. . "Equipped"@en . . "Dirge, alias Undying (Untote), ist ein St\u00E4rke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Er ist eine untote Nahkampf-Einheit der Dire, die eine relativ hohe Intelligenz f\u00FCr einen St\u00E4rke-Helden besitzt, daf\u00FCr aber auch \u00FCber eine sehr geringe Agilit\u00E4t verf\u00FCgt. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Durablers, Pushers, Disablers und Initiators \u00FCbernehmen. Undying kann gegnerischen Helden mit Decay Leben entziehen und ihre St\u00E4rke zeitweise stehlen. Mit Soul Rip heilt Undying Verb\u00FCndete und sch\u00E4digt Gegner, wobei die H\u00F6he der Heilung bzw. des Schadens von der Anzahl der betroffenen Einheiten abh\u00E4ngt. Durch Tombstone beschw\u00F6rt Undying einen Grabstein, der Zombies auferstehen l\u00E4sst. Diese Zombies vergeben weder Erfahrung noch Gold, wenn sie get\u00F6tet werden und verlangsamen gegnerische Helden, deren Lebenspunkte unter eine bestimmte Grenze gefallen sind. Mit seiner Ultimate-F\u00E4higkeit Flesh Golem verst\u00E4rkt er sich selbst zeitweise und ruft dabei einen Aura-Schaden hervor, der den erlittenen Schaden an Gegnern erh\u00F6ht und Undying heilt, wenn eine gegnerische Einheiten im Radius der F\u00E4higkeit stirbt. Aghanim's Scepter verst\u00E4rkt dabei den Effekt von Undyings Ultimate."@de . . "Cunning"@en . . "IV"@en . "World Qarth.jpg"@en . "Suddenly, your vision clears. You and Odette are both standing in a room, surrounded by the unmoving bodies of dozens of blue-lipped warlocks."@en . "2013-10-15"^^ . "The Undying was a large capital ship with unknown capabilities. It was larger than the other superweapons created with the Sun Razer."@en . . . "\"What's wrong with them?\""@en . . "\"I wonder what they're dreaming of.\""@en . "+30 Bewegungstempo"@de . . . . "Odette"@en . "Undying"@en . . "Realm"@en . . "City"@en . "Dirge, alias Undying (Untote), ist ein St\u00E4rke-Held aus DotA und Dota 2. Er ist eine untote Nahkampf-Einheit der Dire, die eine relativ hohe Intelligenz f\u00FCr einen St\u00E4rke-Helden besitzt, daf\u00FCr aber auch \u00FCber eine sehr geringe Agilit\u00E4t verf\u00FCgt. Im Spiel kann er die Rolle eines Durablers, Pushers, Disablers und Initiators \u00FCbernehmen. Undying kann gegnerischen Helden mit Decay Leben entziehen und ihre St\u00E4rke zeitweise stehlen. Mit Soul Rip heilt Undying Verb\u00FCndete und sch\u00E4digt Gegner, wobei die H\u00F6he der Heilung bzw. des Schadens von der Anzahl der betroffenen Einheiten abh\u00E4ngt. Durch Tombstone beschw\u00F6rt Undying einen Grabstein, der Zombies auferstehen l\u00E4sst. Diese Zombies vergeben weder Erfahrung noch Gold, wenn sie get\u00F6tet werden und verlangsamen gegnerische Helden, deren Lebenspunkte unter ei"@de . "Around the Star Vesla near the Sun Razer"@en . . . "You ask Odette in a whisper. She checks their necks and shakes her head. \"They're warm and breathing. I think they're dreaming.\""@en . . . "Ability text: Undying: When this monster is defeated, remove it from the map and then replace it with a minion of the same type, ignoring group limits."@en . "Trait"@en . "Become a ghost when you die, and resurrect upon reaching full Health. Your Abilities and Talents don't do damage while dead, but will still heal you for 50% of their normal amount, causing you to cheat death."@en . . . "Examine warlocks yourself."@en . "Undying"@de . . "+15 R\u00FCstung"@de . . . . . "Michael Manning"@en . . "City"@en . "No"@en . . "Living Corpses"@en . . "City"@en . . "The Undying Ones"@en . . "-30.0"^^ . "+90 Gold/Min."@de . . "Equipped"@en . "+300 Lebenspunkte"@de . "127.0"^^ . "Breaking Ties"@en . "\"There's no food in here. They can't have been like this for long.\""@en . "*Sith Empire\n*Darth Mekhis"@en . "+50 Schaden f\u00FCr Tombstone-Zombies"@de . "Undying"@en . . . "Undying.ogg"@en . . . "-2.0"^^ . "\"Are they dead?\""@en . . "Ever since the day that I was made I've been deciding the end And I was made of wood and stone and won't diminish or bend So when the heavy hand of death is here to take me away I'll be the solid grip of time, forever holding my stay Nobody ever made a force that took a beating like me I call the earth and every scum to come and try to fight me Cause when I made the choice to live beyond the dirt that we tread I felt the curse of mortal limit fall before it was said [Pre-chorus:] When this season ends [Pre-chorus] [Chorus] [Chorus]"@en . . . "Missing, Presumed Death"@en . . . "This track unlocks on the path to Morytania."@en . "+35 % erhaltene EP"@de . . . . . . . . "Ever since the day that I was made I've been deciding the end And I was made of wood and stone and won't diminish or bend So when the heavy hand of death is here to take me away I'll be the solid grip of time, forever holding my stay Nobody ever made a force that took a beating like me I call the earth and every scum to come and try to fight me Cause when I made the choice to live beyond the dirt that we tread I felt the curse of mortal limit fall before it was said [Pre-chorus:] When this season ends [Chorus:] One final heart-break And blinding lights will guide our way Free us our blind state They will call us by our name Undying Tearing through these days I find The tolerance to strive and push on I know what lies beyond this life for me is already won No one can take away the blood that covers over my fall Without the blood of perfect life I know I'm nothing at all So now I reign forever hallowed in eternity's hand No man can shake me from the everlasting ground that I stand [Pre-chorus] [Chorus] We are the ones who will still remain when all is laid to waste We are the ones who, when angels cry, will see them face to face We are the ones [Chorus]"@en . "Odette gestures to several who still hold empty vials of blue liquid. \"Shade of the evening. They're so deep in dreams they can't even hear us.\""@en . "The Undying was a large capital ship with unknown capabilities. It was larger than the other superweapons created with the Sun Razer."@en . . "Truthful"@en . "Odette"@en . . "Odette.jpg"@en . "A Dream of Thrones"@en . "Ability text: Undying: When this monster is defeated, remove it from the map and then replace it with a minion of the same type, ignoring group limits."@en . "977"^^ . .