"In room 4, after the moving platform sequence, the player must stay on the platform as it approaches the checkpoint. It will then move across the bed of spikes left of the checkpoint; the exit on the left end of the spikes leads to the room with the relic."@en . "Eye of YALORT"@en . . . . "In room 20, considering that the blue, green, and orange switch blocks are turned off, the player must first navigate up the left side of the room and turn the blue switch on in a room at the top. The player must then return to the bottom of the room and navigate up the right side, ignoring the door that leads to the purple switch. At the top of the right side leads to the bottom part of the relic room, which contains a red switch. The player must then turn off the red switch and then enter the relic room again from the previous room's left side. There, a vine leads to the top of the room, where the relic is located on a pillar on the right side past some jumps between vines with spikes on the ceiling. After retrieving the relic, the player can drop down from the pillar to the lower right side of the room, where the exit is."@en . "* Jump over his attacks\n* Fire your blaster"@en . "Phase 1"@en . "Raider: Episode 2 is the second episode in the Raider series of games created by Pseudolonewolf."@en . "Platformer"@en . "Its Signer must be wondering where it went to..."@en . "Raider: Episode 2 is the second episode in the Raider series of games created by Pseudolonewolf."@en . . "In room 11, the right side of the room, accessed from the moving platform, leads to the relic. However, the first block in the room with the relic in it after jumping off the moving platform from the previous room has a moving spear-blade, so the player must quickly jump to the next block before getting stabbed. The relic is on the right side of the room past some jumps between vines with spikes on the ceiling."@en . "Released"@en . "A golden sculpture in the shape of the head of a lingon, the Unofficial Overseers of the Astrostles Galaxy."@en . "Beast Egg"@en . . "Fire Guardian"@en . "Raider: Episode 2"@en . "Raider: Episode 2"@en . . "Phase 2 \n* Flies to top of room and shoots a mine at the ground which explodes if something touches it\n* Aims a fireball at you, which splits into smaller fireballs when it hits the ground\n* Repeats first attack from Phase 1, this time aiming for the right while near the left wall\n* Flies to top of room and shoots two fireballs to both sides of him. They will split into smaller ones when they hit the walls.\n* Repeats first attack from Phase 1 before going through Phase 2 attacks again."@en . . . "A small golden statue of Moric, one of the Governance de Magi, wielding his scythe, Mortus."@en . "In room 29, a passage on the lower left side of the room leads to the relic. The relic is on the other side of a lava pool past a spear-blade. In order to access this room on the Intermediate or Expert difficulties the player must ignore the entrance to the secret area and run away from the moving spike wall. While this may seem counter-intuitive one of the vines in this segment allows the player to travel ABOVE the level and over said spike wall. The room can then be accessed."@en . . "* The room the boss is in has three small lava pools, two in the corners and one in the middle, to make manoeuvring more challenging."@en . "50"^^ . "* Shoots a fireball at the left wall when on the right side of the room. He will do this three times, with each additional fireball at a higher angle than the last. The fireballs will split into smaller fireballs.\n* Flamethrower that sweeps left, then another one that sweeps right."@en . . . "A Holy Icon made in the shape of the symbol of YALORT, the Omnidragon."@en . "Lingon Mask"@en . "Annunaki Statuette"@en .