadily through numerous campaigns by displaying steadfast dedication to his Chapter's creed through his great fortitude and uncommon valour. Becoming something of an icon to his Chapter over his years of service, Culln is a veteran of some of the most terrible wars and battles in the Red Scorpions' recent history. He fought in such infamous campaigns as the Siege of Vraks against the Forces of Chaos as well as against the Tyranids during the doomed exploration of the Anphelion Project by the Inquisition, su"@en . . "Carab Culln was inducted into the Red Scorpions Chapter shortly after his birth on the isolated Feral World of Zaebus Minoris. After he was transformed into an Astartes during his adolescence, Culln's record of service to his Chapter proved to be exemplary. From a raw Neophyte he rose steadily through numerous campaigns by displaying steadfast dedication to his Chapter's creed through his great fortitude and uncommon valour. Becoming something of an icon to his Chapter over his years of service, Culln is a veteran of some of the most terrible wars and battles in the Red Scorpions' recent history. He fought in such infamous campaigns as the Siege of Vraks against the Forces of Chaos as well as against the Tyranids during the doomed exploration of the Anphelion Project by the Inquisition, surviving where lesser individuals, both mortals and Space Marines alike, would have fallen. During the ill-fated mission to Beta Anphelion IV, his actions earned him and his Chapter the ire of some factions within the Ordo Xenos, but to others this stalwart warrior and the Astartes of the Red Scorpions represent the Space Marine ideals of military might, purity and devotion to duty. As a Veteran Sergeant, Carab Culln was awarded the highest honour his Chapter could bestow, the Talisman Martial, for taking field command and battling through to victory against the daemons and warped followers of Slaanesh. Some years later it came as little surprise that he was appointed as Lord Commander (Captain) of the Red Scorpions' elite 1st Company following the death of Commander Usamlon in battle against Ork marauders aboard the Space Hulk Vulgator. As his Chapter defines such things, Culln has grown forthright, proud and above all fiercely loyal to the Red Scorpions Chapter. For this reason Culln was viewed as the natural successor of Lord High Commander Verant Ortys, the Chapter Master of the Red Scorpions. During the Badab War his transition to the position of Lord High Commander and Magister Militum after the death of Ortys on the world of Grief at the hands of the Renegade Astral Claws was greeted with wide acclaim by his Battle-Brothers and most importantly blessed by the Chapter's Chief Librarian Sevrin Loth, who oversaw the change of command and quelled any dissent. Culln's ascension had been contested primarily by the Fire Hawks Chapter Master, Stibor Lazaerek, who demanded that he instead should be granted overall command of the Loyalist forces in the conflict due to his seniority and long, honourable service to the Imperium. As Ortys' successor, Culln was entitled to step into the mantle of his predecessor as Magister Militum and overall commander of the Loyalist forces, but this was by no means guaranteed. With the principal support of the Raptors and Salamanders Chapters, as well as his own impassioned pleas in the Loyalists' war council that he had the right of vengeance and the proven mettle required to see the war to its end, Culln secured the support of the Fire Angels and Novamarines for his command. Both the Sons of Medusa and the Marines Errant Chapters then agreed to his selection for reasons of their own. Despite some continued minor dissent, Carab Culln was acclaimed as the second Magister Militum of the Imperial Crusade to retake the Maelstrom Zone from the Secessionists. During the rest of the Badab War, Lord High Commander Culln proved to be a surprisingly superb strategist despite his previous experience as only a line officer, and he displayed an aptitude for applying the various skills and modes of warfare of the diverse Space Marine Chapters under his command, deploying them where the Loyalist forces would best contribute to victory in accordance with their Chapter's nature and specialty. He also successfully delegated responsibility to his field commanders to act autonomously as they saw fit when detached from his immediate command and control. This propensity to delegate served Culln well when dealing with fiercely independent individuals or notably fractious Chapters such as the Sons of Medusa or the Minotaurs. In accordance to the highest traditions of his Chapter, Culln led several key assaults in which the Red Scorpions were heavily engaged and refused to disguise his presence or shun the thickest fighting, despite being a high value target for the enemy on any battlefield that he fought upon."@en . "Carab Culln"@en . . "Carab Culln"@es . "[[Archivo:CarabCulln.jpg|thumb|300px|Carab Culln, Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo de los Escorpiones Rojos, durante la Guerra de Badab.]] Carab Culln es el actual Lord Alto Comandante (Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo) del Cap\u00EDtulo Astartes de los Escorpiones Rojos. Famoso en todo el Imperio, es un guerrero de gran coraje y experiencia en batalla que ha luchado contra los enemigos de la Humanidad a lo largo y ancho de la Galaxia. Renombrado como un l\u00EDder inspirador de valent\u00EDa impecable, Carab Culln tuvo el honor de ser elegido como Magister Militum (comandante supremo) de las fuerzas Leales durante el conflicto interno conocido como la Guerra de Badab (904-912.M41). Durante su bautismo de fuego como Se\u00F1or del Cap\u00EDtulo en este conflicto, prefiri\u00F3 dirigir las principales acciones de la guerra desde el frente, gan\u00E1ndose el respeto y la admiraci\u00F3n de sus iguales."@es . . . .