. . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@en . . "Still alive,"@en . . . . . . . "Zatopienie N\u00FAmenoru"@pl . . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n detto il Dorato fu il venticinquesimo e ultimo sovrano del regno di N\u00FAmenor. Sotto il suo dominio N\u00FAmenor raggiunse l'acme del proprio potere, ma al contempo ebbe inizio il suo declino."@it . . "Tall"@en . "3118"^^ . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@pl . . . . "Ancora vivo, in attesa della Dagor Dagorath"@it . "So, the Valar laid down their Guardianship of Arda and asked their master Iluvatar (Eru), to take matters into his own hands and rebalance the world. The One opened E\u00E4, swallowing N\u00FAmenor in a great cataclysm and entombing Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n and his entire fleet deep beneath the earth until the Changing of the World."@en . . . "2,10 m"@it . . "Spada"@it . "Re di N\u00FAmenor"@it . . "3255"^^ . "Kr\u00F3l N\u00FAmenoru"@pl . . . . "N\u00FAmenor"@it . . . "Kr\u00F3l N\u00FAmenoru"@pl . . . . . . . "Maschio"@it . "Tar-Mir\u00EDel"@it . "King of N\u00FAmenor, King of the Sea"@en . "Il Dorato, Tar-Calion"@it . . . . . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n Z\u0142oty (quen.Tar-Calion, DE 3118 \u2013 DE 3319) \u2013 Numenorejczyk, dwudziesty drugi i ostatni kr\u00F3l N\u00FAmenoru, oraz dwudziesty pi\u0105ty w\u0142adca wyspy. By\u0142 synem Gimilkh\u00E2da i wnukiem kr\u00F3la Ar-Gimilz\u00F4ra oraz bratankiem Tar-Palantira i kuzynem Tar-M\u00EDriel. Po \u015Bmierci swego ojca stan\u0105\u0142 na czele stronnictwa Ludzi Kr\u00F3la, i sta\u0142 w opozycji do swego stryja. Po \u015Bmierci Tar-Palantira w 3255 roku Drugiej Ery zmusi\u0142 swoj\u0105 kuzynk\u0119 do ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa z nim, po czym pozbawi\u0142 j\u0105 w\u0142adzy. Jego panowanie nad Numenorem by\u0142o jednym z najczarniejszych w historii ludzi, Ar-Pharazon ostatecznie odwr\u00F3ci\u0142 si\u0119 od Valar\u00F3w i zacz\u0105\u0142 czci\u0107 Morgotha. Ostatecznie, chc\u0105c zyska\u0107 nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015B\u0107, zaatakowa\u0142 Aman, co doprowadzi\u0142o do jego \u015Bmierci i Upadku N\u00FAmenoru."@pl . . . "thumb|Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n, Ad\u00FBna\u00EFsch: der Goldene (3118 - 3319 Zweites Zeitalter), in Quenya Tar-Calion, Sohn des Lichts war der 25. und letzte K\u00F6nig N\u00FAmenors."@de . . . . . . "N\u00FAmen\u00F3reans"@en . . . "Grigi"@it . "So, the Valar laid down their Guardianship of Arda and asked their master Iluvatar (Eru), to take matters into his own hands and rebalance the world. The One opened E\u00E4, swallowing N\u00FAmenor in a great cataclysm and entombing Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n and his entire fleet deep beneath the earth until the Changing of the World."@en . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n detto il Dorato fu il venticinquesimo e ultimo sovrano del regno di N\u00FAmenor. Sotto il suo dominio N\u00FAmenor raggiunse l'acme del proprio potere, ma al contempo ebbe inizio il suo declino."@it . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n, also known as Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n the Golden, was the twenty-fifth and last King of N\u00FAmenor. Of all the Kings of N\u00FAmenor, he wielded the most power, but used it most unwisely; his desire for more eternal life caused the destruction of N\u00FAmenor and the Change of the World."@en . . . . . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@it . . . "None,"@en . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@de . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n, also known as Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n the Golden, was the twenty-fifth and last King of N\u00FAmenor. Of all the Kings of N\u00FAmenor, he wielded the most power, but used it most unwisely; his desire for more eternal life caused the destruction of N\u00FAmenor and the Change of the World."@en . "Regno di N\u00FAmenor"@it . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n the Golden, also known as Tar-Calion, is one of the two main antagonists of the Akallab\u00EAth, part of The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n was the 25th and last King of N\u00FAmenor. He was an arrogant, conceited, manipulative, barbaric, greedy, and cruel man who wanted to rule the world. Under the corrupt influence of Sauron, Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n was convinced to assault Valinor, the land of the Valar, in order to gain immortality."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Tar-Calion, Z\u0142oty"@pl . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@it . . . . "Neri"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n"@en . . . "Nessuno. N\u00FAmenor cessa di esistere."@it . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n the Golden, also known as Tar-Calion, is one of the two main antagonists of the Akallab\u00EAth, part of The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n was the 25th and last King of N\u00FAmenor. He was an arrogant, conceited, manipulative, barbaric, greedy, and cruel man who wanted to rule the world. Under the corrupt influence of Sauron, Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n was convinced to assault Valinor, the land of the Valar, in order to gain immortality. Pharaz\u00F4n was born in the year 3118 of the Second Age. He was the son of Gimilkh\u00E2d, the younger brother of King Tar-Palantir. He was originally friends with Amandil, the last Lord of And\u00FAni\u00EB and leader of the Faithful - N\u00FAmen\u00F3reans who were still loyal to the Valar. Pharaz\u00F4n eventually departed for Middle-Earth. While in Middle-earth, he commanded the N\u00FAmen\u00F3rean armies. After the death of his father, Pharaz\u00F4n returned to N\u00FAmenor with great wealth, which he distributed among his people. When Tar-Palantir died in 3255, Pharaz\u00F4n forced the dead king's daughter Miriel to marry him, changing her name to Zimraphel, the Ad\u00FBnaic form of her name. This was against her will, and went against the laws of N\u00FAmenor prohibiting marriage between first cousins. He proceeded to usurp the throne and called himself King Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n. Soon after he became King, Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n heard of Sauron's assaults on N\u00FAmen\u00F3rean settlements in Middle-earth. The King's captains told him that Sauron wished to usurp the settlements and claim himself as King of Men. The furious King decided that he would call himself King of Men and take Sauron as his servant. After five years of preparation, Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n and his fleet sailed to the Havens of Umbar. They assaulted Mordor next, and Sauron's servants were enthralled by the might of the King. Sauron humbled himself before Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n, who decided that Sauron would be taken as hostage to N\u00FAmenor. When Sauron arrived in N\u00FAmenor, he became the advisor to Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n and used his power to corrupt the N\u00FAmen\u00F3reans. Sauron exploited the people's fear of the Valar and convinced them to worship Morgoth and denounce Eru Iluvatar. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n began to worship Morgoth, at first in secret, but then openly. Sauron even advised Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n to cut down Nimloth, the White Tree of N\u00FAmenor. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n was reluctant at first, fearing that the line of Kings would perish, as prophesized by Tar-Palantir. But he agreed and the tree would eventually be felled. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n learned that Isildur, the grandson of Amandil, had stolen a fruit from Nimloth. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n dismissed Amandil from his position. In Armenelos, the capital of N\u00FAmenor, the King and Sauron constructed a massive temple dedicated to the worship of Morgoth. An altar was built for sacrifice, and its first victim was Nimloth. The Faithful would be sacrificed en masse, and so would the Men of Middle-earth - in the hopes that Morgoth would release them from death. He also imposed capital punishment on those who dared to ascent the Meneltarma, which once was a holy mountain of N\u00FAmenor. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n had become the greatest tyrant since Morgoth, but he was still the pawn of Sauron. Eventually, Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n began to grow old, and feared death. He became desperate for a solution. Sauron came up with a plan: attack Valinor and gain everlasting life. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n agreed to this, and in 3310 he began to build the Great Armament. While this Armament was being constructed, the Valar sent warnings to the N\u00FAmen\u00F3reans. Thunderstorms and eagle-shaped clouds were sighted, and the ground began to quiver. But the King was not moved, and proclaimed that he would conquer Valinor. The Armament was completed in 3319. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n boarded his ship Alcarondas, clad in armor. They sailed at sundown, never again to be seen by mortal eyes. Upon seeing the great mountain of Taniquetil, the King contemplated retreat, but he decided to press on. The army of Men assaulted Tirion, where Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n proclaimed his desire of conquest. The Valar responded by calling on Eru for aid, and laying down their guard over Arda. Eru broke the world and made it round, making Valinor inaccessible to Men. Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n and his soldiers were killed by falling hills, where they would remain until the last days. N\u00FAmenor was sunk beneath the sea, killing all who did not flee and culminating in the death of the King's wife Zimraphel as she tried to ascend the Meneltarma."@en . . "thumb|Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n, Ad\u00FBna\u00EFsch: der Goldene (3118 - 3319 Zweites Zeitalter), in Quenya Tar-Calion, Sohn des Lichts war der 25. und letzte K\u00F6nig N\u00FAmenors."@de . "The Golden, Tar-Calion"@en . "Ar-Pharaz\u00F4n Z\u0142oty (quen.Tar-Calion, DE 3118 \u2013 DE 3319) \u2013 Numenorejczyk, dwudziesty drugi i ostatni kr\u00F3l N\u00FAmenoru, oraz dwudziesty pi\u0105ty w\u0142adca wyspy. By\u0142 synem Gimilkh\u00E2da i wnukiem kr\u00F3la Ar-Gimilz\u00F4ra oraz bratankiem Tar-Palantira i kuzynem Tar-M\u00EDriel. Po \u015Bmierci swego ojca stan\u0105\u0142 na czele stronnictwa Ludzi Kr\u00F3la, i sta\u0142 w opozycji do swego stryja. Po \u015Bmierci Tar-Palantira w 3255 roku Drugiej Ery zmusi\u0142 swoj\u0105 kuzynk\u0119 do ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa z nim, po czym pozbawi\u0142 j\u0105 w\u0142adzy. Jego panowanie nad Numenorem by\u0142o jednym z najczarniejszych w historii ludzi, Ar-Pharazon ostatecznie odwr\u00F3ci\u0142 si\u0119 od Valar\u00F3w i zacz\u0105\u0142 czci\u0107 Morgotha. Ostatecznie, chc\u0105c zyska\u0107 nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015B\u0107, zaatakowa\u0142 Aman, co doprowadzi\u0142o do jego \u015Bmierci i Upadku N\u00FAmenoru."@pl .