. . "In the windowed chamber high above Coruscant, the Jedi Council sat in silence. Normally when the Council was convened they were engaged in debate, but now the Jedi Masters sat in thought save Renust Nju who had not arrived yet. Mace Windu stared at the floor, trying to comprehend, trying to accept what was going on. Even if the war managed to be stopped, there would be consequences to deal with and changes that would have to be accepted. He glanced at Yoda but the diminutive Jedi Master only offered a non-committal shrug. \u201CI trust that Padm\u00E9 and young Skywalker are with her?\u201D Mace asked."@en . . "In the windowed chamber high above Coruscant, the Jedi Council sat in silence. Normally when the Council was convened they were engaged in debate, but now the Jedi Masters sat in thought save Renust Nju who had not arrived yet. Mace Windu stared at the floor, trying to comprehend, trying to accept what was going on. Even if the war managed to be stopped, there would be consequences to deal with and changes that would have to be accepted. He glanced at Yoda but the diminutive Jedi Master only offered a non-committal shrug. At that moment Renust Nju entered the room, from the urgency in his walk bad news was apparent. All eyes were focused on him. \u201CDanta Pela has been found,\u201D Nju said, taking his seat next to Ki-Adi-Mundi. \u201CBut reports state that Senator Nalanda has arrived on Imbroglio.\u201D \u201CIgnored our warnings, she has,\u201D Yoda noted, there was a murmur of agreement. \u201CI trust that Padm\u00E9 and young Skywalker are with her?\u201D Mace asked. \u201CThat doesn\u2019t seem to be the case,\u201D Nju replied, \u201Cthe senator travelled with only one female aide.\u201D If Kuan Yin was startled by this news it went unnoticed. At this inopportune moment Mace Windu\u2019s comlink buzzed, with an annoyed expression he answered it. \u201CYes?\u201D He knew that he would not have been contacted while the Council was in session if the call was not important, but it was a distraction. \u201CMaster Windu, this is Temple Communications,\u201D said a female voice, \u201CI am receiving a message from Master Kenobi, he says it is urgent.\u201D The surprise was noticeable among the Council, even with the fact they were Jedi. \u201CMaster Windu, I can tell him to wait,\u201D she continued \u201CNo, relay it to here,\u201D Mace said, deactivating the comlink. Within a few minutes the blue holographic form of Obi-Wan appeared in the middle of the chamber. \u201CMasters, my time is limited but I must inform you that the summit at Imbroglio is nothing more than a trap,\u201D Obi-Wan began, his image flickering in and out. \u201CI don\u2019t have specifics of the plans, but Count Dooku intends to start a war with the Republic if action is not taken.\u201D \u201CHear this from where did you Obi-Wan?\u201D Yoda asked. \u201CDooku told me himself,\u201D Obi-Wan replied, \u201CI doubted it, but Anakin confirmed it.\u201D \u201CSkywalker is with you?\u201D Nju asked but Mace put up a hand to silence him. \u201CObi-Wan, a decision to act is out of our hands,\u201D the dark-skinned Master said. \u201CWe will take this to Chancellor Palpatine. You will need to return here so we are not accused of any unauthorised action.\u201D \u201CWe are on our way back, Masters,\u201D Obi-Wan replied. When the communication ended, there was silence again. Expressions were graver and faces were longer when Obi-Wan\u2019s message was replayed before Chancellor Palpatine. When the hologram was finished, Palpatine was silent for a long time. \u201CIt appears, my friends, that we have been played for fools all along,\u201D he said sadly. \u201CWe have failed, failed before we have even started. There will be no deferring the vote now.\u201D The three Jedi, Mace Windu, Yoda and Kuan Yin were expressionless, yet at the sounds of a disturbance from the door Mace and Kuan Yin moved instinctively in front of the Chancellor. \u201CApologies for mesa lateness,\u201D said Danta Pela as he opened the door. His face was paler and thinner, but his gaze was alert and direct. \u201CDanta, what a pleasure this is,\u201D Palpatine stepped forward to receive him. \u201CI trust you are unhurt.\u201D \u201CNo time for thees,\u201D Danta replied dismissively. \u201CCannot be allowed thees, mesa thinks. We need to act.\u201D The Speaker for the Senate, Mas Amedda had been standing silent until then, he now stepped forward. \u201CThis is a crisis,\u201D he said in his deep voice. \u201CThe Senate must give the Chancellor immediate emergency powers, he can then approve the creation of an army.\u201D \u201CBut what senator would propose such a radical amendment?\u201D Palpatine asked. \u201CIf only Senator Nalanda were here,\u201D said Mas Amedda. At this Yoda\u2019s gaze turned on Danta Pela, wondering if the Gungan would speak. When morning broke on Caldera, Nalanda stood at the window watching the mist clearing. Even in her ornate red and gold senatorial robes she felt nervous. Would she be able to do anything? Or would all her actions in the past months prove for nothing? \u201CTake heart, Senator.\u201D Nalanda smiled to see Padm\u00E9 stand beside her, her dark hair just emerging from the crimson hood. \u201CMany will admire you for being one of the few to stand against this storm.\u201D \u201CWill those still admire me if I fail?\u201D Nalanda asked. \u201CThat no one can tell,\u201D Padm\u00E9 replied. \u201CBut the Jedi have great respect for you, even if all you do is try.\u201D \u201CBut I don\u2019t want to try,\u201D Nalanda said fiercely. \u201CI need to do more than that.\u201D The long silence that followed was broken by the chrono on the wall striking the hour. \u201CIt\u2019s time,\u201D Nalanda said, moving towards the door. The Loyalists convened in a dull red antechamber, light conversation was made but there was a general air of trepidation. The exception was Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth who was only there to further his own influence and looked as pompous as ever. \u201CMy friends,\u201D Kanesh emerged from behind thick, black doors with a purple sash over one shoulder, \u201CI am pleased to announce that Count Dooku and Viceroy Gunray have arrived. They shall be with us shortly.\u201D In the applause that followed Padm\u00E9 and Nalanda exchanged significant glances. The Jedi had noticed the senator stiffen at the sound of Gunray\u2019s name, had she really expected that she would encounter the one who was once determined to destroy her world? Bail Organa noticed it too. \u201CIt\u2019ll be all right,\u201D he reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder. \u201CYou\u2019re not alone.\u201D \u201CThank you,\u201D Nalanda replied, but she kept her gaze lowered. \u201CSenator Nalanda approached thesa Separatists intending to make peace,\u201D Danta proclaimed, his voice echoing through the vast Senate chamber. \u201CInstead theysa betray, theysa want to frighten us.\u201D There was applause at this point, Danta paused until it subsided. \u201CSenators, dellow felegates\u2026in response to these direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the Senate gives immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor.\u201D There was a moment of silence as Danta held his breath. Would they listen? Would they agree with him? It was the Anx senator who started the chant that slowly reverberated through the Senate until all the delegates were on their feet, shouting: \u201CPalpatine! Palpatine!\u201D \u201COrder!\u201D bellowed Mas Amedda. \u201CWe shall have order!\u201D \u201CIt is with great reluctance,\u201D Palpatine said, his lips white, \u201Cand with deep humility that I agree to this calling.\u201D After a generous amount of applause he continued. \u201CI love democracy, I love the Republic.\u201D The applause grew louder and Palpatine had to raise his voice. \u201CThe power you give me here I will lay down the moment this crisis has abated. And,\u201D he added, pausing for effect, \u201Cas my first act under this new authority I will create the Grand Army of the Republic to counter the increased threat of the Separatists.\u201D There was applause again, but for Yoda and Mace Windu who watched the proceedings behind the empty Mamphra pod, there was only a significant glance exchanged. \u201CIt is done then,\u201D the dark skinned Jedi said, there was deep reluctance in his tone but he still had to accept what had happened. \u201CHmm,\u201D Yoda murmured, still deep in thought. \u201CI will go with what Jedi we have to Imbroglio and free the Loyalists,\u201D Mace said, there was still the reluctance in his voice, yet it was all they could do. \u201CVisit I will the cloners on Kamino,\u201D Yoda told him, \u201Cand see this army they have created for the Republic.\u201D"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Attack of the Clones (AU)/Chapter 22"@en . . .