. "Male"@en . "The Den, Horde"@en . . "Lord S\u00E1ntern \"Metallic\" DeFace"@en . "Undead"@en . "Archon of the Den of the Haemonculi"@en . "The long dead noble Lord DeFace has once been a wealthy man of influence and power. This influence aided him in surviving the Undead Plague, but when the Forsaken have started retaking the land in their own name, he gave up on his ambitions to have his own land. Hired Necromancers of Scholomance prepared a ritual to turn him into an undead, but before the notorious scourgelings could bind his will to the Lich King, he had them murdered by his hirelings. Remnants of his personality remained, amongst them boundless malice, no sense of real morality and the ambitions to become a Lord once more. Sacrificing one bodyguard, merc and family member after another to unknown entities hinted to be trusted by the Forsaken, he became the focus of demonic beings he soon bound to his own will, eradicating their entire personality to be mere puppets to use. Leading by example and a steel grip, he assumed positions of Arch Priest, Grand Champion or Warlord, he explored most aspects of the New Horde's administration, making contacts, acquintances and business partners where ever he could. A temporary disappearance followed his short reign over the covert branch of the Apothecary, the Den of the Haemonculi, months before the Scourge Invasion even occurred. His official explanation was to test the necrodermis his collegues designed into an armor he wore. He reappeared after the catastrophic battle of the Wrath Gate in Northrend, weak in soul and body in the Plaguelands, only to be taken by wandering Ghouls to Acherus. The seething corruption entombed Lord DeFace into his armor, the once mechanical parts infused with necromatic energies, molding into a brutal, spiked battlearmor protecting a hollow set of bones below the neck, stripped clean of flesh by the menacing, blighted insects that surround the interior of the armor. Once he and the rest of the Ebon Blade had been broken free of Arthas' grasp by Tirion, he had immediately begun training, getting used to his newfound powers and skills. Reorganising the now devastated Apothecarium under his leadership, The Den of the Haemonculi rose up once more as the leading unit of research and covert operations within the Undercity, not answering to anyone, only providing some results to officials."@en . "Death Knight"@en . . "Den of the Haemonculi"@en . "The long dead noble Lord DeFace has once been a wealthy man of influence and power. This influence aided him in surviving the Undead Plague, but when the Forsaken have started retaking the land in their own name, he gave up on his ambitions to have his own land."@en . . . . .