"thumb|Ein Teller mit Foie gras Foie gras ist eine kulinarische Spezialit\u00E4t von der Erde. 2377 serviert Seven of Nine dem Doktor Foie gras mit Tr\u00FCffeln und eine Flasche Ch\u00E2teau d'Yquem, der laut der Datenbank perfekt dazu passt. Anschlie\u00DFend sto\u00DFen sie damit auf ihre gemeinsamen Erlebnisse auf dem Lokirrim-Raumschiff an. (VOY: )"@de . . . . . . "yes"@en . "It is too easy to denounce the Havisocks under this title, too low a blow even for the lowest members of our Society (The Historian), simplistic, without much imagination, or courage. But we will do it anyway. It is also too easy in this country for an individual of a mendacious disposition to get a job that leaves him in charge of the 'vulnerable' (c.f. the caseworker (always lower-case for this slimy coward)), but hell, a man needs to make a living and a man needs to have a hobby."@en . . . "Foie gras"@en . . "In 2377, after an encounter with the Lokirrim, Seven of Nine replicated a meal of foie gras with truffles and a bottle of Ch\u00E2teau d'Yquem, the ideal accompaniment according to the culinary database. She then described the sensations of eating the meal to The Doctor, so that he could enjoy it vicariously. (VOY: \"Body and Soul\")"@en . . "Just as there are many ways to skin a cat, there are many ways to fatten the livers of waterfowl. The most basic of these is simply to provide them with an unlimited supply of corn; left to their own devices, the birds will gorge themselves, thus plumping up their livers nicely and giving them a pleasantly full feeling. However, because waterfowl have a low beak-to-body ratio, they often find themselves unable to feed themselves fast enough, which leaves them feeling unsatisfied and can even lead to significant distress. The \"quacking\" and \"honking\" of wild ducks and geese respectively is a particularly heartrending sign of this distress. Mankind has, magnanimously, seen fit to correct this defect of nature by creating gavage. This is a process, now perfected, of jamming a bird's beak open and funnelling as much corn-mash as possible down its gullet. After between two and five weeks of this process, the bird grows so full and satisfied that it literally dies of happiness. After this, the liver can be removed (and indeed, Providence has shown the rightness of gavage by making the liver easy to find, it having grown in some cases fourfold during the process), and eaten, often with prunes."@en . "In 2377, after an encounter with the Lokirrim, Seven of Nine replicated a meal of foie gras with truffles and a bottle of Ch\u00E2teau d'Yquem, the ideal accompaniment according to the culinary database. She then described the sensations of eating the meal to The Doctor, so that he could enjoy it vicariously. (VOY: \"Body and Soul\")"@en . . . "Foie gras (pronounced /fw\u0251\u02D0\u02C8\u0261r\u0251\u02D0/ in English; French for \"fat liver\") is a food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. This fattening is typically achieved through gavage (force-feeding) corn, according to French law, though outside of France it is occasionally produced using natural feeding. P\u00E2t\u00E9 de foie gras was formerly known as \"Strasbourg pie\" in English due to that city being a major producer of this food product. Foie gras is a popular and well-known delicacy in French cuisine. Its flavor is described as rich, buttery, and delicate, unlike that of a regular duck or goose liver. Foie gras is sold whole, or is prepared into mousse, parfait, or p\u00E2t\u00E9 (the lowest quality), and may also be served as an accompaniment to another food item, such as steak. French law states that \"Foie gras belongs to the protected cultural and gastronomical heritage of France.\" Another European cuisine employs fattened goose liver almost to the extent as in France; in Hungary, libam\u00E1j (lit. 'goose liver') is produced, as in France, both at the small farm and larger commercial levels, and is consumed both plain and in cooking by all levels of society. As with French foie gras, tinned libam\u00E1j is exported and can be purchased around Europe and North America."@en . "Aerial Power \n**+9% Damage"@en . . "Mint Leaf"@en . . . "Foie gras"@de . . . "20"^^ . . "Gastronomy"@en . "Foie gras (pronounced /fw\u0251\u02D0\u02C8\u0261r\u0251\u02D0/ in English; French for \"fat liver\") is a food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. This fattening is typically achieved through gavage (force-feeding) corn, according to French law, though outside of France it is occasionally produced using natural feeding. P\u00E2t\u00E9 de foie gras was formerly known as \"Strasbourg pie\" in English due to that city being a major producer of this food product."@en . . "Chef"@en . "common"@en . "\"Chowder Meets Mr. Fugu\""@en . "1"^^ . . "Just as there are many ways to skin a cat, there are many ways to fatten the livers of waterfowl. The most basic of these is simply to provide them with an unlimited supply of corn; left to their own devices, the birds will gorge themselves, thus plumping up their livers nicely and giving them a pleasantly full feeling. However, because waterfowl have a low beak-to-body ratio, they often find themselves unable to feed themselves fast enough, which leaves them feeling unsatisfied and can even lead to significant distress. The \"quacking\" and \"honking\" of wild ducks and geese respectively is a particularly heartrending sign of this distress."@en . . "It is too easy to denounce the Havisocks under this title, too low a blow even for the lowest members of our Society (The Historian), simplistic, without much imagination, or courage. But we will do it anyway. It is also too easy in this country for an individual of a mendacious disposition to get a job that leaves him in charge of the 'vulnerable' (c.f. the caseworker (always lower-case for this slimy coward)), but hell, a man needs to make a living and a man needs to have a hobby. In wards all over the North-East (and other, foreign lands, I.e. Yorkshire) he is feared for his soft hands and hard methods. A common scenario finds him entering a supermarket (he mistakes the bright lights and cool, conditioned air for a hospital). He usually starts by gently grabbing a woman (any size or age will do), then leads her away from the more busy isles to a location where he can 'investigate' her specific condition. The interaction usually ends in acrimony before the 'internal' investigation can begin. On a level much more devious and completely lacking in the true naivete of the fool we just mentioned, the Havisocks always scream blue murder when they are confronted with a deconstruction of their Father-worship (a common trait in perverts). Another deep-seated cause for anger is the occasional confrontation with aspects of their total ignorance viz-a-viz any type of food they revere or think so highly of (the identity between food and man is another common sign of a condition the Handbook of Psychology refers to as 'bed-wetter'). After lecturing this idiot about the nuances of Grana (to him, parmesan) for over an hour I hoped that he could pass himself off as something less than a monster at the annual Societe Fromage et Peche meeting in the Merchant Adventurers Guildhall. How wrong I was. After mispronouncing Bel Paese and likening Gorgonzola to a Roquefort \u2013 no matter how many times we told him it was a cocking cow-milk cheese, it turned to whey in his miserable mind \u2013 I was fearful that I had committed a misdeed worthy of sanction. The club is, while not my favourite (the framing club), an invigorating way to pass an hour of a rainy Tuesday. However, I am delighted to say that my brethren in the club merely made the appropriate gesture about his lack of collar, cuff, and other shirt componentry, the shortness of his sleeve and the small matter of a brown staining on the tails. After the dinner was over he confided in me that he thought he had been 'quite the hit' and that he expected to become a full member 'presently'. The secret of his success he put down to the aforementioned brown stains which he claimed were foie gras of the highest distinction, and that said foodstuff had given him and edge. It was at this point that I shewed him the door."@en . . "Foie Gras (pronounced \"Fwaah Graah\") is a male cat that is Mr. Fugu's valet. He is unable to speak English and is only able to say \"Meow\". He has a collar wrapped around his neck with a bell. His job is mostly holding Mr. Fugu's string so he won't fly away. So far, Foie Gras has only been seen in four episodes, where he stays in the kitchen and freaks out Mung and Shnitzel. Chowder was Mr. Fugu's valet that day which is why he stayed in the kitchen. He and Mr. Fugu later reappeared in Hands On A Big Mixer, The Blast Raz, and The Birthday Suits."@en . "Normally Foie Gras is only eaten on special occasions, but if you want your friends to think you're a real aristocrat, why not serve it up for every meal?"@en . . . "Foie Gras"@en . "Foie Gras Foie Gras Game Information Mushroom Garden File:Mushroom Garden.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? File:NP Template.png Mushroom Garden Seasons File:Seasons.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? Mushroom Garden Deluxe File:Deluxe.png \n* Library: CLB-15 \n* NP: 398 File:NP Template.png \n* Rarity: \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606\u2606 NEO Mushroom Garden File:Neo.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? File:NP Template.png \n* Traits: Unknown Walk-A-Funghi File:Walk-A-Funghi Icon.png \n* Library: \n* Likes: Unknown \n* Picks Up: Unknown"@en . . . . "20"^^ . "Foie Gras Foie Gras Game Information Mushroom Garden File:Mushroom Garden.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? File:NP Template.png Mushroom Garden Seasons File:Seasons.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? Mushroom Garden Deluxe File:Deluxe.png \n* Library: CLB-15 \n* NP: 398 File:NP Template.png \n* Rarity: \u2605\u2605\u2605\u2606\u2606 NEO Mushroom Garden File:Neo.png \n* Library: \n* NP: ??? File:NP Template.png \n* Traits: Unknown Walk-A-Funghi File:Walk-A-Funghi Icon.png \n* Library: \n* Likes: Unknown \n* Picks Up: Unknown"@en . "Strich Neck"@en . . . "Hazelnut Oil"@en . "2"^^ . "Foie Gras"@en . "Cat"@en . . "thumb|Ein Teller mit Foie gras Foie gras ist eine kulinarische Spezialit\u00E4t von der Erde. 2377 serviert Seven of Nine dem Doktor Foie gras mit Tr\u00FCffeln und eine Flasche Ch\u00E2teau d'Yquem, der laut der Datenbank perfekt dazu passt. Anschlie\u00DFend sto\u00DFen sie damit auf ihre gemeinsamen Erlebnisse auf dem Lokirrim-Raumschiff an. (VOY: )"@de . "6"^^ . . . "Foie Gras (pronounced \"Fwaah Graah\") is a male cat that is Mr. Fugu's valet. He is unable to speak English and is only able to say \"Meow\". He has a collar wrapped around his neck with a bell. His job is mostly holding Mr. Fugu's string so he won't fly away. So far, Foie Gras has only been seen in four episodes, where he stays in the kitchen and freaks out Mung and Shnitzel. Chowder was Mr. Fugu's valet that day which is why he stayed in the kitchen. He and Mr. Fugu later reappeared in Hands On A Big Mixer, The Blast Raz, and The Birthday Suits."@en . "craft"@en . . . "Valet"@en .