. . . "Through a strange series of circumstances, Aishen Thornewood had found herself headed towards the town of Moonbrook in Westfall. She had been lead there by a traitor to the sinister criminal organisation, and was now had been charged to head into their lair, the Deadmines, to kill their leader, Edwin VanCleef. Why was beyond her. She had never ventured to human lands before, and still wasn\u2019t sure how she\u2019d gotten caught up in matters. It had come about when she was chasing bits of elemental debris for a Mage who was to make them into a scroll to give them to a Gnome\u2026 \u201Cima healer.\u201D Joe insisted."@en . . "The Dead and the Deadmines"@en . . "Through a strange series of circumstances, Aishen Thornewood had found herself headed towards the town of Moonbrook in Westfall. She had been lead there by a traitor to the sinister criminal organisation, and was now had been charged to head into their lair, the Deadmines, to kill their leader, Edwin VanCleef. Why was beyond her. She had never ventured to human lands before, and still wasn\u2019t sure how she\u2019d gotten caught up in matters. It had come about when she was chasing bits of elemental debris for a Mage who was to make them into a scroll to give them to a Gnome\u2026 She shook her head. She knew that, even with Zaber by her side, there was no way she was taking on everyone in the Deadmines on their own. She knew that she needed help. She\u2019d posted a notice at Sentinel Hill saying that she was seeking aid to find and kill VanCleef. All she needed now was for someone to respond. A minute later, she was greeted by a fellow Kaldorei who was a warrior. Introducing herself as Shalaori, she seemed to be eager to take on VanCleef. The woman clearly had some experience with fighting the Defias, and even knew some of the Deadmines. She and Aishen were discussing tactics and planning as they walked towards Moonbrook, the Huntress taking a liking to the young warrior. She seemed to be very level headed and sensible, an often rare trait. As they approached the town, they sighted another pair of adventurers on the road ahead, a Dwarf and a Human. The pair of them stopped, turning to face the two Elven women. \u201CGreetings.\u201D Aishen began. \u201CWe are heading to the Deadmines and-\u201C \u201Cinvite plz\u201D the human began. \u201CI\u2019m sorry?\u201D Aishen replied. \u201Cinvite pls.\u201D The human repeated. \u201CI\u2019m sorry?\u201D Aishen shook her head. \u201CMy grasp of common is a bit rough but-\u201C \u201Caishen invite plz\u201D The Dwarf continued with no sign of the characteristic accent of his people. \u201CHow did you know my name?\u201D She asked, taken aback. \u201CAnd who are you two anyway?\u201D Shalaori continued. \u201Cim jommoma\u201D the human spoke up. \u201Cima pally\u201D \u201Cim badashkid da tank.\u201D The Dwarf added. \u201CI\u2019m feeling suddenly apprehensive.\u201D Shalaori began in Darnassian. \u201C\u2026Joe is wearing a blank Tabbard.\u201D Aishen replied in the same tongue. \u201CI have to wonder why.\u201D \u201CMaybe he got kicked out of his guild.\u201D \u201CA bad sign.\u201D Aishen finished. \u201Cinvite pls.\u201D Joe continued. \u201CShould we?\u201D Shalaori asked. \u201CSadly, I don\u2019t think we have a choice.\u201D Aishen admitted. \u201CI don\u2019t see anyone else around.\u201D She shook her head. \u201CFine then.\u201D Shalaori spoke up in Common. \u201CYou two can join us. But we\u2019ll still need a healer.\u201D \u201Cima healer.\u201D Joe waved his hands. \u201CI meant a primary healer.\u201D Shalaori continued. \u201CLike a priest or a Druid.\u201D \u201Cima healer.\u201D Joe insisted. \u201CFine then, I guess.\u201D Aishen shook her head, feeling more then a bit worried. \u201CWe\u2019ll need one more though.\u201D \u201Clets go!\u201D Badashkid shouted as he ran towards Moonbrook. \u201CWait!\u201D Aishen called out. \u201CWe need a-\u201C Joe ran off, fast on the heels of his shorter companion. \u201CWe\u2019re doomed.\u201D Shalaori began. \u201CI\u2019m sure it\u2019s not that bad-\u201C Aishen replied. \u201Cim stuck in da fountain!\u201D Badashkid shouted from the middle of Moonbrook as fireballs from the Defias Pillagers went off around him. \u201Clol\u201D Joemmoma added as he fought his way through a horde of Defias warriors that were chasing him. \u201CWait!\u201D Aishen called out as she and Shalaori fought their way though the assembled Defias thugs. \u201CJust\u2026 slow down you two!\u201D A few minutes later, having pulled Badashkid out of the fountain (A passing Gnome Warlock had spent some time taunting the Dwarf, repeatedly jumping in and out of the fountain to prove that it was easy to do. Despite her dislike of Warlocks, Aishen couldn\u2019t help but laugh.) they were assembled outside the barn where the entrance to the Deadmines was hidden. \u201CRight.\u201D Shalaori began. \u201CWe wait here to find a fifth team member. When we go in, Badashkid will lead with me backing him up. Aishen will pin down enemies and use Zaber to distract them. Joe, you will stay back and heal us. Do not run into combat and-\u201C Both Joe and Badash ran into the mines. \u201CWe\u2019re doomed.\u201D Aishen finished. \u201CVery.\u201D Shalaori added, sighing as the pair of them entered the mines. Some minutes later (and innumerable rounds of shouting at Joe to hang back and heal) they found themselves at the entrance to the mines proper. More to the point, they had chased Joe and Badash through the mines and rescued them from all the trouble they\u2019d gotten themselves into. Eventually, the team reached the entrance to the deeper section of the mine. \u201Clets go\u201D Badashkid shouted, hopping up and down like a hyperactive rabbit. \u201CWe need a fifth member for the team.\u201D Aishen spoke up. \u201CIf we are to have any chance of survival at all.\u201D \u201CActually even with a fifth member, we\u2019re probably doomed anyway.\u201D Shalaori replied in Darnassian. \u201CProbably, yes.\u201D Aishen admitted, also in Darnassian. \u201CBut we can but try.\u201D \u201CIndeed. VanCleef is not going to die of his own.\u201D Shalaori continued. \u201CBut those two might.\u201D \u201CIf even Joe would follow orders.\u201D Aishen spoke up. \u201CMaybe then\u2026\u201D \u201CI think Zaber has more sense then those two.\u201D Shalaori added as she scratched the Nightsaber\u2019s head. \u201CNo offence to him.\u201D \u201CNone taken.\u201D She replied. \u201Cwhy r u 2 speking gerberish?\u201D Badashkid spoke up. \u201CIts not \u2018gerberish\u2019, its Darnassian.\u201D Aishen explained. \u201CI\u2019ve never heard of this gerberish. Is it a Goblin tongue?\u201D \u201CI think he means \u2018Jibberish\u2019.\u201D Shalaori replied. \u201CBut that\u2019s what he\u2019s speaking, so-\u201C \u201Ci kno a rouge!\u201D Joemomma called out. \u201Ches at the start of the mine!\u201D \u201CWho is he-\u201C \u201Chis name\u2019s kalil!\u201D Joe shouted out. \u201Cill go get him.\u201D The Paladin ran off into the mines\u2026 and immediately caught the attention of the various Defias workers. \u201CWait, Joe!\u201D Aishen called out. \u201CLook out for the-\u201C Thirty seconds later, the team \u2013 Kalil inclusive \u2013 were reunited at the Moonbrook Graveyard. \u201CThis\u2026 sucks.\u201D Kailil began. \u201CI think he\u2019s my favourite member of this team after you.\u201D Shalaori spoke up in Darnassian. \u201CBut\u2026 he hasn\u2019t said or done anything.\u201D \u201CExactly.\u201D"@en . .