"323"@pl . "[[Plik:Branickiego (linia 323).jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Solbus SM10 na linii 323 na ul. Branickiego (2016)]] 323 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a okresowa (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Osi Kr\u00F3lewskiej na Powsinek. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obs\u0142ugiwane przez Zajezdni\u0119 Woronicza i ajent Europa Express City."@pl . . . . . "319"^^ . "323"@es . . . ""@en . . . "A trap has been set. With all of Collinsport believing Maggie Evans' memory has returned, Sheriff Patterson's deputies wait in hiding around the Evans cottage for the Collinsport Strangler to strike. A figure appears outside the French doors of Maggie's room, and Maggie screams as she is awakened by the deputies firing their guns. Sam comforts Maggie as one of the deputies reports that the assailant has been shot \"five times in the back.\""@en . "[[Plik:Branickiego (linia 323).jpg|thumb|right|250px|Autobus Solbus SM10 na linii 323 na ul. Branickiego (2016)]] 323 \u2013 linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a okresowa (rozk\u0142ad jazdy), kt\u00F3ra kursuje na trasie z Osi Kr\u00F3lewskiej na Powsinek. Lini\u0119 obs\u0142uguje zajezdnia autobusowa WoroniczaKategoria:Linie obs\u0142ugiwane przez Zajezdni\u0119 Woronicza i ajent Europa Express City."@pl . . . . . "A trap has been set. With all of Collinsport believing Maggie Evans' memory has returned, Sheriff Patterson's deputies wait in hiding around the Evans cottage for the Collinsport Strangler to strike. A figure appears outside the French doors of Maggie's room, and Maggie screams as she is awakened by the deputies firing their guns. Sam comforts Maggie as one of the deputies reports that the assailant has been shot \"five times in the back.\" Maggie, Sam and Joe Haskell are shocked to learn that the intruder was Willie Loomis. Sheriff Patterson orders an ambulance for Willie who, incredibly, is still alive. Afterwards, he questions the trio about their connection to Willie. They recall the events of 202 in which Willie made unwelcome advances toward Maggie and the abrupt change in Willie once he started working for Barnabas Collins. Maggie, wanting to eliminate all doubt, wonders if Willie really was the man responsible for her abduction. Sheriff Patterson points out that his men waited until Willie tried breaking into Maggie's room before taking action. Further evidence against Willie includes the fact he was present at the Blue Whale the night the trap was set into motion. At the Old House, Barnabas laments Sarah Collins not appearing to him when Dr Julia Hoffman pays him an unexpected visit. She commends the vampire for following her advice and not carrying out his threat to kill Maggie. Barnabas, however, reveals he almost went after Maggie, only to be prevented from doing so by Sarah's presence. At that moment, Sheriff Patterson drops by with news about Willie. Both Barnabas and Julia are shocked; Willie is in critical condition, and there is little chance of ever obtaining a statement from him. Barnabas expresses interest in offering an apology to Maggie, and both he and Julia accompany the Sheriff to the Evans Cottage. Patterson, believing Willie to be the Collinsport Strangler, escorts Julia and Barnabas inside to visit Maggie. Barnabas apologizes and, due to his lack of judgement concerning Willie's character, takes partial responsibility for Willie's actions. He and Julia learn of the trap that was set to draw out Maggie's attacker. Although the Collinsport Strangler has been caught, Maggie stills remembers nothing of her ordeal. Sheriff Patterson, having spoken with Dr Dave Woodard via telephone, reports that all but one bullet have been successfully removed from Willie's back and that Willie has lapsed into a coma. There is a small possibility he might survive and, eventually, talk. Having returned to the Old House, Barnabas awaits Julia, who has gone to the hospital to check on Willie's progress. She arrives and reports having seen Willie's medical report: it will be nothing short of a miracle if Willie wakes from his coma. Once Willie dies, then Barnabas will be completely clear. But the vampire worries over the chance of Maggie remembering the truth. Julia assures him this will never happen. Meantime, at the Evans Cottage, Maggie has managed to go back to sleep. Sam and Joe pour themselves a drink and consider finally getting some rest now that Maggie is safe. Back at the Old House, Barnabas realizes he needn't worry about Maggie...at least for the time being. Although Willie's impending death will remove all suspicion, there still remains one problem: David Collins. Something will have to be done to stop the boy from betraying his secret."@en . . "El trescientos veintitr\u00E9s (323) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 322 y precede al 324. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . . "1967-09-20"^^ . . "323"@en . "323"@de . "1968"^^ . . "El trescientos veintitr\u00E9s (323) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 322 y precede al 324. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "Tim ist unschl\u00FCssig, wie es mit seinem Leben weitergehen soll. Er will Essen und somit alle schmerzlichen Erinnerungen an Julian zur\u00FCckzulassen. Als er Diana Julians Firmenanteile \u00FCberschreiben will, erteilt sie ihm eine Absage, denn auch sie will endlich ihre Ruhe finden. Und so macht sich Tim auf die Suche nach einem w\u00FCrdigen Vertreter f\u00FCr Julians Anteile - und wird f\u00FCndig. Lena ist entsetzt, als sie durchschaut, dass Maximilian gemeinsam mit den Steinkamps die Existenz ihrer Freunde gef\u00E4hrdet. W\u00FCtend macht sie Maximilian schwere Vorw\u00FCrfe. Diana zeigt gegen\u00FCber Gro\u00DFmut. W\u00E4hrend die Steinkamps ihrer tiefen Dankbarkeit Ausdruck verleihen, schlie\u00DFt Diana mit dem Kapitel 'Steinkamp' endg\u00FCltig ab. Sie will nie wieder Eislaufen und kehrt dem Zentrum den R\u00FCcken. Doch nicht ohne eine kl\u00E4rende Aussprache mit Jenny..."@de . . . . . . "1967-09-08"^^ . . . "Tim ist unschl\u00FCssig, wie es mit seinem Leben weitergehen soll. Er will Essen und somit alle schmerzlichen Erinnerungen an Julian zur\u00FCckzulassen. Als er Diana Julians Firmenanteile \u00FCberschreiben will, erteilt sie ihm eine Absage, denn auch sie will endlich ihre Ruhe finden. Und so macht sich Tim auf die Suche nach einem w\u00FCrdigen Vertreter f\u00FCr Julians Anteile - und wird f\u00FCndig. Lena ist entsetzt, als sie durchschaut, dass Maximilian gemeinsam mit den Steinkamps die Existenz ihrer Freunde gef\u00E4hrdet. W\u00FCtend macht sie Maximilian schwere Vorw\u00FCrfe. Diana zeigt gegen\u00FCber Gro\u00DFmut. W\u00E4hrend die Steinkamps ihrer tiefen Dankbarkeit Ausdruck verleihen, schlie\u00DFt Diana mit dem Kapitel 'Steinkamp' endg\u00FCltig ab. Sie will nie wieder Eislaufen und kehrt dem Zentrum den R\u00FCcken. Doch nicht ohne eine kl\u00E4rende Au"@de . "Ds145kin.jpg"@en . "323"^^ . . ""@en .