"\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC"@en . "Russell Velazquez"@en . . "736"^^ . "Chaser"@en . "250"^^ . . "Smoker le Chasseur Blanc est un officier de la Marine stationn\u00E9 \u00E0 la base du G-5. Il a d'abord \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme un colonel \u00E0 Loguetown, o\u00F9 il a fait sa mission pour capturer Monkey D. Luffy, et a, par la suite, \u00E9t\u00E9 promu au grade de commodore, en raison des \u00E9v\u00E9nements survenus \u00E0 Alabasta. Plus tard, lors de l'ellipse des deux ans, il est promu Vice-Amiral. En raison de ses actions contre Luffy \u00E0 Loguetown, Smoker peut \u00EAtre consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme le principal antagoniste de l'arc Loguetown."@fr . "1"^^ . . . "100"^^ . . . "3"^^ . "99"^^ . "5"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . "si"@es . . . "11"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . . . "m"@de . . "15"^^ . . . . . . "One Piece"@en . . . . "c99"@en . . . . "Smoker the White Hunter is a Marine officer stationed at the G-5 base. He was first introduced as a captain (\u5927\u4F50 Taisa?) in Loguetown, where he made it his mission to capture Luffy, and was later promoted to the rank of commodore (\u51C6\u5C06 Junsh\u014D?), due to the events in Alabasta. At some point during the timeskip, he was promoted to the rank of vice admiral (\u4E2D\u5C06 Ch\u016Bj\u014D?). Due to his actions against Luffy at Loguetown, Smoker can be considered as the main antagonist of Loguetown Arc."@en . "Uncommon"@en . "Smokerin mielipuuhaa oli ennen kasata kivi\u00E4 p\u00E4\u00E4llekk\u00E4in savuisessa huoneessa, mutta t\u00E4m\u00E4n harrasteen h\u00E4n on unohtanut jo kauan sitten."@en . . . . "Hobby"@en . . . "Ginzo Matsuo"@es . "Smoker is a tough Marine, who, when first introduced, was tasked with catching pirates that visited Loguetown before sailing for the Grand Line. After Luffy evades him (with some help), Smoker decides to leave Loguetown to pursue the Straw Hats. Unlike many other Marines in One Piece, Smoker does not follow the rule of Absolute Justice and follows his own brand of justice, which he later preaches t-o Tashigi. Smoker's view on justice also allows the Straw Hats to remain free even being pirates during the Alabasta arc, warning Luffy that as a Marine, next time, he will have to try and capture him. He doesn't care for those who make too much noise around him, claiming that it disrupts his pace. He ate the Smoke-Smoke/Plume-Plume Fruit (Moku Moku no Mi), a Logia-type allowing him to turn into"@en . . "\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC"@es . "Smoker le Chasseur Blanc est un officier de la Marine stationn\u00E9 \u00E0 la base du G-5. Il a d'abord \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9 comme un colonel \u00E0 Loguetown, o\u00F9 il a fait sa mission pour capturer Monkey D. Luffy, et a, par la suite, \u00E9t\u00E9 promu au grade de commodore, en raison des \u00E9v\u00E9nements survenus \u00E0 Alabasta. Plus tard, lors de l'ellipse des deux ans, il est promu Vice-Amiral. En raison de ses actions contre Luffy \u00E0 Loguetown, Smoker peut \u00EAtre consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme le principal antagoniste de l'arc Loguetown."@fr . . . "\u30E2\u30AF\u30E2\u30AF\u306E\u5B9F"@es . . "F0F8FF"@fr . "36"^^ . "Weapons"@en . "Vice Admiral; Commodore ; Captain"@en . . . . . . "c652"@en . "Birthdate- October 19 Age- 43 (deceased) Gender- Male Affiliation- Smoke Village"@en . "--03-14"^^ . "662"^^ . "Smoker dopo.png"@it . "Fruit Fumig\u00E8ne"@fr . . . "660"^^ . "661"^^ . . "658"^^ . "Vizeadmiral"@de . . "655"^^ . "Chapter 97; Episode 48"@en . "652"^^ . "Smoker ist ein Marineoffizier, der im Eastblue stationiert war und daf\u00FCr sorgte, dass kein neuer Pirat von dort auf die Grandline kam \u2013 bis er auf Luffy und seine Piratenbande traf."@de . "653"^^ . . . . "212"^^ . "Ginz\u014D Matsuo ;"@en . . . . . "Smoker"@en . "Marina"@it . . "pre-timeskip promotion"@en . "698"^^ . . "Zieht \u00DCberlebende mit seiner Zunge zu sich"@de . . "699"^^ . "1.1360736E9"^^ . "Smoker The White Hunter, White Chase Smoker, Chaser, Smokey"@en . "2"^^ . "594"^^ . "65"^^ . "#F0F8FF"@fr . "\"Smoke Hunter\""@en . "Smoke-Smoke Fruit ; Plume-Plume Fruit ; Steam-Steam Fruit"@en . . "salto temporal"@es . "684"^^ . . "685"^^ . . "Smoker"@in . . . "677"^^ . "678"^^ . . . "War"@en . "228"^^ . . . "Nanashaku jitte , his devil fruit powers"@en . "673"^^ . . . . . "Smoker \u00E8 un viceammiraglio della Marina stanziato alla base G-5."@it . . "Smoker \"Pemburu Putih\" (\u767D\u731F\u306E\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC Hakury\u014D no Sum\u014Dk\u0101) adalah seorang perwira tinggi Angkatan Laut. Karakternya pertama kali diperkenalkan sebagai kapten Angkatan Laut di Loguetown. Ia termasuk karakter utama dalam cerita One Piece dan salah satu karakter yang sering muncul sepanjang seri. Setelah gagal menangkap Monkey D. Luffy dan kru topi jerami di Loguetown, ia terus mengikuti keberadaan kru topi jerami dan berambisi menangkap mereka. Kini ia dipromosikan menjadi laksamana madya dan bermarkas di G-5 Dunia Baru."@in . . . "2"^^ . "690"^^ . . . . "Greg Dulcie"@es . "Paul J. Pistore"@en . . . . "Non-Giftable"@en . . "Tongue Guy, Smoking One, Tonguer"@de . "Scottie Ray"@es . . . . "Smoker (\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC Sum\u014Dk\u0101?), m\u00E1s conocido por su sobrenombre: el Cazador Blanco (\u767D\u731F Hakury\u014D?), es un marine que actualmente ostenta el cargo de Vicealmirante. \u00C9l trabaja junto con su mano derecha la capitana Tashigi en la Base G-5 en el Nuevo Mundo. Es amigo de la capitana Hina. Es el antagonista principal en el Arco de Loguetown. Aparece dos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s como Vicealmirante, siguiendo los movimientos de Luffy."@es . "655"^^ . . . . "Smoker the White Hunter is a Marine officer stationed at the G-5 base. He was first introduced as a captain (\u5927\u4F50 Taisa?) in Loguetown, where he made it his mission to capture Luffy, and was later promoted to the rank of commodore (\u51C6\u5C06 Junsh\u014D?), due to the events in Alabasta. At some point during the timeskip, he was promoted to the rank of vice admiral (\u4E2D\u5C06 Ch\u016Bj\u014D?). Due to his actions against Luffy at Loguetown, Smoker can be considered as the main antagonist of Loguetown Arc."@en . "660"^^ . . "662"^^ . . . "Smoker is a marine officer in the One Piece series. He is often assisted and accompanied by his subordinate, Tashigi. Years before the story, he joined the World Government marines around the same time as Hina. He was stationed in Loguetown, the town where Gol D. Roger was born and executed. Smoker was feared by some of the town's civilian population, but he cared deeply for them. Just as Buggy was preparing to publicly execute Luffy, he planned for the pirates to exhaust themselves, and then capture Luffy. But Sanji and Zoro arrived to help Luffy escape. As they escaped, Smoker tried to stop them. However, a man named Dragon made a gust of wind to allow Luffy's dash to freedom. From that point on, Smoker would pursue Luffy wherever he was going. One of the few times he let Luffy escape was in Alabasta, albeit willingly. At Marineford, during the Summit War, Smoker tried to fight and end Luffy's life, only to be bested by Boa Hancock. When Sengoku was in the final stages of his plans, Smoker retreated. Smoker would later become a ice admiral during the timeskip."@en . . . . "Joseph Murray ;"@en . "Birthdate- October 19 Age- 43 (deceased) Gender- Male Affiliation- Smoke Village"@en . "52"^^ . "53"^^ . "Mahito \u014Cba"@en . . "670"^^ . . "Doflamingo retreats with Buffalo and Baby 5 back to Dressrosa."@en . "Sound of billowing smoke"@en . "Smoker \"Pemburu Putih\" (\u767D\u731F\u306E\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC Hakury\u014D no Sum\u014Dk\u0101) adalah seorang perwira tinggi Angkatan Laut. Karakternya pertama kali diperkenalkan sebagai kapten Angkatan Laut di Loguetown. Ia termasuk karakter utama dalam cerita One Piece dan salah satu karakter yang sering muncul sepanjang seri. Setelah gagal menangkap Monkey D. Luffy dan kru topi jerami di Loguetown, ia terus mengikuti keberadaan kru topi jerami dan berambisi menangkap mereka. Kini ia dipromosikan menjadi laksamana madya dan bermarkas di G-5 Dunia Baru."@in . . . . . "Smoker vs. Law"@en . . "Raucher"@de . "\u767D\u731F"@de . . . . . . . "1.0729584E9"^^ . "Smoker (\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC Sum\u014Dk\u0101?), m\u00E1s conocido por su sobrenombre: el Cazador Blanco (\u767D\u731F Hakury\u014D?), es un marine que actualmente ostenta el cargo de Vicealmirante. \u00C9l trabaja junto con su mano derecha la capitana Tashigi en la Base G-5 en el Nuevo Mundo. Es amigo de la capitana Hina. Es el antagonista principal en el Arco de Loguetown. Smoker abandon\u00F3 su puesto original como Capit\u00E1n (\u5927\u4F50 Taisa?) en la Base Naval de Loguetown para poder seguir por el mar los movimientos de los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja; y debido a los hechos que acontecieron en Alabasta fue elevado al cargo de Comodoro (\u51C6\u5C06 Junsh\u014D?). M\u00E1s adelante luch\u00F3 en el bando de la Marine durante la \"Guerra de Marineford\", donde casi logra su prop\u00F3sito de atrapar al Sombrero de Paja. Tras el fin de la guerra y la desaparici\u00F3n de Monkey D. Luffy, Smoker se consolida como uno de los pocos que no da por muerto al pirata. Pide entonces el traslado a la base del G-5, en el Nuevo Mundo, esperando as\u00ED poder tener un mayor control de los futuros movimientos de los piratas m\u00E1s peligrosos, en especial los de los de Sombrero de Paja. Aparece dos a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s como Vicealmirante, siguiendo los movimientos de Luffy."@es . "793"^^ . . . "MarinesColores"@es . . . . . . "Smoker ist ein Marineoffizier, der im Eastblue stationiert war und daf\u00FCr sorgte, dass kein neuer Pirat von dort auf die Grandline kam \u2013 bis er auf Luffy und seine Piratenbande traf."@de . . . . . . . . "message"@en . . "Smoker is an ocean going tug who is acts like a true sailor. He's rough and tough. He's had many adventures out of the open sea. He's traveled the world. He's traveled to places like the France and even all the way to Japan. He's strong and brave. Tugs claim that he isn't afraid of anything. He's a tug who is idolized by many poeple throughout all of Sinnoh. He is revered as the greatest tug in all of Sinnoh. The reason he's called Smoker isn't because he likes the smell of smoke or that he does smoke.As Ten Cents puts it,\"it's because he puts out more smoke then any tugboat in the entire world. Smoker is brave, honest, tough, strong, smart, loyal, thoughtful, and has a heart of gold. He is one of the greatest tugs I have ever met,and I would be happy if he were in our fleet.\""@en . "Smoker notes Luffy-Crocodile"@en . . "__NOWYSIWYG__ Smoker is one of the 5 components needed to complete the building process of the beehive. You need 10 Smoker items to complete a beehive. Either Smoker or Beeswax will be available for gifting at a time, and cycle every couple of days. Can also be aquired form the market for 1 Farmcash. You can ask for them in your Bee Hive or your Gift Box."@en . . "#0000FF"@es . "127"^^ . . . . "MarinesColors"@en . "321"^^ . "#2A52BE"@es . "Marina"@it . "--03-14"^^ . "572"^^ . . "573"^^ . . . "c698"@en . "Sum\u014Dk\u0101"@es . "Goals"@en . . . "\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC"@fr . "The Smoker is one of the antagonists of the Left 4 Dead franchise. He is one of the Special Infected, and is named a Smoker because of his occasional smoking. He has the ability to use his long tongue for catching Survivors."@en . . . . . "* Giovanni Battezzato;\n* Diego Sabre ;\n* Marco Pagani"@it . . . . . "Smoker"@en . . "603"^^ . . "Pedro Tena"@es . "604"^^ . . . "schwarz"@de . "Smoker the White Hunter is a recurring antagonist that appears in the series One Piece. He is was a Marine Officer that was then promoted to a Vice Admiral after the timeskip. Smoker also served as the main antagonist of the Loguetown Arc."@en . "\"White Chase Smoker\" ;"@en . . . "Sumoka"@it . "599"^^ . "596"^^ . "Occupation"@en . "586"^^ . "587"^^ . "Mahito \u014Cba"@es . "585"^^ . . "97"^^ . "588"^^ . "Smoker"@fr . . . "Origin"@en . "579"^^ . "A Smoker or Copper Cloud is a Misting who can burn copper. a person buring copper gives off an invisible \"cloud\" that protects Allomancers inside it from the senses of a Seeker. While within this \"cloud\", Allomancers can burn any metal they wish and not be seen. While burning copper, the Smoker is also immune to other forms of allomance, such as Soothing and Rioting."@en . "582"^^ . "EniesSmoker"@en . . "c793"@en . . . "Smoker ,"@en . . . . "793"^^ . "Smoker"@fr . . . "624"^^ . . "625"^^ . "Marine Officer, Vice-Admiral Marine of the G5 Unit"@en . . . "Fist"@en . . "616"^^ . . "Zerquetschen mit der Zunge, Klauen, emittieren einer Rauchwolke wenn es get\u00F6tet wird."@de . . "610"^^ . "611"^^ . . "Smokerin mielipuuhaa oli ennen kasata kivi\u00E4 p\u00E4\u00E4llekk\u00E4in savuisessa huoneessa, mutta t\u00E4m\u00E4n harrasteen h\u00E4n on unohtanut jo kauan sitten."@en . . . "F0F8FF"@fr . . "Masculino"@es . "Smoker"@de . . . "Smoker nach dem Wiederauftauchen der Mugiwara-Piratenbande in der Shin Sekai."@de . . . . "--03-14"^^ . . . . "World Government Marines"@en . . "14"^^ . . "Jedoch sind diese schnell befreit wenn man auf seine Zunge schie\u00DFt. T\u00F6tet man den Smoker explodiert er in einer dichten Rauchwolke, die f\u00FCr einige sekunden starken Husten ausl\u00F6st, aber auch die Sicht auf dahinter liegende Feinde versperrt. Kategorie:Infizierte (Left 4 Dead) Kategorie:Infizierte (Left 4 Dead 2)"@de . . . "\"Moku\" signifie le son que fait la fum\u00E9e."@fr . . "F0F8FF"@en . "2011-08-31"^^ . . . . "Full Name"@en . . "To Capture Monkey D. Luffy at All Costs, To Serve The Marines"@en . . . "A Smoker or Copper Cloud is a Misting who can burn copper. a person buring copper gives off an invisible \"cloud\" that protects Allomancers inside it from the senses of a Seeker. While within this \"cloud\", Allomancers can burn any metal they wish and not be seen. While burning copper, the Smoker is also immune to other forms of allomance, such as Soothing and Rioting."@en . . "Smoker \u00E8 un viceammiraglio della Marina stanziato alla base G-5."@it . . . . . . . . . . . "wei\u00DF"@de . . . "A smoker was a conical underwater volcano built up by powerful vents in a planet's crust. Smokers spewed out superheated gases into the ocean, causing large pockets of seawater to flash instantly into steam. Cold ocean water typically cooled the lava pouring out of smokers much more quickly than land volcanoes, and as a result, smokers typically built up large spires on the ocean floor. Because of the heat smokers provided, they were often havens of varied sea life which included Shellfish, Tubeworms, and bioluminescent flora. Smokers were a feature most notable on the planet Muunilinst, where smokers spewed forth lava from deep within the planet composed of precious metals and built up gigantic \"vault-spires\" of gold, silver, and platinum. As such smokers served as financial vaults for the most powerful and prosperous Muuns of Muunilinst. The island of Aborah, which served as the province of the Damask clan through several generations, was one of the more distant smokers."@en . . "Smoker&Aokiji"@en . . . "Smoker is a marine officer in the One Piece series. He is often assisted and accompanied by his subordinate, Tashigi. Years before the story, he joined the World Government marines around the same time as Hina. He was stationed in Loguetown, the town where Gol D. Roger was born and executed. Smoker was feared by some of the town's civilian population, but he cared deeply for them. Just as Buggy was preparing to publicly execute Luffy, he planned for the pirates to exhaust themselves, and then capture Luffy. But Sanji and Zoro arrived to help Luffy escape. As they escaped, Smoker tried to stop them. However, a man named Dragon made a gust of wind to allow Luffy's dash to freedom. From that point on, Smoker would pursue Luffy wherever he was going."@en . "421"^^ . . "Smoker"@en . . . . "Capturing Pirates, Fighting"@en . . "466"^^ . "18"^^ . . "Smoker the White Hunter is a recurring antagonist that appears in the series One Piece. He is was a Marine Officer that was then promoted to a Vice Admiral after the timeskip. Smoker also served as the main antagonist of the Loguetown Arc."@en . "468"^^ . . "* Smoker vs. Luffy = Humiliation de Luffy mais interrompue par Monkey D. Dragon\n* Smoker vs. Baggy et Alvida = Victoire\n* Smoker vs. Luffy = Interrompue par Portgas D. Ace\n* Smoker vs. Ace = Egalit\u00E9\n* Smoker vs. Luffy en Gear second = Victoire \n* Marine et Grands Corsaires vs. Barbe Blanche et ses alli\u00E9s = Victoire\n* Smoker vs. Trafalgar Law = D\u00E9faite \n* Smoker, Tashigi et Marines du G-5 vs. Centaures et Satyres = Victoire\n* Smoker dans le corps de Tashigi vs. C\u00E9sar Clown = D\u00E9faite\n* Smoker vs. Vergo = D\u00E9faite\n* Smoker vs. Doflamingo = D\u00E9faite"@fr . . "The Smoker is one of the antagonists of the Left 4 Dead franchise. He is one of the Special Infected, and is named a Smoker because of his occasional smoking. He has the ability to use his long tongue for catching Survivors."@en . "Marine"@es . . . "Knowledge"@en . . . "Sum\u014Dk\u0101"@fr . . . . . "Smoker is an ocean going tug who is acts like a true sailor. He's rough and tough. He's had many adventures out of the open sea. He's traveled the world. He's traveled to places like the France and even all the way to Japan. He's strong and brave. Tugs claim that he isn't afraid of anything. He's a tug who is idolized by many poeple throughout all of Sinnoh. He is revered as the greatest tug in all of Sinnoh. The reason he's called Smoker isn't because he likes the smell of smoke or that he does smoke.As Ten Cents puts it,\"it's because he puts out more smoke then any tugboat in the entire world. Smoker is brave, honest, tough, strong, smart, loyal, thoughtful, and has a heart of gold. He is one of the greatest tugs I have ever met,and I would be happy if he were in our fleet.\""@en . "* Ginzo Matsuo ;\n* Mahito \u014Cba"@it . "511"^^ . . . . . . . "Jedoch sind diese schnell befreit wenn man auf seine Zunge schie\u00DFt. T\u00F6tet man den Smoker explodiert er in einer dichten Rauchwolke, die f\u00FCr einige sekunden starken Husten ausl\u00F6st, aber auch die Sicht auf dahinter liegende Feinde versperrt. Kategorie:Infizierte (Left 4 Dead) Kategorie:Infizierte (Left 4 Dead 2)"@de . . . . "439"^^ . . . "Devil Fruit powers, Haki, Jitte With Sea Stone,"@en . "#2A52BE"@fr . . . "c100"@en . "Humo"@es . "A smoker was a conical underwater volcano built up by powerful vents in a planet's crust. Smokers spewed out superheated gases into the ocean, causing large pockets of seawater to flash instantly into steam. Cold ocean water typically cooled the lava pouring out of smokers much more quickly than land volcanoes, and as a result, smokers typically built up large spires on the ocean floor. Because of the heat smokers provided, they were often havens of varied sea life which included Shellfish, Tubeworms, and bioluminescent flora."@en . . . . . "Smoker2.png"@en . . . "Marines; G-5 Unit 01; Loguetown Marine Base"@en . "Sum\u014Dk\u0101"@en . . "Marine"@es . . . . "594"^^ . . "Powers / Skills"@en . "Smoker is a tough Marine, who, when first introduced, was tasked with catching pirates that visited Loguetown before sailing for the Grand Line. After Luffy evades him (with some help), Smoker decides to leave Loguetown to pursue the Straw Hats. Unlike many other Marines in One Piece, Smoker does not follow the rule of Absolute Justice and follows his own brand of justice, which he later preaches t-o Tashigi. Smoker's view on justice also allows the Straw Hats to remain free even being pirates during the Alabasta arc, warning Luffy that as a Marine, next time, he will have to try and capture him. He doesn't care for those who make too much noise around him, claiming that it disrupts his pace. He ate the Smoke-Smoke/Plume-Plume Fruit (Moku Moku no Mi), a Logia-type allowing him to turn into smoke. Despite his stern, businesslike manner, Smoker is a good man with a soft side. In Loguetown, when a little girl bumped into him and dropped her ice cream on his trousers, he takes it in good heart, even giving her money to buy a new cone with more ice cream. He also shows respect and even protective kindness to his subordinate, Tashigi, as well as letting Luffy go after Zoro was ordered to save Smoker from drowning. During the time skip, he achieved the rank of Vice-Admiral, two ranks above his previous position of Commodore, and is still Tashigi's superior as he runs G-5's Unit 01."@en . . . . . "Sum\u014Dk\u0101"@de . "Plume-Plume Fruit"@en . . . "290"^^ . "#F0F8FF"@es . "Remorseful Hero, Anti Villain, Lawful Good"@en . . "Elbow"@en . . . . . . . . . "\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC"@it . . "Wei\u00DFer J\u00E4ger"@de . . "__NOWYSIWYG__ Smoker is one of the 5 components needed to complete the building process of the beehive. You need 10 Smoker items to complete a beehive. Either Smoker or Beeswax will be available for gifting at a time, and cycle every couple of days. Can also be aquired form the market for 1 Farmcash. You can ask for them in your Bee Hive or your Gift Box."@en . "Smoker"@it . . . . "34"^^ . "c793"@es . ";"@en . . . . . . "Anti-Villain"@en . "timeskip"@en . . . "Smoker"@fr . . "Type of Hero"@en . . "Smoker.png"@de . "Smoker"@es . "Hakury\u014D"@de . . . . . . . "\u30B9\u30E2\u30FC\u30AB\u30FC"@de . . "Viceammiraglio"@it . . "524"^^ . . . "\"Smoker \u00E0 la Fum\u00E9e Blanche\", \"Smoker le Chasseur Blanc\" , \"Le Chien Sauvage de la Marine\""@fr . "Juan Carlos Tinoco"@es . . . . . . "324"^^ . "36"^^ . . . . . . . "34"^^ . "Smoker"@de . "14"^^ . . "Smoker nach dem Wiederauftauchen der Mugiwara-Piratenbande in der Shin Sekai.jpg"@de . . . "M"@it . "Rifle"@en . . . "736"^^ . . "Originally"@en . "36"^^ . "559"^^ . "Alias"@en . "557"^^ . "16"^^ . . . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . "34"^^ . "1927-03-14"^^ . . "19"^^ .