"Ikiken Nazo"@en . "Like other Ikiken clan members, Nazo is a shape-shifter. Thus he has the ability to rearrange the molecules of his body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that he chooses. This allows him him to imitate the appearance of anyone. His gaze has been described as hypnotic, as witnessed he does actually possess certain hypnotic abilities, the limits of which are unknown. His physiology allows him to extract oxygen from water; his physique to enables him to withstand the extreme water pressure changes that occur beneath the sea, blood circulation enabling them to withstand freezing temperatures, and specially developed vision which was more sensitive to the green portion of the spectrum enabling him to see in the murky depths. Nazo's eyes are capable of seeing with perfect clarity, even in the near-total darkness of the ocean floor. He is also able to hear and smell under the water as well as humans with honed senses do on land. His enhanced sense of smell allows him to detect subtle changes in scents around him enabling him to detect the approach of others and increasing his ability to operate in darkness. With his broad auditory range, he can perceive tones outside the range of the human ear as well as subtle sounds caused by vibrations on the ground. His hyper sensitive hands allow him to identify objects before touching them with impressions of his fingers. His bodily hair is capable of detecting changes in air pressure around him, if he concentrates. Nazo's Ikiken blood serve as the basis of his powers and his victories against several meta-human foes. He also has a partial immunity to poisons of sea creatures, such as jellyfish toxin. It is his physiology that almost always grants him the upper hand during hand-to-hand combat matches, it is his extremely dense flesh that grants him superior durability and above peak human level of strength. The tissues of Nazo's body are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of normal human beings. While exact range of his strength remains unknown, he is stated to be over twice stronger than humans in peak physical condition. Also, Nazo's musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a human being. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him. His endurance and resilience border on low-level superhuman degree. He was born with enhanced mental performance, allowing his mind to process information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude. He has mastered various languages, weapon skills and customs with ease. Nazo's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are at levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of a normal human being without enhancement. Like most of his clan members, Nazo has a life span that is three times longer than a human from earth. When his father was 100 years old he appeared as if he were in his mid-30's. Which in all probability means, he should age at an decelerated age as well. Despite being an Ikiken, the blood-line has been described to be more of a \"curse\" than a \"gift\". This maybe either because of the fact that, Ikiken abilities are not God-like and has clear limits, or maybe because of the fact that an Ikiken has very clear limits. The Ikiken Clan members are born with senses that border almost on superhuman levels. While they are taught how to control it, their senses can be still disrupted by strong smells, sonic attacks, etc. Also, when enraged, the Ikiken trade their intelligence for greater strength and stamina, which in turn causes them to go \"berserk\" and destroy everything in their pathway, even their own clan members. The Ikiken Clan members only have a little training with genjutsu, as such, they the current generation is only capable of casting and countering basic genjutsu. Making them somewhat vulnerable against strong genjutsu based techniques."@en . "--07-25"^^ . "185.0"^^ . "Clan Leader"@en . "21"^^ . "AB+"@en . "Heir to Clan Leader"@en . "Shinobi, Ninja"@en . "None"@en . . . "Metal Claw"@en . . . "Shinobi"@en . "Shuriken"@en . "Nazo Ikiken"@en . "\u610F\u6C17\u5263\u8B0E"@en . . "Makibishi"@en . "13"^^ . "205.0"^^ . "Like other Ikiken clan members, Nazo is a shape-shifter. Thus he has the ability to rearrange the molecules of his body at will into any form, shape or being perceived that he chooses. This allows him him to imitate the appearance of anyone. His gaze has been described as hypnotic, as witnessed he does actually possess certain hypnotic abilities, the limits of which are unknown."@en . "Male"@en . . "Hunter"@en . . "Nazo Ikiken"@en . . "Summoning Technique"@en . "True Berserker"@en . . "Wire Strings"@en .