. . . . "American"@en . "Darkwing"@en . . "Real Name"@en . . "thumb|350px|Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing y Mor Deythan. La ca\u00F1onera Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing era exclusiva de los arsenales de la Legi\u00F3n de la Guardia del Cuervo. Estaba equipada con un abanico de valios\u00EDsimos y poco comprendidos sistemas, que iban desde blindaje cubierto por radiaci\u00F3n a sus repulsores de campo cu\u00E1ntico, y que potenciaban las capacidades de sigilo de la aeronave. Estos sistemas adicionales requer\u00EDan un grado superior de mantenimiento y parte del espacio interior era sacrificado para alojarlos, reduciendo ligeramente su capacidad de transporte. Dado que el modelo Darkwing sol\u00EDa ser utilizado para desplegar peque\u00F1as unidades de guerreros de \u00E9lite (generalmente Escuadras de Ataque Mor Deythan) en lo profundo del territorio enemigo, esto no era un grave problema, as\u00ED que tod"@es . "Decepticon"@en . . . "Aerial Assault"@en . "Darkwing has just as dim a view of existence as his partner Dreadwind, he's simply more proactive about it. After all, he figures if everything is pointless, depressing, and inevitably leads to a life of painful and ceaseless suffering anyway, he might at least make sure others are getting it a lot worse than he is. You can always count on Darkwing to attempt to make a bad situation worse for everyone involved, and to complain about it all loudly while he's at it. He's binary-bonded to the hot-headed Nebulan thief Throttle. He can combine with his fellow Dreadwind to form the superjet Dreadwing. French name (Canada): Ailenoire"@en . . . "Canada"@en . "Print"@en . "n/a"@en . . "Darkwing is a book written by Kenneth Oppel. It is in the Silverwing series, although the characters are different. The main character is Dusk."@en . "2"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . "EmeraldJunkie"@en . . "50"^^ . . "Darkwing is a fallen angel & member of the Chaotic Overlords."@en . "123"^^ . . . "Brown"@en . . "Darkraider"@en . . . . "Eath"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . . "The original Darkwing was extremely similar to Batman, and was a human in peak physical form, master hand-to-hand combatant, and possessing a powerful array of gadgets. He was known to be almost everywhere in Midnight City."@en . . . "Honda Shadow Slasher"@en . . . "Darkraider Bike Mode"@en . . "2007"^^ . "Batman Family,\nBatman Incorporated"@en . . . . "File:Darkwing-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . . . "Darkwing is a book written by Kenneth Oppel. It is in the Silverwing series, although the characters are different. The main character is Dusk."@en . "200"^^ . . . . . . "Darkwing"@en . "DarkWing"@en . "Darkwing"@en . "Panavia Tornado GR1"@en . . . "Darkwing was a Cybertronian and one of Blackout's soldiers. He and his brother Dreadwind served as Blackout's guards during his trip to Dragku. Much much later, he and his brother joined Starscream in his failed attempt to overthrow Blackout. He appeared out of a portal along with Thundercracker, Skywarp, Dirge, Thrust, Ramjet and Dreadwind and then was completely forgotten."@en . "Powermasters"@en . "4"^^ . "The Wings of Darkness Darkwing (\u95C7\u306E\u7FFC\u30C0\u30FC\u30AF\u30A6\u30A4\u30F3\u30B0 Yami no Tsubasa D\u0101ku Uingu) is the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Knight."@en . "Summon"@en . . "Never has anything nice to say, but says it anyway. Believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering and strives to insure that others experience more of it than he does. Armed with two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters. Combines with Dreadwind to form the fearsome Dreadwing."@en . . . . . . . "90"^^ . "900"^^ . . . . "Never has anything nice to say, but says it anyway. Believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering and strives to insure that others experience more of it than he does. Armed with two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters. Combines with Dreadwind to form the fearsome Dreadwing. If Dreadwind is the ultimate pessimist, Darkwing completes the equation by being a manic-depressive. He believes that life is one long ordeal of pain and suffering, and that it's pointless struggling against it. However, where his brother-in-arms just sits back and lets this bleak outlook get him down, Darkwing is no passive bystander. If he's destined to suffer, then by Primus he's going to make others share it... only more so! His avowed purpose in life is to make the lives of others worse than he believes his to be! To him, death is getting off lightly. Better to leave a foe still alive, in terrible pain. He somehow feels better knowing that others are suffering more than he is. But there is a side to Darkwing that's every bit as gloomy as Dreadwind. No matter how well things are going for him, he's convinced that it's not going to last. To Darkwing, the next personal disaster is always just around the corner. If nothing else, this attitude keeps him alert to impending attack. He's partnered to Throttle, a (self-admittedly) low-life thief. He revels in his chosen profession and loves mixing with society's dregs. Throttle sees this as simple honesty and appreciates that in others. If he doesn't like you, he'll tell you in no uncertain terms. With Throttle, what you see is what you get. In a way, that's why he gets on okay with Darkwing (though Darkwing might have something to say about that), because at least Darkwing doesn't pretend to be anything he's not. So he's a pessimist - so what?"@en . . . "Darkwing has just as dim a view of existence as his partner Dreadwind, he's simply more proactive about it. After all, he figures if everything is pointless, depressing, and inevitably leads to a life of painful and ceaseless suffering anyway, he might at least make sure others are getting it a lot worse than he is. You can always count on Darkwing to attempt to make a bad situation worse for everyone involved, and to complain about it all loudly while he's at it. He's binary-bonded to the hot-headed Nebulan thief Throttle. French name (Canada): Ailenoire"@en . "Humans"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Darkwing"@es . "thumb|350px|Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing y Mor Deythan. La ca\u00F1onera Storm Eagle modelo Darkwing era exclusiva de los arsenales de la Legi\u00F3n de la Guardia del Cuervo. Estaba equipada con un abanico de valios\u00EDsimos y poco comprendidos sistemas, que iban desde blindaje cubierto por radiaci\u00F3n a sus repulsores de campo cu\u00E1ntico, y que potenciaban las capacidades de sigilo de la aeronave. Estos sistemas adicionales requer\u00EDan un grado superior de mantenimiento y parte del espacio interior era sacrificado para alojarlos, reduciendo ligeramente su capacidad de transporte. Dado que el modelo Darkwing sol\u00EDa ser utilizado para desplegar peque\u00F1as unidades de guerreros de \u00E9lite (generalmente Escuadras de Ataque Mor Deythan) en lo profundo del territorio enemigo, esto no era un grave problema, as\u00ED que todos los Cap\u00EDtulos de la Legi\u00F3n manten\u00EDan una reserva de estas preciadas ca\u00F1oneras."@es . "Harper Trophy Canada"@en . . . . . . . "Mike Hardt was a member of the Bat family while Bruce and Damian were away dealing with Batman Incorporated after Bruce's return. While Bruce was away, Dick Grayson kept the mantle of Batman, and took Mike in as Black Robin. Being 19 at the time, Mike disliked the name Robin because he associated it with children, so he took inspiration from Tim Drake's Red Robin and became Black Robin. He first appeared in Batman: Black Robin #1. After the events of Near Death Experience, Mike is located in Stonehaven, searching for the first Dupe who killed his younger brother to bring him to justice.7"@en . "Darkwing is a fallen angel & member of the Chaotic Overlords."@en . . . . "Invincible"@en . "yes"@en . . . . . . "Abilities"@en . . . . . . . . . "Darkwing"@en . . . "Decepticons"@en . "Darkwing is a distant prequel to the Silverwing trilogy and follows the journey of Dusk, a Chiropter whose distinct differences from the rest of his colony serve as a depiction of an early ancestor to bats. The story is set in the early Paleocene epoch, shortly after the extinction of large reptiles and mammals begin to flourish as the primary species on the planet."@en . . "Affiliations"@en . . "2.0"^^ . . . . . . "Invincible #7"@en . . . "Kamen Rider Ryuki"@en . . "Batman: Black Robin"@en . "Robert Kirkman; Terry Stevens"@en . "Darkwing was an original member of the Guardians of the Globe. They had worked with Omni-man but were betrayed and murdered by him.\nReboot\nYears later, Mark touched a white light that put him back into his body at the time before he received his powers and with all of his memories. He attempted to talk to his father about not killing the Guardians of the Globe again. Nolan became angry and immediately attacked Mark. Mark led him to Utah where he tricked Nolan into smashing into the Guardians of the Globe headquarters. He revealed Nolan's plans to the Guardians and they subdued Nolan. Cecil Stedmen soon arrived and agreed to bring Nolan back to the Pentagon and restrain him."@en . "Humans"@en . . . . . "Mike Hardt was a member of the Bat family while Bruce and Damian were away dealing with Batman Incorporated after Bruce's return. While Bruce was away, Dick Grayson kept the mantle of Batman, and took Mike in as Black Robin. Being 19 at the time, Mike disliked the name Robin because he associated it with children, so he took inspiration from Tim Drake's Red Robin and became Black Robin. He first appeared in Batman: Black Robin #1. Mike ran away from home at a young age, and spent many of his teen years on the street, but managed to educate himself in the world of thievery and computers, becoming a skilled hacker and lock pick. He also spent some time in Paris and developed skills in parkour, and also had a brief encounter with Batman Incorporated member, Nightrunner. After arriving in Gotham at the age of 19, an encounter with the Joker would find him in the halls of Wayne Manor, and he would taken in by Dick to be his side kick. It was soon to be discover that Mike was an angry individual, his years of fending for himself on the streets of western europe had groomed him into a violent person, even almost beating Two-Face to death with his bare hands, and almost killing Bane by driving into him with the Bat Mobile before he could inject himself with venom. Dick finally realized this was due to his younger brother, Max, being killed by a English super villain Dupe, who had shot Max after robbing a bank in Mike's home city of Stonehaven. This lead to Mike visiting different countries in Europe honing his skills before heading to Gotham in search of Batman. After he was wounded by Joker, Mike realized he wasn't worthy of being Black Robin, so he returned to Stonehaven and took up the moniker of DarkWing, inspired by Dick's Nightwing moniker. After the events of Near Death Experience, Mike is located in Stonehaven, searching for the first Dupe who killed his younger brother to bring him to justice.7"@en . "Keith Thompson"@en . "Skilled Hacker,\nMixed Martial Arts,\nSkilled in Parkour,\nExpert Lock Pick."@en . "Darkwing's Panavia Tornado GR1 fighter jet mode abilities mirror Dreadwind's almost exactly. Darkwing combines with Dreadwind to form the vehicle Dreadwing, so they are not so much two jets as two halves of the same jet. Fast and deadly, Darkwing is similarly laden with weaponry, the most deadly of which are his two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters, which turn an enemy's power against its owner. The more powerful the foe, the more Darkwing can hurt him. Unlike Dreadwind, he is mobile and lethal in robot mode, specializing in hand-to-hand combat. Darkwing hates combining to form Dreadwing, and is often distracted by continually bickering with Dreadwind."@en . . . . . . . "Darkwing's Panavia Tornado GR1 fighter jet mode abilities mirror Dreadwind's almost exactly. Darkwing combines with Dreadwind to form the vehicle Dreadwing, so they are not so much two jets as two halves of the same jet. Fast and deadly, Darkwing is similarly laden with weaponry, the most deadly of which are his two laser-guided electro-kinetic blasters, which turn an enemy's power against its owner. The more powerful the foe, the more Darkwing can hurt him. Unlike Dreadwind, he is mobile and lethal in robot mode, specializing in hand-to-hand combat."@en . . . . "Secret"@en . . "250"^^ . "Black"@en . "File:Darkwing-Elph.gif Write the text of your article here!"@en . "Created By"@en . "The Wings of Darkness Darkwing (\u95C7\u306E\u7FFC\u30C0\u30FC\u30AF\u30A6\u30A4\u30F3\u30B0 Yami no Tsubasa D\u0101ku Uingu) is the Contract Monster of Kamen Rider Knight."@en . . . . . "Darkwing is a distant prequel to the Silverwing trilogy and follows the journey of Dusk, a Chiropter whose distinct differences from the rest of his colony serve as a depiction of an early ancestor to bats. The story is set in the early Paleocene epoch, shortly after the extinction of large reptiles and mammals begin to flourish as the primary species on the planet."@en . "Darkwing was a Cybertronian and one of Blackout's soldiers. He and his brother Dreadwind served as Blackout's guards during his trip to Dragku. Much much later, he and his brother joined Starscream in his failed attempt to overthrow Blackout. He appeared out of a portal along with Thundercracker, Skywarp, Dirge, Thrust, Ramjet and Dreadwind and then was completely forgotten."@en . . . . . . "First Appearance"@en . . "Michael Bruce Hardt"@en . . "David Frankland"@en . "370"^^ . . "Darkwing"@en . "Invincible #7"@en . . "100"^^ . . "Good"@en . . . "FC"@en . "English"@en . . . .