. . "Brillante cient\u00EDfico del siglo 23, inventor de los sistemas computronicos y la duotronicos. Naci\u00F3 en 2219. Recibe el prestigioso Premio Nobel en 2243 a la edad de 24 a\u00F1os por su trabajo de la duatronica que se volvi\u00F3 la base de las computadoras de las naves de la Federaci\u00F3n por alrededor de 80 a\u00F1os. A pesar de sus \u00E9xitos, ten\u00EDa problemas personales por que los dem\u00E1s lo hab\u00EDan considerado un chico maravilla. Daystrom estaba tratando de lograr un nuevo sistema llamado multitronico. Este nuevo sistema consist\u00EDa en colocar engramas neurales en los circuitos de las computadoras. Haciendo que estas pudieran imitar al cerebro humano. Esto tra\u00EDa la esperanza de que las maquinas tuvieran la habilidad de pensar y razonar como un humano. Desdichadamente durante una prueba la computadora tambi\u00E9n imita la porci\u00F3n inestable de su personalidad, resultando en un serio desastre que provoco la muerte de 500 personas. Esta falla provoco que Daystrom se volviera loco pasando el resto de sus d\u00EDas en una instituci\u00F3n mental, bajo un riguroso tratamiento para tratar de curarlo."@es . "2219"^^ . . . "Richard Daystrom"@de . . "Dr. Richard Daystrom"@en . . "Dr. Richard John Daystrom was a human scientist, specializing in cybernetics, active in at least the 23rd century. \"John\" is the given name in James Blish's adaptation of \"The Ultimate Computer\". (TOS novel: Star Trek 8) Though probably taken from an early draft of the script, this may also be his middle name. Born in 2219 in G\u00F6teborg, Sweden (Who's Who in Star Trek, Vol. 1), he was a young genius often compared to Albert Einstein, Kazanga and Sitar of Vulcan. Years after his death, Daystrom would be considered equal to Noonien Soong. (DS9 novel: Lesser Evil) Daystrom was a descendant of Montcalm Daystrom, a personal assistant to Zefram Cochrane in the early 22nd century. (TNG novel: Federation) The degree to which this connection influenced the Daystrom family in general, and Richard Daystrom in particular, is a matter of speculation. In 2243, at the age of 24, Daystrom won the Nobel and Z-Magnees Prizes for the development of duotronics. Valley Forge-class (The Starfleet Museum: Museum History) and Constitution-class starships -- such as USS Enterprise -- were among the first craft on which such systems would be installed. During his Starfleet Academy years, Spock admired Dr. Daystrom and his work, to the point of covertly -- and illegally -- using a maintenance \"tryout\" mode in Earth's Public Transporter System to attend a rare seminar by Daystrom in Tokyo. (Expanding the Oecumene) A quarter-century after receiving accolades for his breakthrough in duotronics, Daystrom developed a system he called multitronics, a true \"artificial intelligence.\" He believed such a system would obviate the need for personnel, aside from a scientific research staff, aboard starships. The first four iterations of the multitronic system failed. With the fifth -- known as the M-5 multitronic unit -- Daystrom used his own engrams as the basis for the operating system (unbeknownst to Starfleet) An initial test run, with M-5 at the helm of Enterprise, resulted in the destruction of the freighter Woden. Later, during wargames involving five heavy cruisers -- Enterprise, Lexington, Excalibur, Hood, and Potemkin -- M-5 went beyond the parameters of its creator's intentions, resulting in the destruction of Excalibur and the deaths of hundreds of Starfleet officers. The system was taken offline and Daystrom, who had suffered a nervous breakdown, was sentenced to rehabilitation. (TOS: \"The Ultimate Computer\") Some years later, Daystrom's daughter Melinda was kidnapped by Klingons so that he would build a multitronic device with the engrams of a Klingon imprinted upon it. This system, M-6, was as flawed as its predecessor and crippled the IKV Karak. (Orion Press: The Daystrom Project) Some blueprints and technical manuals, such as Ships of the Star Fleet, refer to later Federation starships' mainframes as being \"multitronic\" but, given the track record of M-1 through M-5, these may have been advanced duotronic systems confusingly given the nomenclature of \"multitronic.\" Daystrom's later observations of Caligar technology, combined with his abandoned research into multitronics, were the basis of a forerunner to holodecks. (TOS novel: The Rift) A text written by Daystrom, Principles of Robotics, would be required reading for Starfleet Academy midshipmen for the course \"Introduction to Artificial Intelligence\" in the late 24th century. (Last Unicorn Games RPG: Starfleet Academy Handbook) The Daystrom Institute, a preeminent Federation research facility, was named after Richard Daystrom. (TNG: \"The Measure of a Man\", \"Booby Trap\", Star Trek: Excelsior novel: Forged in Fire)"@en . "Brillante cient\u00EDfico del siglo 23, inventor de los sistemas computronicos y la duotronicos. Naci\u00F3 en 2219. Recibe el prestigioso Premio Nobel en 2243 a la edad de 24 a\u00F1os por su trabajo de la duatronica que se volvi\u00F3 la base de las computadoras de las naves de la Federaci\u00F3n por alrededor de 80 a\u00F1os. Esta falla provoco que Daystrom se volviera loco pasando el resto de sus d\u00EDas en una instituci\u00F3n mental, bajo un riguroso tratamiento para tratar de curarlo."@es . . . . . "2268"^^ . . . . . "Richard Daystrom"@en . "Dr. Richard John Daystrom was a human scientist, specializing in cybernetics, active in at least the 23rd century. \"John\" is the given name in James Blish's adaptation of \"The Ultimate Computer\". (TOS novel: Star Trek 8) Though probably taken from an early draft of the script, this may also be his middle name. Born in 2219 in G\u00F6teborg, Sweden (Who's Who in Star Trek, Vol. 1), he was a young genius often compared to Albert Einstein, Kazanga and Sitar of Vulcan. Years after his death, Daystrom would be considered equal to Noonien Soong. (DS9 novel: Lesser Evil)"@en . . "thumb|Dr. Richard Daystrom (2268) Dr. Richard Daystrom ist einer der wichtigsten menschlichen Wissenschaftler im 23. Jahrhundert und wird im Jahre 2219 geboren. Er gilt bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten als Genie und steht auf einer Stufe mit Albert Einstein, Kazanga und Sitar von Vulkan. Daystrom erfindet 2243 das Computersystem Duotronik. F\u00FCr diese Erfindung erh\u00E4lt er mit nur 24 Jahren den Nobel- und Zee-Magnees-Preis. Da er diesen Durchbruch bereits in sehr jungen Jahren erzielt, wird sp\u00E4ter immer wieder gleiches von ihm erwartet, was ihn unter gro\u00DFen Druck setzt. Unter diesem Eindruck entwickelt er sp\u00E4ter die Multitronik, ein Computersystem, das erfolgreich k\u00FCnstliche Intelligenz entwickelt. W\u00E4hrend eines Tests auf der USS Enterprise im Jahre 2268 beginnt das M5-System aber, sich zu verselbstst\u00E4ndigen. In der Folge zerst\u00F6rt es zwei Raumschiffe und t\u00F6tet mehrere Personen. (TOS: ) Nach ihm ist das Daystrom-Institut, eine der wichtigsten Forschungseinrichtungen der F\u00F6deration im 24. Jahrhundert, benannt. Des Weiteren wird nach ihm der Daystrompreis benannt, einer der renomiertesten Forschungspreise des Alpha-Quadranten. Au\u00DFerdem gibt es in einer alternativen Zeitlinie im Sternenflottenhauptquatier einen nach ihm benannten Konferenzraum, in welchem u.a. Krisensitzungen der Admiralit\u00E4t stattfinden. (Star Trek Into Darkness) Richard Daystrom wurde von William Marshall gespielt und von G\u00FCnter Strack sowie J\u00FCrgen Mai (neue Szenen) synchronisiert."@de . . . . "thumb|Dr. Richard Daystrom (2268) Dr. Richard Daystrom ist einer der wichtigsten menschlichen Wissenschaftler im 23. Jahrhundert und wird im Jahre 2219 geboren. Er gilt bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten als Genie und steht auf einer Stufe mit Albert Einstein, Kazanga und Sitar von Vulkan. Daystrom erfindet 2243 das Computersystem Duotronik. F\u00FCr diese Erfindung erh\u00E4lt er mit nur 24 Jahren den Nobel- und Zee-Magnees-Preis. Richard Daystrom wurde von William Marshall gespielt und von G\u00FCnter Strack sowie J\u00FCrgen Mai (neue Szenen) synchronisiert."@de . . . "Doctor Richard Daystrom was one of the most influential Human scientists of the 23rd century. Born in 2219, Daystrom was considered a genius in his day, and was compared to such minds as Albert Einstein, Kazanga, and Sitar of Vulcan. He was the inventor of the comptronic and duotronic computer systems."@en . . . . "Doctor Richard Daystrom was one of the most influential Human scientists of the 23rd century. Born in 2219, Daystrom was considered a genius in his day, and was compared to such minds as Albert Einstein, Kazanga, and Sitar of Vulcan. He was the inventor of the comptronic and duotronic computer systems."@en . . . . "Committed to a rehabilitation facility"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Richard Daystrom"@es . . . . "Male"@en . . .