. "0.4"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "They won't take yours"@en . "Jurassic Park: Raptors Hijack"@en . "Rank"@en . "Dinosauria"@en . "Velociraptor"@en . . . "Brick-built version"@en . "VelociRaptor"@en . "2005"^^ . "Death Raptor"@en . "Aunque m\u00E1s peque\u00F1o que otros dromeos\u00E1uridos como el deinonico y el aquilobator, Velociraptor ten\u00EDa muchos rasgos anat\u00F3micos similares a ellos. Fue un carn\u00EDvoro b\u00EDpedo, con una cola larga y r\u00EDgida, y tres garras, una alargada y curva en cada pata, la cual usaba para matar a suspresas. A diferencia de otros dromeos\u00E1uridos Velociraptor pose\u00EDa un cr\u00E1neo bajo y alargado, y un hocico chato, dirigido hacia arriba. Pose\u00EDa patas traseras de gran longitud, lo que expresa (al igual que el nombre) su aparente gran velocidad."@es . "2001"^^ . "Jurassic Park: Raptors Attack"@en . "2015"^^ . . "2012"^^ . . . . . "Habitat"@pt . . . "Era unos de los dinosaurios mas peque\u00F1os, los adultos por mucho llegaban a los 2 metros, su cr\u00E1neo pose\u00EDa una forma \u00FAnica hacia arriba, midiendo entre 25cm, pose\u00EDan entre 26 a 30 dientes. Estos dinosaurios pose\u00EDan tres garras curvas en cada mano siendo la garra del medio la mas larga, estos se caracterizaban por tener un cuerpo cubierto de plumas indica que era homeotermo (de sangre caliente), tambi\u00E9n indica que eran unas aves no voladoras en su \u00E9poca."@es . "Raptors are really fast and can quickly cause a lot of damage by biting and tackling Lara. The ledge method is the safest way to dispose of them, but if this method isn't possible it is best to use a powerful, close-range weapon such as the Shotgun or the Desert Eagle to quickly dispatch them."@en . "Velociraptor is an extinct genus of dinosaur which existed during the Late Cretaceous Period, 83-70 million years ago. While Velociraptor is the genus most commonly associated with the raptor (a small dinosaur that walked on two legs and hunted in packs), several other genera are also considered raptors, Deinonychus and Utahraptor for example. Only one species is known to belong in the genus, Velociraptor mongoliensis. While evidence supports other raptors hunting in packs, no evidence has been found at present for Velociraptor hunting in packs. The genus was first described in 1924 from fossils found in Mongolia. Velociraptors were popularly featured in the 1993 film Jurassic Park, though the creature depicted resembled Deinonychus more (despite being named Velociraptor in the movie). Velociraptors only get to be 2 feet tall and only have a 6 foot SVL (snout-vent length)."@en . . "Late Cretaceous"@en . "El Velociraptor es una especie de Dinosaurio que fue primera vez visto en el Viaje a la Prehistoria 2014 como una transformaci\u00F3n."@es . . . . . "Velociraptor mongoliensis"@en . "Der Velociraptor ist eine ausgestorbene Reptiliengattung der Erde. Er geh\u00F6rt zur Tierfamilie der Dinosaurier und ist ein Fleischfresser. Als Ensign Kelby des Spiegeluniversums durch den Gorn Slar get\u00F6tet wird, meint Phlox zu der Vermutung, der Angriff k\u00F6nne von einem Haustier stammen, ironisch, dass jemand aus der Crew der Defiant einen Velociraptor als Haustier halten m\u00FCsse. (ENT: )"@de . . . . . . . "Archivo:Velociraptor.png"@es . . "2016"^^ . "Velociraptor"@pt . "2.0"^^ . "VelociRaptor is a deadly enemy found only in prehistoric plateau. They are very quick and are very strong. They can easily dodge most attacks and can even fly to a degree."@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Velociraptor, personal vessel of the bounty hunter Raptor Duk-Val, is the result of almost twenty-five years of modification, customization, and tinkering. The ship is bears superficial resemblance to the Corellian Gunship it started out as, but internally the vessel is quite different."@en . "Alleged Dinosaur Army"@en . . . . . . . . "Arms, Legs"@en . . . . . . . "The Velociraptor is believed to be the smartest dinosaur ever.It hunted in packs and therefore increased its chances of a kill.It is one of the many of the raptor family and have many relatives, and although they are much larger, Velociraptor is still smater and is much more capable of catching prey or escaping predators. The speed of a velociraptor is oe of its greatest advantages in the prehistoric world, and it is so fast you can barely see its legs move(see below). Velociraptor, like other dromaeosaurids, had a large manus ('hand') with three strongly curved claws, which were similar in construction and flexibility to the wing bones of modern birds. The second digit was the longest of the three digits present, while the first was shortest. The structure of the carpal (wrist) bones prevented pronation of the wrist and forced the 'hands' to be held with the palmar surface facing inwards (medially), not downwards. The first digit of the foot, as in other theropods, was a small dewclaw. However, whereas most theropods had feet with three digits contacting the ground, dromaeosaurids like Velociraptor walked on only their third and fourth digits. The second digit, for which Velociraptor is most famous, was highly modified and held retracted off of the ground. It bore a relatively large, sickle-shaped claw, typical of dromaeosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs. This enlarged claw, which could be over 6.5 cm (2.6 in) long around its outer edge, was most likely a predatory device used to tear into prey, possibly delivering a fatal blow. All of the fossil sites that have yielded Velociraptor remains preserve an arid environment with fields of sand dunes and only intermittent streams, although the younger Barun Goyot environment seems to have been slightly wetter than the older Djadochta. The posture of some complete fossils, as well as the mode of preservation most show within structureless sandstone deposits, may show that a number of specimens were buried alive during sandstorm events common to the three environments. Image:Movie.gif"@en . . . . "Ladr\u00F3n Veloz"@es . . "The Fountain of Youth revived a Velociraptor, which the Master shrank and killed with the Tissue Compression Eliminator. However, the velociraptor then landed back in the Fountain and was revived again, albeit miniscule in size due to the Compression Eliminator's use on it. (PROSE: A Town Called Eternity) Whilst looking for Ace in Cretaceous Mongolia, the Seventh Doctor saw a Velociraptor. (PROSE: Living in the Past) Bernice Summerfield once encountered an intelligent Velociraptor called Patience. (PROSE: The Sword of Forever) The Velociraptor was one of the creatures that the Silurians bought back from extinction, they were both allowed to roam freely and were presumably used for hunting by the Silurians. (PROSE: Blood Heat) The Velociraptor was worth 250 points in the I-Spyder Book of Earth Creatures if it was spotted. The last one was held in the Museum of the Last Ones.(PROSE: The Last Dodo)"@en . "40"^^ . "Animalia"@en . . . . "\u30F4\u30A7\u30ED\u30AD\u30E9\u30D7\u30C8\u30EB"@en . . "to build the Dino Ambush Module, Rank 2"@en . . "Prehistoric Plateau"@en . "Green version"@en . . . "58"^^ . "Episode 3.4=File:Velociraptor.jpgA juvenile velociraptor.]] Creature properties Home time period Type Fatalities caused In the Primeverse Appearances Velociraptor is a dromaeosaur dinosaur (raptor) from the Cretaceous period."@en . . . "7474"^^ . . "A Rank 2 Meat Eating Dinosaur"@en . "The Velociraptor is a pickup truck-sized bipedal carnivore with a long, stiffened tail, distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long, low skull and upturned snout. It bares a relatively large, sickle-shaped claw, typical of dromaeosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs; this enlarged claw, up to 67 millimeters (2.6 in) long around its outer edge, is a predatory device, which the Velociraptor uses to tear into the prey, delivering a fatal kill shot. The Velociraptor should not to be confused with the slightly more advanced Raptor."@en . "200"^^ . . . . . "3.0"^^ . . . . "Speedy Thief"@en . "Their card was discovered in Australia by Seth in Ruff and Ready after Iguanodon broke open a rock; at the time it was a Dinosaur Card with no Element symbol on the back. He took the card with him, hiding its discovery from the Alpha Gang. In the next episode, he did experiments on them using a lot of electricity, making them evolve into a triangular card. This card was, according to Seth, based on the research that Dr. Z had done so far, and contained 2 Move Cards. He showed up at the iron refinery and used the new card with Terry's Alpha Scanner to help the Alpha Gang, using Critical Block to counter Chomp's attempt to use Lightning Strike. When Terry was nearly beaten by Chomp's Electric Charge, Seth used Final Fury to defeat Chomp. In the next episode, he gave the card to Rod and Laura when he tasked them with collecting all of the Dinosaur Cards. Rod had Terry use Critical Block to counter Ace's Cyclone and Paris' Metal Wing."@en . . "This is a very ferocious and agile carnivorous dinosaur. Using the retractable sickle-shaped claw on its second toe as its primary hunting tool, it jumps at its target using its claw to inflict potentially lethal stab wounds in it's prey. It can be very difficult to down because of its small size and agility, making this animal a challenge to all hunters. It has an average sense of sight and hearing, and an outstanding sense of smell. Calls of this reptile are a chilling howl-like screech. Unlike the Velociraptor of Earth, which was covered in feathers like a bird, the Velociraptor of FMM UV-32 is covered with tough, leathery scales. The FMM UV-32 Velociraptor is also much larger than it's Earth counterpart, the largest Earth Velociraptor being around 6 feet long and the largest FMM UV-32 Velociraptor being 15 feet long."@en . . "Various"@en . . . "y"@en . "Jurassic Park: Raptor"@en . "Velociraptor"@en . "0.7"^^ . "Dino Attack version"@en . "Yes"@en . "O velociraptor \u00E9 um tipo de dinossauro. Na ilha de Galrasia existe uma varia\u00E7\u00E3o sua que possui garras de lagosta."@pt . . "VelociRaptor"@en . "6.0"^^ . . . . "Mongolia, Asia"@en . . . . . . "LEGO Dimensions"@en . "The second version of the raptor was released in 2005 into the Dino Attack and Dino 2010 themes. The new figure was made of all new parts and came in only black with a yellow underbelly. It consisted of six seperate pieces. This version of the raptor has heightened senses, great agility and a huge amount of strength, as Raptors can rip Fire Hammers to bits in no time. The creatures emit an energy field that most weapons cannot pass through. One of the few weapons that can hurt a Raptor is the Cosmotronic Ray. The Raptor was boxed in the 7474 Urban Avenger vs. Raptor set, along with the main vehicle and Shadow. In Europe, the set was released as a Dino 2010 set, the 7295 Dino Buggy Chaser, the weapons being replaced by capture gear."@en . . "Skull: 3,000 Bells"@en . . "\"Mongolian swift thief\""@en . . . "3.2"^^ . . . . "0.95"^^ . . . "StudiosJurassic Park III"@en . . . . "Primeval Evolved Intro"@en . . "4.8"^^ . . . "Velociraptor"@es . "Velociraptor The Isle.png"@en . "Vu~erokiraputoru"@en . "As it existed on an entirely separate continent as the other reported Dinosaurs, scientists are skeptical that they were seen together, in modern times. Reports of size were also widely exaggerated, as Velociraptors were significantly smaller than a man (though relative species, such as Utahraptor, could grow about two-meters in height). Raptors were fast, agile predators that hunted in packs, like modern wolves. Of all the reported dinosaurs, scientists assume that only raptors would have the necessary intelligence to coordinate a hunt, though recent evidence suggests that the Tyrannosaurus Rex too was capable of this. Unlike larger carnivores, raptor jaws were not their primary way of subduing prey; rather they had large curved claws on their hind legs, capable of immense damage."@en . . . "300"^^ . . "150"^^ . . . . "100"^^ . . "DSS Rating"@en . . . . . "Cleaning their teeth."@en . "The Velociraptor is believed to be the smartest reptile ever.It hunted in packs and therefore increased its chances of a kill.It is one of the many of the raptor family and have many relatives, and although they are much larger, Velociraptor is still smater and is much more capable of catching prey or escaping predators. The speed of a velociraptor is one of its greatest advantages in the prehistoric world, and it is so fast you can barely see its legs move(see below). From Nature Wiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . "Velociraptor is a dromaeosaurid theropod from the Campanian age of the Cretaceous period. It has two species; V. mongoliensis and V. osmalskae. It will likely possess a feathered version."@en . . "Varies depending on sexuality"@en . "The velociraptor is a two-part fossil that can be donated to the museum. It was introduced in City Folk and is present in Animal Crossing: New Leaf."@en . "On October 26, 1985, Doc Brown and Marty McFly traveled to October 21, 2015. The elderly Biff Tannen stole the DeLorean time machine with the intention of giving his younger self a Grays Sports Almanac to make himself rich. He didn't know how to work the DeLorean, so he hit the time circuits with his cane. Once he reached 88 m.p.h., he was sent to the Cretaceous Period. The Mr. Fusion was empty, so he tried to find some organic material to fuel it. A baby velociraptor stole the Blast from the Past bag with the almanac in it. Biff killed the dinosaur by hitting it in the head with his cane, and used the dinosaur's body to fuel the Mr. Fusion. He then headed to November 12, 1955."@en . . "Tend\u00EAncia"@pt . . . "This is a dinosaur for advanced hunters. This ferocious fanged dinosaur is an agile hunter. Using its retractable sickle shaped claw on its second toe as its primary weapon, used to slash open the bellies of its prey, this meat eater is a challenge to all hunters. This dinosaur has an average sense of sight, an excellent sense of smell, and an average sense of hearing. The target-zones on this specimen are the head, neck, and back areas."@en . . . "This is a very ferocious and agile carnivorous dinosaur. Using the retractable sickle-shaped claw on its second toe as its primary hunting tool, it jumps at its target using its claw to inflict potentially lethal stab wounds in it's prey. It can be very difficult to down because of its small size and agility, making this animal a challenge to all hunters. It has an average sense of sight and hearing, and an outstanding sense of smell. Calls of this reptile are a chilling howl-like screech. Unlike the Velociraptor of Earth, which was covered in feathers like a bird, the Velociraptor of FMM UV-32 is covered with tough, leathery scales. The FMM UV-32 Velociraptor is also much larger than it's Earth counterpart, the largest Earth Velociraptor being around 6 feet long and the largest FMM UV-32 "@en . . "*V. mongoliensis"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . "Late Cretaceous period"@en . . "Dinosauria"@en . "per\u00EDodo Cret\u00E1cico"@es . "Velociraptor (meaning 'swift seizer') is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 75 to 71 mya (million years ago) during the later part of the Cretaceous Period. Only two species are currently recognized, although others have been assigned in the past. The type species is V. mongoliensis; fossils of this species have been discovered in both Inner and Outer Mongolia in central Asia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was named in 2008 for skull material from Inner Mongolia."@en . "Trade Digger 5 Purple Bricks"@en . "Asteroid Impact"@en . . . . "Velociraptor mongoliensis"@en . "The Velociraptor, personal vessel of the bounty hunter Raptor Duk-Val, is the result of almost twenty-five years of modification, customization, and tinkering. The ship is bears superficial resemblance to the Corellian Gunship it started out as, but internally the vessel is quite different. The original engines have been vastly upgraded. The central drive nozzle is now a slimmed-down thruster unit taken from a Nebulon-B Frigate, giving the ship incredible speed for its size; the engine modifications have also lengthened the ship by ten meters. Maneuverability and acceleration have likewise been increased. A much faster hyperdrive unit has been installed, originally scrounged and installed by Shug Ninx, then tweaked and tinkered additionally by hyperdrive experts in the Corporate Sector. Using the extra power from the engines, Raptor has added multiple shield generators and some extra armor plating, increasing the ship's protection. Weaponry as also been increased, nearly doubled from the original gunship. Fitting with his prime occupation as a bounty hunter, ion cannons have been added, as well as a pair of tractor beams. Twelve dual turbolaser turrets and eight quad laser cannons, as well as six concussion missile launchers, round out the impressive armament. The crown jewel of the 'Raptor, however, is its highly advanced automation system. Almost every feature of the ship can be run off its central computer, allowing the ship to be flown by just one person. A number of droids augment the computer and aid in repair and maintenance tasks. The ship reaches its maximum effectiveness, however, when traveling with a small crew."@en . . . . "As it existed on an entirely separate continent as the other reported Dinosaurs, scientists are skeptical that they were seen together, in modern times. Reports of size were also widely exaggerated, as Velociraptors were significantly smaller than a man (though relative species, such as Utahraptor, could grow about two-meters in height). Raptors were fast, agile predators that hunted in packs, like modern wolves. Of all the reported dinosaurs, scientists assume that only raptors would have the necessary intelligence to coordinate a hunt, though recent evidence suggests that the Tyrannosaurus Rex too was capable of this. Unlike larger carnivores, raptor jaws were not their primary way of subduing prey; rather they had large curved claws on their hind legs, capable of immense damage."@en . "0"^^ . . "Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs"@en . "Carnivore"@en . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "250"^^ . . "Raptors"@en . . "Torso: 2,500 Bells"@en . . . "Version 3:"@en . . "Planet Of Hatching"@en . . "0.3"^^ . . . "5884"^^ . . . . "2"^^ . . "Velociraptor was a small dromaeosaurid dinosaur from Mongolia"@en . "5887"^^ . . "Raptor"@en . "Velociraptors are small but scary egg theives. They are about 7 feet long, 3 feet tall and weigh 12-40 kilograms. \n* In Kenny and the Lost World (released in March 2013), it is with the theropods as Little Kong steps on 8 of them with the 5 Venatosaurus."@en . . . . . . . . . "Velociraptors were non-sentient avian creatures from the planet Earth. The last surviving members of the species lived on a small island known as Isla Sorna. After stumbling across the planet and the small island, the Sith adept Lord Marcus captured three velociraptors, and genetically combined one with himself. Then, using samples of Geonosian DNA, altered the other two raptors into Geonosian resembling beings. He called this new alien species a Articulan. Only three Articulans existed, including Marcus himself."@en . "50"^^ . . . "Velociraptors were non-sentient avian creatures from the planet Earth. The last surviving members of the species lived on a small island known as Isla Sorna. After stumbling across the planet and the small island, the Sith adept Lord Marcus captured three velociraptors, and genetically combined one with himself. Then, using samples of Geonosian DNA, altered the other two raptors into Geonosian resembling beings. He called this new alien species a Articulan. Only three Articulans existed, including Marcus himself."@en . "Various"@en . . . "Version 1:"@en . "Velociraptors lived during the late Cretacious Period. They ranged from 2 to 3ft tall, and were around 6 feet long. They ate small to medium sized sized dinosaurs. They hunted in packs, and could work together to take down large prey. Unlike Tyranosaurus, Velociraptors had long enough arms to hold on to things. They also hunted in packs, and were much smarter than Tyranosaurus. They have a retractable claw on each foot that is used to cling to the backs of large herbivores, and they use their long tails to keep balance. Velociraptors were feathered dinosaurs."@en . "Family"@en . . "desconhecida"@pt . "EX"@en . . . "Curved foot claws"@en . "Chordata"@en . . "5.9"^^ . . . . . "2"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "* 12 Dual Turbolaser Turrets\n* 8 Quad Laser Turrets\n* 4 Ion Cannon Turrets\n* 6 Concussion Missile Tubes\n* 2 Tractor Beam Turrets"@en . . . . "Jurassic Park: Redemption II"@en . . . . "Black"@en . . . "4"^^ . "7295"^^ . . . "Fire and Water"@en . . . "3"^^ . . "O velociraptor \u00E9 um tipo de dinossauro. Na ilha de Galrasia existe uma varia\u00E7\u00E3o sua que possui garras de lagosta."@pt . . . . "No"@en . . "20"^^ . "50"^^ . . . "of Scary Things"@en . . "(Osborn, 1924)"@en . . "300"^^ . "250"^^ . . "Extra Small"@en . . "Velociraptors, also known as \"raptors\" for short, are small but vicious and violent dinosaurs who constantly oppose Teggs and his crew. They are the most frequent carnivores to appear, and are referred to many times. While the raptors are formally part of the Theropod Empire, they are willing to turn on their fellow members to increase their own power. Like T. rexes, raptors aren't exactly noted for their brainpower and many are easily tricked. However, at least some are able to read and write fluently. All raptors will eat meat from almost any kind of dinosaur and often fight in packs due to their small size. Most raptors' voices have a rasping hiss as an accent, an exception being General Loki, an especially large and smart raptor. The Raptor Royal is the leader of all raptors, and is se"@en . . . "Likes"@en . "No"@en . "5653"^^ . . "Mongolia"@en . "Suborder"@en . . "75917"^^ . "Velociraptor"@hu . "Velociraptor is the most basic enemy in the games that feature them, serving primarily as the \"grunts\". In all Dino Crisis games that they are featured in, the Velociraptors have various colors that are all slightly different from each other, though the differences between each color varies depending on which game you are playing."@en . "none"@en . "none"@en . "*[[starwars:Shug Ninx"@en . . "Jurassic Park III: Park Builder"@en . . "The Velociraptor is a pickup truck-sized bipedal carnivore with a long, stiffened tail, distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long, low skull and upturned snout. It bares a relatively large, sickle-shaped claw, typical of dromaeosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs; this enlarged claw, up to 67 millimeters (2.6 in) long around its outer edge, is a predatory device, which the Velociraptor uses to tear into the prey, delivering a fatal kill shot. The Velociraptor should not to be confused with the slightly more advanced Raptor. Velociraptors are commonly found on tropical islands turned millionaire amusement parks, but due to global warming, are now being seen all over the world in large numbers. Raptors are known for their highly coordinated hunting packs and unusual intelligence, as evidenced by their effort to bring about the end of humanity in December 2012, the fact that they can open doors, as well as their failed attempt to destroy humanity using Y2K. Raptors are known to also have an interest in controlling public education, perpetuating the myth that the Velociraptors have been extinct for 65,000,000 years. Not true."@en . . . . "Velociraptor"@pl . "Velociraptor is the most basic enemy in the games that feature them, serving primarily as the \"grunts\". In all Dino Crisis games that they are featured in, the Velociraptors have various colors that are all slightly different from each other, though the differences between each color varies depending on which game you are playing."@en . . "A pair of Velociraptors appeared in the animated film Turok: Son of Stone."@en . . "Velociraptor is a extra small dinosaur that is classed as a Piscivore and mainly a Scavenger it was known to have excellent night vision it caused bleed to dinosaurs of its own size and mass only and doing nothing to bigger dinosaurs it aggressive to intruders but is social to its own kind and it is noted to have a overall stamina of a high metabolic rate."@en . "75920"^^ . "Annihilation"@en . . . "180"^^ . . "All"@en . . "6"^^ . "Jurassic Park Adventures: Prey"@en . "Saurischia"@en . . "2008"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Dromaeosauridae"@en . "Velociraptor is an adoptable animal featured in the Zoo Tycoon series. In Dinosaur Digs, Velociraptor was depicted as being a large, scaly dinosaur which lives in coniferous forest, whilst in Extinct Animals, Velociraptor appear to be birdlike, live in deserts and with a large amount of feathers on them. The latter is more scientifically correct (however, it's worth to note that it's still very inaccurate; it lacks feathers in the arms [which are indeed the only place known to actually be feathered], and its hands are in the wrong position along with it living in one of each biome; as it lived both). In the second game, they only cost half a star, which is odd as it is one of the most famous dinosaurs. The Achillobator from Cretaceous Calamity resembles a Velociraptor."@en . "All"@en . . . . "Desert"@en . "15.0"^^ . "Raptor Torso"@en . . . . . . "0.5"^^ . "Not quite, but still very smart."@en . . . "Brown"@en . . . . "1"^^ . "Primeira Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . . "Velociraptor ( meaning \"swift thief\") is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 83 to 70 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period. There is only one universally recognized species, V. mongoliensis, although others have been attributed in the past. Fossils of this species have been found in central Asia, from both Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia. Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, the turkey-sized Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedalism carnivore with a long, stiffened tail and had an enlarged, sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout. Due in large part to its prominent role in Michael Crichton's novel Jurassic Park and the subsequent motion picture series, Velociraptor (commonly shortened to 'raptor') is one of the dinosaur genera most familiar to the general public. It is also well-known to paleontologists, with over a dozen recovered fossil skeletons \u2014 the most of any dromaeosaurid. One particularly famous specimen shows a Velociraptor locked in combat with a Protoceratops."@en . . . "6.6"^^ . "Genus"@en . . . . . "20"^^ . "Velociraptor"@es . "None"@en . . "0.5"^^ . . . . "7.5"^^ . . . . "Aunque m\u00E1s peque\u00F1o que otros dromeos\u00E1uridos como el deinonico y el aquilobator, Velociraptor ten\u00EDa muchos rasgos anat\u00F3micos similares a ellos. Fue un carn\u00EDvoro b\u00EDpedo, con una cola larga y r\u00EDgida, y tres garras, una alargada y curva en cada pata, la cual usaba para matar a suspresas. A diferencia de otros dromeos\u00E1uridos Velociraptor pose\u00EDa un cr\u00E1neo bajo y alargado, y un hocico chato, dirigido hacia arriba. Pose\u00EDa patas traseras de gran longitud, lo que expresa (al igual que el nombre) su aparente gran velocidad."@es . . "I velociraptor, secondo i resti rinvenuti, assomiglierebbero a delle lucertolone grosse quanto uno struzzo dalla singolare particolarit\u00E0 di saper correre come una Ferrari. La testa sarebbe... e che cavolo non avete mai visto Jurassic Park!!? Comunque secondo recenti scoperte risulta che tali esseri avessero uno strano e bizzarro piumaggio, simile forse a quello di un pollo o di una gallina, il che ha scatenato la \"furia\" di alcuni creazionisti, i quali hanno dichiarato: Ovviamente le risposte non si sono fatte attendere e la comunit\u00E0 scientifica ha risposto con queste pacate e gentili parole:"@it . . "questions and answers: Q. was a raptor that fast? A.no but it could run over 20 mph! A. no evidence is the picture to the right. Q.was a raptor that smart? A. no it was not. although it was amongst the cleverest of dinosaurs it was only no more cleverer than an ostrich."@en . . . . . . . "Categoria"@pt . "Raptors are really fast and can quickly cause a lot of damage by biting and tackling Lara. The ledge method is the safest way to dispose of them, but if this method isn't possible it is best to use a powerful, close-range weapon such as the Shotgun or the Desert Eagle to quickly dispatch them."@en . . "Physical"@en . "The Velociraptor is a non-mailable Rank 4 Item used to build the Dino Ambush Module, Rank 2."@en . . . . "Superorder"@en . . . . . "In the mirror universe, in 2155, when Ensign Kelby was killed by the Gorn Slar, Doctor Phlox suggested sarcastically that the only way that he could have been bitten by a pet is if one of the crew of the USS Defiant had a pet Velociraptor. (ENT: \"In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II\") Although not specifically stated on screen, Velociraptor lived during the Cretaceous period."@en . . . "frame|Welociraptor Welociraptor (Velociraptor) \u2013 rodzaj niewielkich teropod\u00F3w z rodziny dromeozaur\u00F3w (Dromaeosauridae). Velociraptor by\u0142 dwuno\u017Cnym drapie\u017Cnikiem zamieszkuj\u0105cym tereny dzisiejszej Mongolii pod koniec okresu kredy 83 do 70 milion\u00F3w lat temu. Obecnie wyr\u00F3\u017Cniane s\u0105 tylko dwa gatunki nale\u017C\u0105ce do tego rodzaju - Velociraptor mongoliensis i V. osmolskae. Dinozaury te anatomicznie znacznie bardziej przypomina\u0142y dzisiejsze ptaki ni\u017C gady. Ich ko\u015Bci nadgarstka przypomina\u0142y ko\u015Bci ptasich skrzyde\u0142. Welociraptory by\u0142y bardzo szybkie i dosy\u0107 zwinne (m.in. dzi\u0119ki u\u0142atwiaj\u0105cemu manewrowanie usztywnionemu ogonowi)."@pl . . "Order"@en . "Velociraptor is a genus of small theropod dinosaur."@en . "24"^^ . . . . "Version 4:"@en . . . . . . . "Late Cretaceous, 75-71 Ma"@en . . "The Velociraptor is believed to be the smartest reptile ever.It hunted in packs and therefore increased its chances of a kill.It is one of the many of the raptor family and have many relatives, and although they are much larger, Velociraptor is still smater and is much more capable of catching prey or escaping predators. The speed of a velociraptor is one of its greatest advantages in the prehistoric world, and it is so fast you can barely see its legs move(see below). From Nature Wiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . "Velociraptor var en k\u00F6tt\u00E4tande dinosaurie fr\u00E5n Jorden. N\u00E4r SG-1 var p\u00E5 ett uppdrag till krita perioden st\u00F6tte teamet p\u00E5 en dinosaurie korsning mellan allosaur och velociraptor. (SG1: \"K-T\")"@sv . "Velociraptor is a extra small dinosaur that is classed as a Piscivore and mainly a Scavenger it was known to have excellent night vision it caused bleed to dinosaurs of its own size and mass only and doing nothing to bigger dinosaurs it aggressive to intruders but is social to its own kind and it is noted to have a overall stamina of a high metabolic rate."@en . . "The Fountain of Youth revived a Velociraptor, which the Master shrank and killed with the Tissue Compression Eliminator. However, the velociraptor then landed back in the Fountain and was revived again, albeit miniscule in size due to the Compression Eliminator's use on it. (PROSE: A Town Called Eternity) Whilst looking for Ace in Cretaceous Mongolia, the Seventh Doctor saw a Velociraptor. (PROSE: Living in the Past) Bernice Summerfield once encountered an intelligent Velociraptor called Patience. (PROSE: The Sword of Forever)"@en . . . . . . . . "75"^^ . . . . "Velociraptors are small but scary egg theives. They are about 7 feet long, 3 feet tall and weigh 12-40 kilograms. \n* In Kenny and the Lost World (released in March 2013), it is with the theropods as Little Kong steps on 8 of them with the 5 Venatosaurus."@en . "green"@en . "Extinct"@en . . "The Velociraptor is believed to be the smartest dinosaur ever.It hunted in packs and therefore increased its chances of a kill.It is one of the many of the raptor family and have many relatives, and although they are much larger, Velociraptor is still smater and is much more capable of catching prey or escaping predators. The speed of a velociraptor is oe of its greatest advantages in the prehistoric world, and it is so fast you can barely see its legs move(see below)."@en . "Class 1"@en . . "yes"@en . . "( Godefroit et al., 2008)"@en . "desconhecido"@pt . . . "Yes"@en . . . . "Jurassic World"@en . . . "15.0"^^ . . "Jurassic World: The Game"@en . "100"^^ . "Velociraptor"@pt . . . "Velociraptor ( meaning \"swift thief\") is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 83 to 70 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period. There is only one universally recognized species, V. mongoliensis, although others have been attributed in the past. Fossils of this species have been found in central Asia, from both Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia."@en . . "Velociraptor"@de . . . "Velociraptor is an extinct genus of dinosaur which existed during the Late Cretaceous Period, 83-70 million years ago. While Velociraptor is the genus most commonly associated with the raptor (a small dinosaur that walked on two legs and hunted in packs), several other genera are also considered raptors, Deinonychus and Utahraptor for example. Only one species is known to belong in the genus, Velociraptor mongoliensis. While evidence supports other raptors hunting in packs, no evidence has been found at present for Velociraptor hunting in packs. The genus was first described in 1924 from fossils found in Mongolia."@en . . . . "LEGO Jurassic World"@en . . . "questions and answers: Q. was a raptor that fast? A.no but it could run over 20 mph! A. no evidence is the picture to the right. Q.was a raptor that smart? A. no it was not. although it was amongst the cleverest of dinosaurs it was only no more cleverer than an ostrich."@en . . "pink"@en . . . "desconhecida"@pt . . "Late Cretaceous, 75-71 mya"@en . "Jurassic Park: Builder"@en . "El Velociraptor es una especie de Dinosaurio que fue primera vez visto en el Viaje a la Prehistoria 2014 como una transformaci\u00F3n."@es . . . . . . . . . . . "1.8"^^ . . . . . "I velociraptor, secondo i resti rinvenuti, assomiglierebbero a delle lucertolone grosse quanto uno struzzo dalla singolare particolarit\u00E0 di saper correre come una Ferrari. La testa sarebbe... e che cavolo non avete mai visto Jurassic Park!!? Comunque secondo recenti scoperte risulta che tali esseri avessero uno strano e bizzarro piumaggio, simile forse a quello di un pollo o di una gallina, il che ha scatenato la \"furia\" di alcuni creazionisti, i quali hanno dichiarato: Ovviamente le risposte non si sono fatte attendere e la comunit\u00E0 scientifica ha risposto con queste pacate e gentili parole: Non vi diciamo come \u00E8 andata a finire, ma per onor di cronaca, vi informiamo che dopo questo avvenimento molti papaboy si sono appesi ad un cappio e hanno ballato la giga."@it . . . "Carro\u00F1eros"@es . "Over 9000"@en . . "Dislikes"@en . . "180"^^ . "Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, Velociraptor still shared a number of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long, stiff tail and a large sickle-shaped claw on each foot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be told apart from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout, this feature is mainly seen in larger tyrannosaurids."@en . . . . "30"^^ . . "Era unos de los dinosaurios mas peque\u00F1os, los adultos por mucho llegaban a los 2 metros, su cr\u00E1neo pose\u00EDa una forma \u00FAnica hacia arriba, midiendo entre 25cm, pose\u00EDan entre 26 a 30 dientes. Estos dinosaurios pose\u00EDan tres garras curvas en cada mano siendo la garra del medio la mas larga, estos se caracterizaban por tener un cuerpo cubierto de plumas indica que era homeotermo (de sangre caliente), tambi\u00E9n indica que eran unas aves no voladoras en su \u00E9poca."@es . . . . . . "0.5"^^ . . . "fossil"@en . "*Upgraded Engines\n*Improved Shields \n*Improved Armor\n*Changed Armament\n*Advanced Automation System"@en . "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes"@en . . . . . . "NCC1701D"@en . "Velociraptor"@en . . "Velociraptors lived during the late Cretacious Period. They ranged from 2 to 3ft tall, and were around 6 feet long. They ate small to medium sized sized dinosaurs. They hunted in packs, and could work together to take down large prey. Unlike Tyranosaurus, Velociraptors had long enough arms to hold on to things. They also hunted in packs, and were much smarter than Tyranosaurus. They have a retractable claw on each foot that is used to cling to the backs of large herbivores, and they use their long tails to keep balance. Velociraptors were feathered dinosaurs."@en . "Gobi Desert/Southern Mongolia"@en . . . . "The second version of the raptor was released in 2005 into the Dino Attack and Dino 2010 themes. The new figure was made of all new parts and came in only black with a yellow underbelly. It consisted of six seperate pieces. This version of the raptor has heightened senses, great agility and a huge amount of strength, as Raptors can rip Fire Hammers to bits in no time. The creatures emit an energy field that most weapons cannot pass through. One of the few weapons that can hurt a Raptor is the Cosmotronic Ray."@en . . "In the mirror universe, in 2155, when Ensign Kelby was killed by the Gorn Slar, Doctor Phlox suggested sarcastically that the only way that he could have been bitten by a pet is if one of the crew of the USS Defiant had a pet Velociraptor. (ENT: \"In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II\") Although not specifically stated on screen, Velociraptor lived during the Cretaceous period."@en . . . "The velociraptor is a two-part fossil that can be donated to the museum. It was introduced in City Folk and is present in Animal Crossing: New Leaf."@en . "Velociraptor var en k\u00F6tt\u00E4tande dinosaurie fr\u00E5n Jorden. N\u00E4r SG-1 var p\u00E5 ett uppdrag till krita perioden st\u00F6tte teamet p\u00E5 en dinosaurie korsning mellan allosaur och velociraptor. (SG1: \"K-T\")"@sv . . "water"@en . . "130.0"^^ . . . "Scales"@en . . . . "Episode 3.4=File:Velociraptor.jpgA juvenile velociraptor.]] Creature properties Home time period Type Fatalities caused In the Primeverse Appearances Velociraptor is a dromaeosaur dinosaur (raptor) from the Cretaceous period."@en . "Version 2:"@en . "Orangish brown version"@en . "1"^^ . "Pointable"@en . "Velociraptors, also known as \"raptors\" for short, are small but vicious and violent dinosaurs who constantly oppose Teggs and his crew. They are the most frequent carnivores to appear, and are referred to many times. While the raptors are formally part of the Theropod Empire, they are willing to turn on their fellow members to increase their own power. Like T. rexes, raptors aren't exactly noted for their brainpower and many are easily tricked. However, at least some are able to read and write fluently. All raptors will eat meat from almost any kind of dinosaur and often fight in packs due to their small size. Most raptors' voices have a rasping hiss as an accent, an exception being General Loki, an especially large and smart raptor. The Raptor Royal is the leader of all raptors, and is served by lesser raptor generals such as Loki, sending them on missions to test new weapons and to disrupt life in the Vegetarian Sector in any way possible. Most raptors are orange with black or brown stripes, but some appear to be green, and a few don't have stripes at all. Many raptors have thin, purple forked tongues. They have an extremely nationalistic and militaristic society and are always keen to shed blood. If there are disagreements between raptors, they usually solve them by scratching and biting one another, which is why several older members of the species are covered in scars. They are considered bad at making deals because of this. Raptors are capable of taming ferocious animals like kraggle-scrunchers and frosticons and training them for use as as living weapons, and they eagerly experiment with alien substances and technology to design and create new weapons to use in battle. They created some of the most feared ships in the Jurassic Quadrant, such as the raptor death ship, the Doom-Bringer, and the raptor death-flyer. The home planet of all raptors is Raptos, but they will invade and colonize other worlds, leading them into conflicts with T. rexes and plant-eater worlds. A Raptor Border Patrol also keeps plant-eaters from entering the Carnivore Sector. Raptors use blood-red as a symbol for their kind on their ships and battle armour. They are part of the Theropod Empire, and the DSS fights them constantly (at least ten wars and numerous skirmishes). They often launch speedy raids on ships and planets in Vegetarian Sector territory, sometimes holding their prisoners ransom for large sums of money. Notable raptors include General Loki, Ranpak, The Old Raptor, the Raptor Security Guard, the Raptor Royal, Sergeant Major Bonecrack, and Pilot Komo. Raptors themselves have appeared in Riddle of the Raptors, The Mind-Swap Menace, The Space Ghosts, The Claws of Christmas, The Dreams of Dread, Earth Attack!, Terror Underground!, and Space Kidnap!."@en . . "(Osborn, 1924 )\n*V. osmolskae"@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "2"^^ . . . "653"^^ . ","@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Velociraptor is a non-mailable Rank 4 Item used to build the Dino Ambush Module, Rank 2."@en . . . "250"^^ . "150"^^ . "Jurassic Park Adventures: Survivor"@en . "Saurischian"@en . "Light Predator"@en . "Rank 4"@en . . . . . "Der Velociraptor ist eine ausgestorbene Reptiliengattung der Erde. Er geh\u00F6rt zur Tierfamilie der Dinosaurier und ist ein Fleischfresser. Als Ensign Kelby des Spiegeluniversums durch den Gorn Slar get\u00F6tet wird, meint Phlox zu der Vermutung, der Angriff k\u00F6nne von einem Haustier stammen, ironisch, dass jemand aus der Crew der Defiant einen Velociraptor als Haustier halten m\u00FCsse. (ENT: )"@de . . . "V. mongoliensis"@en . . "Asia"@es . . . . "Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals"@en . . . "1370"^^ . . "400"^^ . . . . . . "Infraorder"@en . . "16"^^ . . . "Their card was discovered in Australia by Seth in Ruff and Ready after Iguanodon broke open a rock; at the time it was a Dinosaur Card with no Element symbol on the back. He took the card with him, hiding its discovery from the Alpha Gang. In the next episode, he gave the card to Rod and Laura when he tasked them with collecting all of the Dinosaur Cards. Rod had Terry use Critical Block to counter Ace's Cyclone and Paris' Metal Wing."@en . "Full Name"@en . . . . "Velociraptor is an adoptable animal featured in the Zoo Tycoon series. In Dinosaur Digs, Velociraptor was depicted as being a large, scaly dinosaur which lives in coniferous forest, whilst in Extinct Animals, Velociraptor appear to be birdlike, live in deserts and with a large amount of feathers on them. The latter is more scientifically correct (however, it's worth to note that it's still very inaccurate; it lacks feathers in the arms [which are indeed the only place known to actually be feathered], and its hands are in the wrong position along with it living in one of each biome; as it lived both). In the second game, they only cost half a star, which is odd as it is one of the most famous dinosaurs. The Achillobator from Cretaceous Calamity resembles a Velociraptor. They will occassionally kill their own young in Zoo Tycoon 2, like the Komodo Dragon."@en . "Bipedal"@en . . "''Velociraptor mongoliensis"@en . . . . "12"^^ . "Velociraptors"@en . . . . . "*1 Pilot\n*15 Droids"@en . "Age"@en . . . "On October 26, 1985, Doc Brown and Marty McFly traveled to October 21, 2015. The elderly Biff Tannen stole the DeLorean time machine with the intention of giving his younger self a Grays Sports Almanac to make himself rich. He didn't know how to work the DeLorean, so he hit the time circuits with his cane. Once he reached 88 m.p.h., he was sent to the Cretaceous Period. The Mr. Fusion was empty, so he tried to find some organic material to fuel it. A baby velociraptor stole the Blast from the Past bag with the almanac in it. Biff killed the dinosaur by hitting it in the head with his cane, and used the dinosaur's body to fuel the Mr. Fusion. He then headed to November 12, 1955."@en . . . . "Trickery."@en . . . "Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, Velociraptor still shared a number of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long, stiff tail and a large sickle-shaped claw on each foot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be told apart from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout, this feature is mainly seen in larger tyrannosaurids."@en . "\u00DAltima Apari\u00E7\u00E3o"@pt . "Class"@en . . "Velociraptor"@en . . . . . . . "Raptor"@en . "16"^^ . . . "y"@en . "4"^^ . "2.36682E15"^^ . "Sauropsida"@en . . . . "25"^^ . "400"^^ . "Velociraptor"@sv . . . . . . "Velociraptor is a genus of small theropod dinosaur."@en . "Meat"@en . "carnivore"@en . . . "Velociraptor"@it . . "VelociRaptor is a deadly enemy found only in prehistoric plateau. They are very quick and are very strong. They can easily dodge most attacks and can even fly to a degree."@en . "2"^^ . . . . . "Velociraptor (meaning 'swift seizer') is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 75 to 71 mya (million years ago) during the later part of the Cretaceous Period. Only two species are currently recognized, although others have been assigned in the past. The type species is V. mongoliensis; fossils of this species have been discovered in both Inner and Outer Mongolia in central Asia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was named in 2008 for skull material from Inner Mongolia. Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, the turkey-sized Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, possibly feathered carnivore with a long, stiffened tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout. It is thought that Velociraptor could have ran up to 45 mph (easily out running a Protoceratops.) Velociraptor is well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen recovered fossil skeletons\u2014the most of any dromaeosaurid. One particularly famous specimen preserves a Velociraptor locked in combat with a Protoceratops."@en . "Advanced"@en . "frame|Welociraptor Welociraptor (Velociraptor) \u2013 rodzaj niewielkich teropod\u00F3w z rodziny dromeozaur\u00F3w (Dromaeosauridae). Velociraptor by\u0142 dwuno\u017Cnym drapie\u017Cnikiem zamieszkuj\u0105cym tereny dzisiejszej Mongolii pod koniec okresu kredy 83 do 70 milion\u00F3w lat temu. Obecnie wyr\u00F3\u017Cniane s\u0105 tylko dwa gatunki nale\u017C\u0105ce do tego rodzaju - Velociraptor mongoliensis i V. osmolskae."@pl . "Velociraptor was a small dromaeosaurid dinosaur from Mongolia"@en . . . . . . "Velociraptor"@en . "Dinosauria"@en . "0.3"^^ . . "A pair of Velociraptors appeared in the animated film Turok: Son of Stone."@en . . "Raptor Skull"@en . "Osborn, 1924"@en . "It will kill yours"@en . "5"^^ . . "autosize"@en . . "Sauropsida"@es . "Velociraptor is a dromaeosaurid theropod from the Campanian age of the Cretaceous period. It has two species; V. mongoliensis and V. osmalskae. It will likely possess a feathered version."@en . . "250"^^ . . .