. "Harry Sin Tierra"@es . . . "Harry Strickland"@es . . . "Vivo"@es . "Harry Paisselande"@es . "Harry Strickland"@de . . . "Lord of Harrenhal"@en . . . . . . . . "Generalhauptmann"@de . . "Capit\u00E1n General de la Compa\u00F1\u00EDa Dorada"@es . . "Harry Strickland"@en . . . . . "Harry Strickland \u00A9Oznerol"@de . . . "Commander of the Golden Company"@en . "Harry_strickland_oznerol.png"@de . "left|40px Harry Strickland right|40px"@es . . . "Harry Strickland"@de . "Lady Bracken"@en . "Harry Strickland was the last commander of the Golden Company before Aegon VI Targaryen's victory in the Second War of Conquest. For his assistance during the war Harry was rewarded the Lordship of Harrenhal and was gifted a spot on Aegon VI Targaryen's small council. Harry would be seen as a thorn in Aegon's side for much of his rule, and his actions leading up to his death in 332 AC was the primary driving force behind the War of the Lords Scorned."@en . . "Harry_Strickland_by_The_Mico\u00A9.jpg"@es . . . . . "The Scorned Lord"@en . . "Harry Strickland"@es . "Harry Strickland, genannt der Heimatlose Harry Strickland (engl.: Homeless Harry Strickland) ist der Generalhauptmann der Goldenen Kompanie. Sein Knappe hei\u00DFt Watkyn."@de . . "332"^^ . . "250"^^ . . . "Harry Strickland was the last commander of the Golden Company before Aegon VI Targaryen's victory in the Second War of Conquest. For his assistance during the war Harry was rewarded the Lordship of Harrenhal and was gifted a spot on Aegon VI Targaryen's small council. Harry would be seen as a thorn in Aegon's side for much of his rule, and his actions leading up to his death in 332 AC was the primary driving force behind the War of the Lords Scorned."@en . . . "Harry Strickland, genannt der Heimatlose Harry Strickland (engl.: Homeless Harry Strickland) ist der Generalhauptmann der Goldenen Kompanie. Sein Knappe hei\u00DFt Watkyn."@de . "Harry Strickland"@es . "Harry Strickland"@en . "Goldene_Kompanie.png"@de . "Heimatloser Harry Strickland"@de . "Lord of Harrenhal"@en . . .