. "Bandits"@en . . . . . "Nil (egip.Neiteru = \"wielkie rzeki\"), najd\u0142u\u017Csza rzeka Afryki, kt\u00F3rej cyklicznym wylewom (nanoszenie \u017Cyznego mu\u0142u) zawdzi\u0119cza istnienie cywilizacja egipska; rzece oddawano cze\u015B\u0107 bosk\u0105, m.in. w postaci kultu b\u00F3stwa Hapi. Kategoria:Lokacje"@pl . . . . "Ein Jahresname der Tasham in Tarn-A-tuuk am Rand der Welt auf Kiombael. Nil steht f\u00FCr das Jahr 342"@de . . "Nil"@es . "Nil was a Wickan warlock and the twin brother of Nether. He had long unkempt black hair. He sometimes carried a feather-bedecked, knobbed club."@en . "Nil means zilch, nothing, nonexistent. When working with variables, assigning nil to the variable, doesn't \"destroy\" the original value, per se, but rather replaces the original value. Also, when calling a non-existing value, you will get nil as well. Ex: When you attempted to index \"a\" and print its value at first, you got nil because \"a\" was yet to defined. Also, when you made \"a\" nil, you replaced its previous value with nil, but you didn't \"destroy\" the previous value of 0- it's just that \"a\" is no longer 0. When the following code is used,"@en . . . "120"^^ . "Nil (egip.Neiteru = \"wielkie rzeki\"), najd\u0142u\u017Csza rzeka Afryki, kt\u00F3rej cyklicznym wylewom (nanoszenie \u017Cyznego mu\u0142u) zawdzi\u0119cza istnienie cywilizacja egipska; rzece oddawano cze\u015B\u0107 bosk\u0105, m.in. w postaci kultu b\u00F3stwa Hapi. Kategoria:Lokacje"@pl . . "Nil ist eine uralte Handelsmarke \u00F6sterreich-nubischer Tabakkr\u00E4mer. Die sogenannten Orientzigaretten wurden nachweislich schon 1901 v. Chr. hergestellt und vornehmlich von \u00E4gyptischen Pharaonen, sowie in \u00F6sterreichischen K\u00FCnstlerkreisen konsumiert. Besondere Bedeutung erlangen die Zigaretten, als der Tabak-Nilhilist Ramses II. 1221 v. Chr. die beiden nubischen Fl\u00FCsse nach dem Markenprodukt in Wei\u00DFer Nil und Schwarzer Nil benannte."@de . . . . . "2000000"^^ . . . "NIL is the second studio album released by The GazettE on February 8, 2006."@en . "0.0"^^ . "Player determined"@en . "Nil"@fi . . . "[[Fichier:Nil_(1).jpg|thumb|Le Nil bleu rejoint le Nil blanc dans Donald et la chasse aux crocos du Nil, de Don Rosa.|300px]] Le Nil est un fleuve de l'univers de Donald Duck, situ\u00E9 en Afrique."@fr . "Nil means zilch, nothing, nonexistent. When working with variables, assigning nil to the variable, doesn't \"destroy\" the original value, per se, but rather replaces the original value. Also, when calling a non-existing value, you will get nil as well. Ex: When you attempted to index \"a\" and print its value at first, you got nil because \"a\" was yet to defined. Also, when you made \"a\" nil, you replaced its previous value with nil, but you didn't \"destroy\" the previous value of 0- it's just that \"a\" is no longer 0. When the following code is used, an object and all of its descendants are parented to nil, essentially \"deleting\" them. Objects that are parented to nil, can be retrieved if you have a reference to the object. Ex: The code above removes object and all of its children to nil, then returns object to the Workspace. Be warned, that objects that are in nil are garbage collected to conserve memory, meaning that if you don't revive them, they really are gone forever."@en . "*Facial features\n*Height"@en . . . ""@en . "The Nil (Taxonomically Silent brutis; dubbed Stalkers by humans) were an aggressive, large species. They featured a unique biology, and were easily recognizable for their variable (yet always astounding) height as well as appearance. They were very muscular beings, yet were capable of stealthy military tactics. Their encounter's with humanity were generally rare, do to their distance from human territory. Upon first contact, a brief war raged between the nil and the Interstellar Union, upon defeat, however, they reluctantly joined. Rouge factions weren't uncommon do to the lack of law enforcement in their celestial territory."@en . . . . . "thumb|250px|\u0143l ze swoimi rdzennymi mieszka\u0144cami w tle Nil (poprawna nazwa \u0143l) \u2013 druga pod wzgl\u0119dem d\u0142ugo\u015Bci rzeka \u015Bwiata (chocia\u017C niekt\u00F3rzy my\u015Bl\u0105, \u017Ce jest najd\u0142u\u017Cszy). \u0143l jest, podobnie jak Amazonka, atrakcj\u0105 turystyczn\u0105, tyle \u017Ce nie w po\u0142udniowej Ameryce, a w p\u00F3\u0142nocnej Afryce. P\u0142ynie przez Egipt oraz Sudan. Podzielony jest na g\u00F3rny, dolny oraz delt\u0119. Wybrze\u017Ce \u0143lu zamieszkuj\u0105, mi\u0119dzy innymi:"@pl . . "Criminal"@es . . . "Nil"@en . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . "Criminal"@en . "thumb|250px|\u0143l ze swoimi rdzennymi mieszka\u0144cami w tle Nil (poprawna nazwa \u0143l) \u2013 druga pod wzgl\u0119dem d\u0142ugo\u015Bci rzeka \u015Bwiata (chocia\u017C niekt\u00F3rzy my\u015Bl\u0105, \u017Ce jest najd\u0142u\u017Cszy). \u0143l jest, podobnie jak Amazonka, atrakcj\u0105 turystyczn\u0105, tyle \u017Ce nie w po\u0142udniowej Ameryce, a w p\u00F3\u0142nocnej Afryce. P\u0142ynie przez Egipt oraz Sudan. Podzielony jest na g\u00F3rny, dolny oraz delt\u0119. Wybrze\u017Ce \u0143lu zamieszkuj\u0105, mi\u0119dzy innymi: \n* Wielb\u0142\u0105dy (\u017Cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 traw\u0105); \n* Egipcjanie i Suda\u0144czycy (\u017Cywi\u0105cy si\u0119 czymkolwiek); \n* Piramidy (nie \u017Cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 niczym, dziwne); \n* Tury\u015Bci (\u017Cywi\u0105 si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie kebabami); \n* Hipopotamy i krokodyle (\u017Cywi\u0105ce si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnie wypoczywaj\u0105cymi nad \u0143lem turystami)."@pl . . "Nil"@fi . . . . . "Nil"@en . "Nil"@en . . . "Nil"@pl . "Nil"@en . "*Interstellar Union"@en . "Nil"@en . . . . . "*Forerunner Era\n*Rise of the Covenant Era\n*Globalization Era\n*Colonial and Insurrection Era\n*The Great War Era\n*Post-war Era"@en . . "Nil was a male Quint who worked for Jenna Zan Arbor. He worshiped the scientist for her brilliance, but she didn't seem to acknowledge his praise. When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was captured by Ona Nobis, the bounty hunter under Zan Arbor's employ, Nil was tasked with keeping the subject under watch. After a few tests, Qui-Gon distracted Nil and momentarily knocked the Quint unconscious in his escape attempt. But the Jedi was hit by a paralysis dart and Nil had brought him back to his cell. Furious at being outsmarted, Nil suggested that Qui-Gon should be killed; Zan Arbor concurred, yet decided to put that on hold. Once more, Nil had been bested and fooled by a Jedi. When Astri Oddo, disguised as Ona Nobis, brought in a \"captured\" Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Quint became suspicious. Obi-Wan wasted no time in using Nobis' stolen whip to trap Nil and dumped him in an empty holding cell before he and Astri could rescue Qui-Gon. When Zan Arbor had to run away after being discovered by the Jedi, Nil was no longer useful and she injected him with a lethal poison."@en . . "Nil era un quint masculino que trabaj\u00F3 para la cient\u00EDfica Jenna Zan Arbor. \u00C9l la adoraba por su brillantez, pero ella no parec\u00EDa reconocer sus alabanzas. Cuando el Maestro Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn fue capturado por Ona Nobis,la cazarrecompensas contratada por Zan Arbor, Nil tuvo la tarea de vigilarle. Qui-Gon distrajo a Nil moment\u00E1neamente y le golpe\u00F3, dej\u00E1ndole inconsciente, en su intento de fuga. Pero el Jedi fue alcanzado por un dardo paralizante y Nil lo llev\u00F3 de nuevo a su celda. Furioso por haber sido burlado, Nil sugiri\u00F3 matar a Qui-Gon; Zan Arbor se mostr\u00F3 de acuerdo, sin embargo, decidi\u00F3 esperar."@es . . "Nil"@es . "Nil"@es . . . . . "*Bluish-grey\n*Grey\n*Olive green"@en . . "Nil"@de . "Nil is a character that Aloy meets a number of times throughout the game. He can be found waiting outside bandit camps throughout the map. He invites Aloy to raid bandit camps with him when their paths cross."@en . . "Nil homeworld"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . "[[Fichier:Nil_(1).jpg|thumb|Le Nil bleu rejoint le Nil blanc dans Donald et la chasse aux crocos du Nil, de Don Rosa.|300px]] Le Nil est un fleuve de l'univers de Donald Duck, situ\u00E9 en Afrique."@fr . . . "Cat\u00E9gorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Cat\u00E9gorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCat\u00E9gorie:Nom propre"@fr . . . . . "43"^^ . . . . . . "NIL is the second studio album released by The GazettE on February 8, 2006."@en . . . "Planet Nil is the world upon which the Nilians evolved. In recent times, it has fallen hard into an energy crisis, and is dangerously low on salt, which the native Nilians (and perhaps other indigenous species) desperately require. It is presumed that Nil is significantly relatively small compared to planets in the Solar System. Nil is known to have at least one moon."@en . . "Nil era un quint masculino que trabaj\u00F3 para la cient\u00EDfica Jenna Zan Arbor. \u00C9l la adoraba por su brillantez, pero ella no parec\u00EDa reconocer sus alabanzas. Cuando el Maestro Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn fue capturado por Ona Nobis,la cazarrecompensas contratada por Zan Arbor, Nil tuvo la tarea de vigilarle. Qui-Gon distrajo a Nil moment\u00E1neamente y le golpe\u00F3, dej\u00E1ndole inconsciente, en su intento de fuga. Pero el Jedi fue alcanzado por un dardo paralizante y Nil lo llev\u00F3 de nuevo a su celda. Furioso por haber sido burlado, Nil sugiri\u00F3 matar a Qui-Gon; Zan Arbor se mostr\u00F3 de acuerdo, sin embargo, decidi\u00F3 esperar. Una vez m\u00E1s, Nil fue vencido y enga\u00F1ado por un Jedi. Cuando Astri Oddo, disfrazada de Ona Nobis, trajo a un \"capturado\" Obi-Wan Kenobi, el quint comenz\u00F3 a sospechar. Obi-Wan no perdi\u00F3 el tiempo en el uso del l\u00E1tigo robado a Nobis para atrapar a Nil y lo dej\u00F3 en una celda vac\u00EDa antes de que \u00E9l y Astri rescataran a Qui-Gon. Cuando Zan Arbor tuvo que huir despu\u00E9s de ser descubierta por los Jedi, Nil le dej\u00F3 de ser \u00FAtil y le inyect\u00F3 un veneno letal."@es . . . "The Nil (Taxonomically Silent brutis; dubbed Stalkers by humans) were an aggressive, large species. They featured a unique biology, and were easily recognizable for their variable (yet always astounding) height as well as appearance. They were very muscular beings, yet were capable of stealthy military tactics. Their encounter's with humanity were generally rare, do to their distance from human territory. Upon first contact, a brief war raged between the nil and the Interstellar Union, upon defeat, however, they reluctantly joined. Rouge factions weren't uncommon do to the lack of law enforcement in their celestial territory."@en . . . . "Triangulares"@es . . "Ein Jahresname der Tasham in Tarn-A-tuuk am Rand der Welt auf Kiombael. Nil steht f\u00FCr das Jahr 342"@de . . . . . "*Nilian"@en . . . "Soldier"@en . . "Nil"@es . . . . . . . . "Nil is a character that Aloy meets a number of times throughout the game. He can be found waiting outside bandit camps throughout the map. He invites Aloy to raid bandit camps with him when their paths cross."@en . . "Nil was a Wickan warlock and the twin brother of Nether. He had long unkempt black hair. He sometimes carried a feather-bedecked, knobbed club."@en . "Nil"@es . . . . . . "Nil ist eine uralte Handelsmarke \u00F6sterreich-nubischer Tabakkr\u00E4mer. Die sogenannten Orientzigaretten wurden nachweislich schon 1901 v. Chr. hergestellt und vornehmlich von \u00E4gyptischen Pharaonen, sowie in \u00F6sterreichischen K\u00FCnstlerkreisen konsumiert. Besondere Bedeutung erlangen die Zigaretten, als der Tabak-Nilhilist Ramses II. 1221 v. Chr. die beiden nubischen Fl\u00FCsse nach dem Markenprodukt in Wei\u00DFer Nil und Schwarzer Nil benannte."@de . "Black"@en . "Gray"@en . "39"^^ . "Nil"@fr . . "Planet Nil is the world upon which the Nilians evolved. In recent times, it has fallen hard into an energy crisis, and is dangerously low on salt, which the native Nilians (and perhaps other indigenous species) desperately require. It is presumed that Nil is significantly relatively small compared to planets in the Solar System. Nil is known to have at least one moon."@en . . . . . . . "Cat\u00E9gorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Cat\u00E9gorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCat\u00E9gorie:Nom propre"@fr . "Nil was a male Quint who worked for Jenna Zan Arbor. He worshiped the scientist for her brilliance, but she didn't seem to acknowledge his praise. When Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was captured by Ona Nobis, the bounty hunter under Zan Arbor's employ, Nil was tasked with keeping the subject under watch. After a few tests, Qui-Gon distracted Nil and momentarily knocked the Quint unconscious in his escape attempt. But the Jedi was hit by a paralysis dart and Nil had brought him back to his cell. Furious at being outsmarted, Nil suggested that Qui-Gon should be killed; Zan Arbor concurred, yet decided to put that on hold."@en . "NIL"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "43"^^ . . "Player determined"@en . "1280"^^ . . . . . . . .