. . . "L'Atalante est une maison d'\u00E9ditions de SFFF et de policier. Sa collection sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9e dans la SF et la fantasy se nomme La dentelle du cygne, o\u00F9 sont publi\u00E9es les Annales du Disque-monde entre autres, et qui fut d'abord nomm\u00E9e la Biblioth\u00E8que de l'\u00C9vasion. Cat\u00E9gorie:Auteurs"@fr . "L'Atalante est une maison d'\u00E9ditions de SFFF et de policier. Sa collection sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9e dans la SF et la fantasy se nomme La dentelle du cygne, o\u00F9 sont publi\u00E9es les Annales du Disque-monde entre autres, et qui fut d'abord nomm\u00E9e la Biblioth\u00E8que de l'\u00C9vasion. Cat\u00E9gorie:Auteurs"@fr . . . "L'Atalante"@en . . . "L'Atalante"@fr . . . . "L'Atalante is a 1934 French romance/drama film directed by Jean Vigo. It is regularly hailed by critics as one of the greatest films of all time. Quite beautiful in its simplicity; L'Atalante tells the story of Jean (Jean Dast\u00E9), captain of the canal delivery barge L'Atalante, and his newlywedded wife, Juliette (Dita Parlo). Jean, like Ratty from The Wind in the Willows, craves the river. Juliette, on the other hand, is a City Mouse who longs for excitement. As the two embark on their honeymoon - a cruise up the river - along with a cabin boy and the strange old second mate Pere Jules (Michel Simon), Juliette gets progressively more bored. She and Jean go head to head with each other as well when Jean catches her in Jules' quarters and flies into a jealous rage. When the barge arrives in P"@en . . . . . . . . "L'Atalante is a 1934 French romance/drama film directed by Jean Vigo. It is regularly hailed by critics as one of the greatest films of all time. Quite beautiful in its simplicity; L'Atalante tells the story of Jean (Jean Dast\u00E9), captain of the canal delivery barge L'Atalante, and his newlywedded wife, Juliette (Dita Parlo). Jean, like Ratty from The Wind in the Willows, craves the river. Juliette, on the other hand, is a City Mouse who longs for excitement. As the two embark on their honeymoon - a cruise up the river - along with a cabin boy and the strange old second mate Pere Jules (Michel Simon), Juliette gets progressively more bored. She and Jean go head to head with each other as well when Jean catches her in Jules' quarters and flies into a jealous rage. When the barge arrives in Paris, Juliette disembarks for some fun. Jean, believing she has run away, casts off in a rage. Quickly, however, he regrets this, and sends Jules to go and find her, whereupon they are reunited in one of the sweetest movie endings of all time. The film was Vigo's fourth and final; his life was tragically cut short at the age of 29. But his legacy lives on in the French New Wave, of which this is a prominent predecessor. Director Jim Jarmusch said that this was his favorite film. \n* City Mouse: Juliette. \n* Crazy Cat Man: Jules. \n* Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: The ending. Juliette comes down below deck, sees Jean; at first just give him a nonchalant glance and places her bag down, but then breaks into a grin and leaps into his arms, whereupon they roll around on the floor kissing. \n* Executive Meddling: due to the poor success of Vigo's previous movie, Zero de conduite, l'Atalante was cut and renamed le Chaland qui passe. \n* Gay Paree \n* Man Child: Jules. \n* The Masochism Tango / Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Some of the oldest and most famous examples."@en . . . . . . .