. "Merlin and the Dragons is an animated film adapted from a story by Jane Yolen. It was directed by Dennis Woodyard. The production is a retelling of the Arthurian legend, with Merlin the magician, based on material from Nennius and Geoffrey of Monmouth. The film is narrated and voiced by Kevin Kline"@en . . "Screenplay by"@en . "Directed by"@en . "Merlin and the Dragons"@en . . "Merlin and the Dragons is an animated film adapted from a story by Jane Yolen. It was directed by Dennis Woodyard. The production is a retelling of the Arthurian legend, with Merlin the magician, based on material from Nennius and Geoffrey of Monmouth. The film is narrated and voiced by Kevin Kline"@en . . "Merlin and the Dragons"@en . . "Based on"@en . "255"^^ . . "Release date"@en . "Produced by"@en . "Story by"@en . "Starring"@en . "Music by"@en . "Edited by"@en . "Kevinkline.jpg"@en . "Country"@en . . .