. . . . . . . "Lux is the ultimate White Magic spell. It was placed in the Great Tree Roots by Queen Arbor as a seal to imprison the demon, Belphegor. Years later Torte came to Arbor searching for Lux and opened the chest holding it; in the process, Torte broke the seal that trapped Belphegor and set him free. After the Heroes of Light defeat Belphegor, Queen Arbor gives them the Lux spell."@en . . . . "Lux (ability)"@en . . . . . . "Lux is the ultimate White Magic spell. It was placed in the Great Tree Roots by Queen Arbor as a seal to imprison the demon, Belphegor. Years later Torte came to Arbor searching for Lux and opened the chest holding it; in the process, Torte broke the seal that trapped Belphegor and set him free. After the Heroes of Light defeat Belphegor, Queen Arbor gives them the Lux spell. Lux can be given to any character by having the Lux Tome in their inventory. When the spell is used, it raises everyone's max HP by around 1.5 times their original amount, casts Regen and all the ability and AP regenerate strengthening buffs on the the entire party. The ability normally costs 5 AP to use, but this lowers down to 4 AP when used by a character with the White Mage crown."@en . . . . .